Early Period caused by exercise? ? for the ladies



  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    Yup..very normal. Happened to me last month after an increase in exercise. I asked a doctor about it and she said it was common.
  • emshair
    emshair Posts: 20 Member
    I'm the same, I've recently started exercising again and it has started the spotting and stuff on, infact that's one of the reasons I stopped exercising quite along time ago, (I exercised for years for 20 mins per day) Once my period starts properly and I carry on exercising the period will last for 2-3 weeks, after the first week it calms right down but its a pain, I have pcos and I have been checked out so I guess have to live with it.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Just did a search because I had the same problem. Seven days early, and I've been exercising for two weeks (from nothing to two miles a day). What a crappy reward for exercising! :)
  • helloonikki
    helloonikki Posts: 9 Member
    I'm on the microgynon pill and I've been absolutely fine with it for over a year now and I've just come my period with 7 pills left to take for this month. About 2weeks ago I began doing more exercise, I'm doing Insanity and some Jillian Michaels workouts, I just hope it is this recent exercise that has caused it to come early and not something more serious.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have noticed since working out almost every day, I have also gotten my period early. It is also lighter and lasts 3/4 days now too :D
  • CharlieBook
    CharlieBook Posts: 32 Member
    Mine has always been irregular, but my current period has lasted 2 weeks :grumble: :grumble: could it be the change in diet and increased exercise? :huh:
  • ag_fisher
    My period was always regular- 28 days, on a Tuesday, starting in the morning. On the pill, too. I started going to the gym at the end of April. Within 1-2 months, my period came on Sunday. Kinda freaked me out. Did a pregnancy test before some x-rays- not preggers. The next few months, it seemed to flip-flop between normal and Sunday. I now go to the gym 6 days a week. This morning, 6 days before I'm supposed to start, I started very lightly.

    It's good to know I'm not the only one.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    This happened to me last month! And I'm on the pill, which is really strange.

    But, I had been training hard leading up to the Tough Mudder and then I ran the Tough Mudder and my period came a whole week early and, since I'm on the pill, ended up lasting almost two weeks until the new pack started.
  • candycane1971
    candycane1971 Posts: 2 Member
    I got mine February 24 to February 29 I think . I started Jillian michaels and 5 couch on March 3
    Today I was in the kitchen and felt wet for lack of a better term and checked and ther is blood freaked me right out . I don't know if it is my period as I hasn't done anything yet but I'm sitting down . I wonder if it because of excersise?? Never heard that one . Also I started honey and bovine gear in hot water as well
  • donlou33
    donlou33 Posts: 20
    I've found (through trying to conceive and therefore being 100% aware of my cycle) that the effects of beginning to exercise/ramping up exercise up/putting too much strain on the body can result in early or late periods.
    The second part of the cycle - The Luteal Phase (from ovulation to bleeding start) is usually the same for every woman every month.... i.e - if it's normally 13/14 days for you and you have no other problems then it will rarely change. Mine is always 14 days but the day on which I ovulate can be day 10, 11 or 12 giving me 24,25 or 26 day cycles.
    If you do any of the above exercise, leading upto or around the time of ovulation then it can affect when your period will arrive as you can make it early or delay it.
    This is common and classed as normal, it can also happen through shock and stress.
    If you have missing periods or problems with cycle changes while on the pill then you really should see a Dr.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    This happens to me. I started working out a month and a half ago or so. Last month my period came a week and a half early. This month I must be "back on schedule" or close to because I'm a week later than last month (normal time) and I should have soon, unless something else messes up LOL (not pregnant)
  • donlou33
    donlou33 Posts: 20
    It should go back to normal MissAnjy, your body will have accepted the new stress now :)
  • kittylove35
    kittylove35 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on the pill for years. I am very good at taking my pill at the same time. I recently changed my diet and starting exercising. I am very regular. I know when I will get my period. I got my period two weeks early. I guess it is more like spotting. It comes and goes now for a week. My normal is scheduled in four days. Any advice would help.
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    Exercise does affect cycles for some. Mine has finally gotten regular and now that I have started lifting, it's shorter and lighter than it used to be. It happens.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    OK, I know this is an old thread, but I'm very glad to see it.

