Calories in calories out vs low carb

So I recently found my new love for Jillian Michaels (ew), doing her eat healthy and exercise simple. BUT either way which method is better guys ?!


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    So I recently found my new love for Jillian Michaels (ew), doing her eat healthy and exercise simple. BUT either way which method is better guys ?!

    They are not mutually exclusive. You will need to be in a deficit regardless. Whether or not you choose to do low carb is up to you. I personally don't do it but some have great success with it.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Calories in calories out is the bottom line. Low carb is just another way that helps some people to lose weight. But, it all depends on the particular person. I have to eat low processed carb, but I can eat complex carbs with no problem. But, I have a friend who can eat tons of processed foods and has no issues. So, it depends on your body. Nobody can tell you what is right (except maybe your doctor) for your body.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Some people prefer to think about losing weight in terms of "lifestyle change." Personally, I know I can't be low carb for life so I'm not going to go there - to lose weight. I want to maintain my weight loss for life and low carb won't help me accomplish that.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    So I recently found my new love for Jillian Michaels (ew), doing her eat healthy and exercise simple. BUT either way which method is better guys ?!

    They are not mutually exclusive. You will need to be in a deficit regardless. Whether or not you choose to do low carb is up to you. I personally don't do it but some have great success with it.

    I agree. Choose an eating plan you can stick with as a lifestyle change. Can you imagine yourself eating low carb forever (long term)?

    Personally, I love carbs and I can eat up to 300 grams on my heavy workout days....
  • Not mutually exclusive - I agree.


    Too many carbs in proportion to protein tends to increase fat deposits around the middle (waist/abdomen), when the Calories are above your daily intake needs.


    I use the tracking in MFP to see what they recommend for Calories, Fat, Carbs, and Protein.
    Then I try to eat less than the allotment for Carbs, except I always try to include more fiber than they recommend. (My doctor recommends 30-40 grams of fiber/day.)

    As far as Calories, I usually don't eat back my exercise Calories, unless my net is extremely low and I need the energy.

    I usually eat more than the allotment for Protein, in order to help build more lean tissue (muscle).

    I drink LOTS of water.

    Hope this helps some. Good luck.


    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • gbl4
    gbl4 Posts: 16
    I have tried both ways and I believe macronutrients do matter. Every individual's body is different, but I had slow progress with calories in/out. I don't do low carb - it is much more like high-protein and/or must be equal to or more than my carbs at the end of the day as well as my carbs have to be predominently complex. So:

    Protein > or = Carbs
    Complex Carbs > Simple Carbs (sugar, processed etc)

    I have had wonderful results with the above and it is something I can keep up for life with some planning, but little effort. :-)

    Good luck!
  • xalligator
    xalligator Posts: 33 Member
    A lot of times following low carb will help maintain a calorie deficit simply because eating more fat/protein will leave you satisfied for longer and less likely to binge. Some days I don't even realize I've eaten at a deficit.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm definitely one for whom it matters. I have difficulty losing weight just counting calories and staying at a deficit. I have to keep carbs relatively low (under 100 grams) to lose weight effectively. I've mostly just cut out sugar and am staying away from "white carbs" like pasta, rice, potatoes, white bread, etc.

    I'll have no difficulties eating like this for the rest of my life because I can still have the occasional treat and easily maintain that carb total. Since I'm already so close to my goal, I can also go "off plan" for the weekend and get right back on it on Monday with little damage.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I don't do much exercise at all outside of daily normal activities. I do some walks at the park with my son or if we go to a fair or a festival and walk around. I will play in the pool with my son, but I don't swim. I don't get on any cardio machines or do any weight lifting.

    The calories my body is burning must be strictly from the fact that I eat less of them than my body needs to maintain. And I do eat low carb.
  • I agree with Xalligator and SueInAz
    I also tend to have to eat lower Carbs, not sure if it is because Im a type O blood type. But my body definitely reacts better to Fat/Protein than to higher Carbs. I have recently found that other people who loose weight pretty easy, is not so for me. It never has been. 20 of yo yo almost made me give up forever. But I am now 70+ pounds lighter and have found low carb helps me maintain. And if I need to loose a few pounds I gain because of just not paying attention, or having a Great Weekend that included eating what everyone else eats.. the Atkins Fat Fast helps me to get my weight back down again very quickly.
  • leenites
    leenites Posts: 166 Member
    I tried low carbs for a week (90g/day) and it drove me NUTSSSSS.
    I have decided to do 40/30/30 (C/P/F) to just have a balanced diet instead. It is a lifestyle change that I can keep up FOR LIFE that I am concerned about, not a quick fix of 10lbs weight loss.

    So ya, I rather maintain my sanity, eat healthy complex-carbs and be happy. =D Weight loss/maintenance will come naturally if I just workout and eat at a calorie deficit anyway. My mental health is too important for me to sacrifice just to quickly lose some weight. :D

    Of course, to one his/her own and I have tremendous respect for those who cut out carbs completely or to an extreme level.