Underactive Thyroid

pinchingo Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Diagnosed with an underactive thyroid but is suppose to be stable, work out 3 times a week and keep within my calories everday but still putting on the weight. Any help???


  • ErinSarah12
    ErinSarah12 Posts: 16 Member
    If your doc diagnosed you underactive, did they offer you any meds to compensate? If not, or if you prefer to go a less-medicated route, I use a product called Thyrosol which does the trick for me!

  • tlovette
    tlovette Posts: 3 Member
    I also was just diagnosed with underactive thyroid! I have been struggling with the same 6 pounds for 6 months. The doctor started me on a medication and I go back this week to see if it has made a difference. He told me that I should feel more energy but have been doing this for 3 weeks and still fee the same. I know that they have to do a lot of adjusting before it is figured out.
  • Good Morning ladies, I have no thyroid since having surgery in 2007. Since that time I have gained approximately 65 lbs which I am still working hard to get off. I am going to try and help you all, I take some vitamins from a company call www.wellnessresources.com
    I also take armour thyroid and levoxyl. Your problem may not need as much medicine as I do but you can try the vitamins and also a company called Nutrimeds.com, they offer natural thyroid products.

    Continue to go to the doctor and have your levels checked, it is a long process to get the dosage of medicine correct, in the meantime, continue to exercise and eat right. The weight will come off, s looowly but it will.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid about 6 years ago. Did your doctor put you on medication? Unfortunately, that is the only way to control your thyroid gland. It can take up to three months for medication to get into your system and for your hormones to get under control. (Providing you have the right dosage) It can be frustrating!

    Also, if you aren't losing weight, you may not be working out enough or intensly as your body needs.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Diagnosed with an underactive thyroid but is suppose to be stable, work out 3 times a week and keep within my calories everday but still putting on the weight. Any help???

    I'm in the exact same boat, I found out over a week ago. And my dr is tied up till next week, so I'm waiting to findout what she wants to do about it. I have done some searches on google for foods that help and ones to avoid, think i found some good info but some is contradictory. Last time I posted for help with the issue I got a bunch of; "your not working out enough" and "you have to much sodium"... I know I'm not perfect, but my sodium is actually low most days and I do a lot of running around that doesn't get logged (my job) and when I log a 9 or 10 min mile running for 14-15 min... I just did 1.5 mil in high altitude, usually after 20-45 min of calisthenics.

    Sorry for the rant, but I'm frustrated.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I totally understand. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 10 years ago and I take synthroid 0.1 mg

    Here are my stats for last week:
    682 minutes of exercise
    tracked and stayed within my calories - eating clean
    exceeded 8 glasses of water every day

    Weight - Gained 2 lbs

    It is very frustrating.

  • I totally understand, did loads of exercise last week, took all my medication, eating within my calorie allowance and still put on 5 1/2 pounds so disheartening!!
  • I totally understand, did loads of exercise last week, took all my medication, eating within my calorie allowance and still put on 5 1/2 pounds so disheartening!!
  • I feel your pain, u will have to get your meds and start on them. I started a good 2 years energy slightly up and mood a lot better but otherwise can't see any difference in any of the other symptoms. Is a real pain!!
  • ME02134
    ME02134 Posts: 26
    This is the perfect place for me. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 5 months ago. I have gained about 10 lbs this year and cannot get it off. I eat about 1300 cals, drink tons of water and workout 5 days a week vigorously. It's so frustrating to continue to gain weight. I am trying to find motivation though because I don't want to give up. (I cant imagine where I'd be if I wasnt working out at all!) I read online they're coming out with a cookbook in November specifically for thyroids so I guess we'll have to see if it actually works. Does anyone have any positive feedback on a certain diet that has worked? I am not much for dieting. I normally just try to make good choices with fruits, veggies ect. when I do eat and cook but if it comes down to something that works I'm willing to give it a shot.
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