    Exercise triggers my periods to start.

    I'm a long distance cyclist, and and I can expect my periods to start in the middle or toward the end of a long ride, no matter where I am in my cycle.

    I saw several medical professionals about it who ran tests ... and then told me that most women have trouble with their periods stopping when they exercise and they couldn't understand why mine would start. I never got any answers.

    The closest thing to an answer was a guess that perhaps that amount of exercise might do something to my hormone levels.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Change in diet, activity, weight, medications can affect your hormones an thus your cycle.

    If you are concerned now, see your doctor. If you're just curious you could track it for a couple of months and then talk about it with your doctor.

    You need to make the assessment of whether you need review (or how soon) yourself. If this is very unusual for you then talking to the doc may put your mind at ease.

    Personally, I would expect 5 days to be within the realm of normal fluctuation, but I am just another woman on the Internet.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Yeah. It can come early, late, and just get screwy from diet and exercise. I've only had 2 periods since July.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    lizery wrote: »
    Change in diet, activity, weight, medications can affect your hormones an thus your cycle.

    If you are concerned now, see your doctor. If you're just curious you could track it for a couple of months and then talk about it with your doctor.

    You need to make the assessment of whether you need review (or how soon) yourself. If this is very unusual for you then talking to the doc may put your mind at ease.

    Personally, I would expect 5 days to be within the realm of normal fluctuation, but I am just another woman on the Internet.

    I used to get 2 periods a month if I had a long ride mid-cycle. I'd still get my normal ones every 28 days, but if I did a ride at, say the 14 day point ... there it was, an extra one!

    My Drs tested my iron levels regularly during the summers because I was having so many periods ... but fortunately, I guess, my iron levels were always slightly high.

    The situation kind of eased up for a few years, but when I went into perimenopause, even rides as short as 100 miles can trigger it now.

  • darbunk
    darbunk Posts: 26 Member
    MelKut wrote: »
    I also had a question... since January my period has been irregular and extremely light. First it was just spotting, then about two weeks early and spotting, then it was about a week late and not even spotting, I just saw a tiny bit of blood when wiping a few times. I can't be pregnant :embarassed: and I don't really know why its happening. I HAVE picked up short HIIT workouts and been training for a half-marathon, but my body is pretty used to intense workouts so idk...
    MelKut wrote: »
    I also had a question... since January my period has been irregular and extremely light. First it was just spotting, then about two weeks early and spotting, then it was about a week late and not even spotting, I just saw a tiny bit of blood when wiping a few times. I can't be pregnant :embarassed: and I don't really know why its happening. I HAVE picked up short HIIT workouts and been training for a half-marathon, but my body is pretty used to intense workouts so idk...
    MelKut wrote: »
    I also had a question... since January my period has been irregular and extremely light. First it was just spotting, then about two weeks early and spotting, then it was about a week late and not even spotting, I just saw a tiny bit of blood when wiping a few times. I can't be pregnant :embarassed: and I don't really know why its happening. I HAVE picked up short HIIT workouts and been training for a half-marathon, but my body is pretty used to intense workouts so idk...
    MelKut wrote: »
    I also had a question... since January my period has been irregular and extremely light. First it was just spotting, then about two weeks early and spotting, then it was about a week late and not even spotting, I just saw a tiny bit of blood when wiping a few times. I can't be pregnant :embarassed: and I don't really know why its happening. I HAVE picked up short HIIT workouts and been training for a half-marathon, but my body is pretty used to intense workouts so idk...

  • darbunk
    darbunk Posts: 26 Member
    Oips tried to post earlier but mucled that up! Lol

    In any case, I talked with my doc after spotting and having light periods for a couple months. She said it's normal to go in either direction due to hormone fluctuations resulting from your body's reaction to weightloss and exercise.