fluffychicken7 Member


  • WTG! I started zumba about 5 years ago? I use to run on the treadmill but lacked the discipline to stick to it, that and I am also an asthmatic. I tried my first class then and I was hooked. Fast forward to today, I still do it, albeit I teach it more often then I take it myself. I still struggle with my weight but now I…
  • Indeed. I have a hard time with the videos and video games too. There's so much zumba out there depending on where you live. Some at studios and some at gyms and some at prices that won't break the bank. Live is a lot more fun I think but if you're doing it regardless of dance floor or keypad, its all good from there. :)
  • Don't be afraid to make a mistake. It's all part of the learning process and after three of four goes at a particular song, you will start to remember it and then you have more enjoyment humming along with the song. I personally find as an instructor that if we make it fun and easy for them, they will always come back. And…
  • My personal take on this is that it under-records the values. Case in point, zumba, which isn't on the list of activities here, you can record it as aerobic dance and log it as roughly 450 kcal burns on here for 55 mins, but if you go to calorieburnedhq.com it can be up to 200 kcal more adding on weight and intensity. I…
  • Personally, I find logging every little morsel a bit OCD, but to each his own. There is a lot of things I don't log, like the 3/4 mile I walk to the subway and back everyday because we are meant to move. Or the leisurely 3 to 6 miles long walks I like to take for fresh air on a nice spring afternoon, that I do not count as…
  • Nicole, briefly looking over your profile pics, you look amazing girl! There is no reason for you to ever feel low about anything. Try not to concentrate on what you see on the scale and focus on other improvements you see that wasn't there a month or two ago. You are stronger, faster more limber than you were a few months…
  • Hang in there Jenna, you won't be on this adventure alone! Now more important, the Blades or the Owls? :P
  • If you take away nothing else from these boards, THIS.
  • I'm not really understanding your torso description but everything shrinks over time and you need to be patient with it. There may be skin elasticity issues as you go even closes to most desired weight (noticed I didn't say BMI), and should that happen, it may take some cosmetic surgery for that, but then donate to burn…
  • If you ever taken a airplane flight, they always say that should there be a drastic change in cabin pressure, air masks will be released from their compartments. They also instruct you to place on your mask on first before helping your child with theirs. I totally understand a parents willingness to die for their children.…
  • Heart disease kills 600,000 people in the United States per year. I'm not sure where all this calculating in majority of people, micro/macro/fiber thing comes in. It wasn't a loaded question. I do not understand what you are trying to say?
  • so does this mean this board advocate "unclean eating" then?
  • Yes, I agree. I am not impoverished but I might as well be living here in New York City. I can cook my own breakfast lunch and dinner here for $10 a day. But I can only get one MacDonald's value meal for $7. And if there is some kind of savings here, then I'm missing it terribly.
  • With all do respect, and please understand I am not snarking you in any way, but why do people keep saying this on MFP? A calorie, is a calorie is a calorie and the like? I've only been on here a few days and it repeats itself like a very bad mantra. Unclean food won't make you get weight, yes, I understand the arithmetic…
  • for the win.
  • Sometimes its fear that keeps people from trying. Someone dear in my life is morbid obese and her family are comfortable. She was thin as a kid but something must have changed growing up and its not that she doesn't come from a loving family. My cousin and I both tried to help her, but her response was 'but I like to eat…
  • An interesting side note is that the UN NGO sends peanut based foods to the poorest nations and there's no peanut allergies either
  • Never had this problem as a kid. don't like the offerings, my siblings will have seconds. No child abuse its life. lol
  • I grew up poor but I grew up eating fresh vegetables and meats. I also live off of public transportation like most of my peers so I agree with if there is a will, there is a way. I go to Costco with a camping backpack. its 3 miles round trip, but I'm okay with that. I walk a lot! :-)
  • I grew up in the I/C of New York City, and I always knew where to go for what and which mom and pop shops had the best prices. So to answer your question is yes. of course gentrification has since made it harder but you still can if you work out it. there's also urban gardens which I love cause come harvest, the food goes…
  • when I was in Morroco, I was surprised by how much cheaper it was to eat healthy than to eat fast food. this was during the Arab spring when morrocans were peacefully demonstrating against there king. I came back thinking well maybe there is a correlation but not really, it just take more effort to eat healthy here and…
  • Ninerbuff. Fair enough, I do understand the mathematics of it, but as a fellow health professional, wouldn't you say there are more to body wellness that what number shows up on the scale?
  • I did 9 zumba classes in 5 days. And I took the whole Sunday off.
  • Despite what have already been said, all calories are not created equally and if they were, many of us would not be here. This equation neglects to take into account how highly processed carbohydrates effects our body chemistry, spikes insulin levels and causing us to retain fat. I can recommend a good book for you to read…
  • Without singing to the chorus, I think your nurse totally missed the point. There are other benefits to lifting such as increased metabolic rate while at rest and you don't need to lift 10 times your weight to do it. I'd done it before and I did not lift heavy. I say give it a try and come back in 6 months to tell me I'm…
  • bynsky, don't be hating on the Asian brother. He's not that bad. lol
  • Dude, don't be hating on Journey as they are an awesome band! Also, I think you got it out of context I believe the saying goes, better health is a journey, not a destination. -- now everybody, let's join hands and sing, don't stop believin' hold on to the feelin'. (or not, don't really care.) Peace out.
  • " I'll have to look into that, because sometimes I log my workouts, see the calorie result, cry BS and cut it in half. I'm sorry, a one hour boxing work out is not 700 calories. " [/quote] I box for an hour every day and my HRM reads between 850-950 each class. I am 5'4, 173, and female. It is definitely possible. [/quote]…