ErinSarah12 Member


  • If your doc diagnosed you underactive, did they offer you any meds to compensate? If not, or if you prefer to go a less-medicated route, I use a product called Thyrosol which does the trick for me!
  • I recently did a 220km bike ride (The Ride to Conquer Cancer) with basically no training because I had a knee injury for the two months prior to the ride. VERY DUMB MOVE :laugh: Having NO experience doing long distance rides, I learned this: 1. Put sunscreen on your knees/tops of your quads/whereever the sun is smiling…
  • I didn't gain weight when I did P90x (actually, I only got through the first month because I hated working out in my tiny living room :laugh: ) but I did put on muscle weight doing Body For Life. After once cycle (9 weeks) I had put on four pounds of muscle, and four centimetres around my shoulders :grumble: That was not…
  • I like the yoga DVD from P90x, although it's long, I saw really great results through my thighs and butt after doing it just once a week for about six weeks :happy:
  • I've found that too. Some sites say I should be eating 2000 to lose a pound a week, and this one says 1300! I also have a friend who went to see a nutritionist who has her eating 3000 calories a day (!) and she's losing weight. For myself, I find 1300 a little low most days, but I don't worry TOO much about hitting it…
  • Good for you for sticking to your guns! It can be extremely difficult when your partner is not making the same lifestyle change that you are. My DH is very healthy, but he eats to gain weight (well, muscle mass) while I eat to lose! Often, it's more about not liking change (especially in our partners!) rather than not…
  • I'm in Edmonton! :smile:
  • I'm in the same boat. I had been training 4-5 per week over the winter, and bumped my training into high gear back in March (I was working out 6 days a week, about four days of which were twice a day). Don't do that :smile: I ended up with an overtraining injury (diagnosed as patellar tendinitis) that has had me unable to…
  • I have that problem! I've tried several different diet plans over the past few years, and what works best for me is limiting carbs and sugars. I still eat both, but I try and get my sugars from whole fruit and my carbs from "non-delicious carbs" :laugh: like veggies. I find that if I stay under my carbs and sugar, I'm…
  • I love this site: It lets you filter by your dietary needs/concerns (low carb, dairy-free, no migraine triggers, etc...). My favourite low-carb recipe is Healthy Shepherd's Pie. I swear, it's just as good as the regular stuff!…
    in FOOD Comment by ErinSarah12 March 2010
  • I love roasting asparagus in the oven with a bit of lemon and olive oil. Or, I put it in low carb shepherd's pie! Yum!
  • I feel your pain! I have a sartorial muscle tear (which is a fancy way of saying my knee really hurts!!!) so I can't run, bike or swim (so my triathlon training is going really well :bigsmile: ) I am doing a couple of things to avoid stressing it. 1. Yoga. It's just awesome. It's amazing how much you sweat doing what seems…
  • I just picked up Jillian Michaels' dvd " Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism" and it's really good :)
  • I found that yoga did wonders for my thighs. If you don't want to pay for studio classes, the P90x Yoga is pretty good!
  • It's great! You feel so cleansed after. It is expensive, but most yoga studios offer an unlimited week trial for about $20. A great way to spend a week yoga-ing!