

  • :laugh: That is great, thank you for posting it for us all to see.
  • Just focus on the fact that you are working hard to get to the weight you will be comfortable in a bathing suit, that should keep your confidence up, and also 7lbs is awesome and you are doing the hard but healthy way and that should make you feel great. Congratulations on your 7lbs. Way to go.:happy:
  • That sounds wonderful, thanks
  • I have found an amazing multi-vitamin that contains all of your antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and has natural energy. They are Life's Fortune Vitamins. I get mine at the local healtfood type of store but, you can go and find out where you can get them in your area. I used to take…
  • It is really based on your goals, I have a scale that I use just about every morning. I know that sounds a bit obsessive but, I only weigh daily so I can get a good start to my day. If I am up a pound or so I add about 10 minutes to my walk. If down a little I pat myself on the back for what I have accomplished. I do only…
    in scale?!? Comment by MrsTot7 April 2008
  • Have you tried this yet? It sounds wonderful.
  • :bigsmile: Kraft 2% sharp cheddar cheese sticks, have one almost everyday 90 cals, and its CHEESE.:love:
  • :sad: Yes, it does happen to me too. I think it has to do with hte fact that our bodies are not suposed to be subjected to most of those things and when we are doing so good and not giving into temptation and then all of a sudden we load it sown with preservatives and fat or over processed stuff our body is trying to…
  • :smile: Yeah, it has been the same for me. I started with a smaller goal and as the weight comes off, it makes it easier to change your goal by 5 or 10 pounds. As I got down into the "healthy" weight area I felt more accomplished and it made it feel really good to move my goal down closer to the middle of the "healthy"…