

  • Well, to be fair, I have not had the blessing of having children yet - but hope to soon (which is part of the reason why I was motivated to get fit in the first place) I can imagine after having kids the mission must be more difficult, so I think you've definitely made a greater achievement than I have done...and most…
  • Thank you! ...and your dress in your profile pic looks great too! ;-)
  • People will say you "look fine", but do we really just want to "look fine" and pass up the looking the best we can? I look fine at 150, I am actually lucky (or maybe not so) that my family genes "holds weight well" but it wasn't the BEST me. The last 15 is tough! I went from a good loss to about one pound per week, but…
  • Thank you!....And you WILL reach your goal!
  • Thank you everyone for all your support! It wasn't easy - I think the absoloute #1 thing is to stay DEDICATED, MOTIVATED and CONSISTENT - anything is possible for you in time with this! But I think that Big 10 pound difference has a lot to do with adding lean body mass while losing fat. My three main activities: 1. Good…
  • Thanks sister! I got it, lol. Also, man the difference is totally visible! Sistahs are doing it for themselves! lol.
  • I've experienced this as well! I think it is a reaction of self-reflection of what they would like to be doing themselves and have not yet started or are not doing, and as a result, the negativity portion comes from some guilt/jealousy, but also their perception that you are "judging" them for not exercising like you or…
  • Hi! I've been using my Polar FT7 for about a week and absoloutely love it! It is worth the $20 difference compared to the Polar FT4. I've tried it with circuit training (Jillian shred/ripped & firm express) as well as cardio, running, elliptical etc and I would say its fairly accurrate. With the circuit training it has…
  • I love P90X as well! My husband and I did it together last year and I ended up with good results while he ended up with AWESOME results. He not only lost 40lbs but got some really defined abs. You have to be committed though - the workouts are a little more than an hour to an hour and half long so you have to clear some…
  • I have tried both ways and I believe macronutrients do matter. Every individual's body is different, but I had slow progress with calories in/out. I don't do low carb - it is much more like high-protein and/or must be equal to or more than my carbs at the end of the day as well as my carbs have to be predominently complex.…
  • Holy Smokrels! You go sweetie! You are a wonderful inspiration.
  • Ibetancourt - with you and Kimberlygo I think I'm convinced to change my goal! I'm really looking to lose BF% rather than weight, so I think 125 will be my stopping point, everyone's make-up is different, but if you are exploring to go lower and look/feel good, then it could be a possibility for me as well. ;-)
  • Kimberlygo - thanks so much! exactly what I was looking for. Congratulations on your achievement! I hope to be there one day, yes, I think I would be more toned at 125, then at 130 - I'm sure it will take a while longer to get there. :-) Go dreamgurl! I couldn't even imagine being in a size 4 jean! lol. I have always been…
  • Thank you! I will try this variation immediately! I am always looking for healthy alternatives to long time favorites. Cauliflower is also good as a variation on Alfredo Sauce (w/o the cheese or cream). Thanks again!