ukulelist Member


  • Thanks for the feedback! I've done some long single-day rides (not much more than 100 miles at a time) but I've never done anything like this that went on multiple days. I'm sure it's exhausting... but then again so are other things that pregnant women do safely (such as having a toddler at the same time... haha) so I…
  • Yeah I do them... I've never had any trouble or people staring or anything. One time when I was in a random gym a stranger (guy) came up to me after I'd finished my sets and said that after he saw me doing them he was curious and gave it a try, but he found them difficult and painful even with just the bar... so I gave him…
  • I have this thing! It is totally fun! Also I can do a 5k on it in like... 10:47 if I'm doing the math right, probably faster because the time I'm calculating from is from an 8.2 mile time trial (in 28:33) and I could sprint faster if it were just a 5k. Meanwhile I'd be elated if I could run a 5k in under half an hour. I…
  • Thanks everyone, your advice is very helpful :)
  • I should have picked a spellable handle! That should be ukulelist with two u's :)
  • Looks-wise I get all smitten by tall dark-haired guys with manly man beards and nice abs :blushing: But for staying attracted to someone past the first 30 seconds, it's all about them being a total smarty pants with a sense of humor. That and having the right pheremones or whatever it is that makes 'em smell right.
  • The other videos are on the same channel, so I'll just link 'em for her :) SezxyStef squats @ 135, back view: (the one you've seen) SezxyStef squats @ 135, side view: SezxyStef OHP: SezxyStef DL:
  • (Assuming you're talking to me) -- Hmm, you are seeing that the bar is forward of my midfoot at the bottom of my squat? I have trouble seeing that when I pause the video there, e.g. at :15 or :19 in the last video ( ) it looks to me like the bar is directly above my foot. I can try putting my…
  • I've been trying practicing with a box that looked in the mirror like my legs were about parallel if I fully sat on it (but tried to barely graze it during the squat itself). Here's a set I was doing with the box: and then I would move the box aside and try to get approximately the same depth by…
  • Oh thanks! ---I didn't realize the difference between high bar and low bar until now (I was just doing "put the bar where it doesn't ouch your back" squats) but that makes sense. I kind of thought the lower the better, but the guys telling me this were probably high bar squatters. Cool thanks. I've had trouble…
  • Hi--- I would love to get some input on my squat form! The first time I recorded myself, a few months ago, there were obvious problems even I could see (not going deep enough to be parallel, serious back rounding) but this time I'm not sure what to think about my form so thought I'd check with the experts.…
  • Thanks for posting this! Replying so my friends see it :) This was all right on---the free weights room is intimidating at first, but I, too, have always found the guys there to be supportive to the extent they're not focused on their own workout (but it's mostly the latter). And the occasional time you do get a compliment…
  • I decided not to log when I had a bad cold this week, because I didn't want to set up any self-defeating incentives like skimping on carbs if my body needs easy energy to get better. I think it's best to eat as you feel like when sick. It would take more than a few days of over- or undereating to cause significant…
  • In 2014 I will: 1. Stop injuring myself so dang much. 2. Get more sleep. 3. Finally do a pull up! This is gonna be the year! 4. Be able to run a half marathon by Q2. But see #1. 5. Do a century bike ride again, but train for it this time and don't injure myself for once. (See #1) 6. Double the weight on all my favorite…
  • Maybe Zumba fanatics do not go to focus groups? I will confess to being a treacherous cardio crossover junkie and asking if we can get more of the hawt new spin bikes, but that was not unanimous the way the squat rack was :) I think the modal nerd runs and lifts, and you don't need any gym equipment to run.
  • In support of the original post: I work at a software company, and we have a gym at work (which is awesome). A bit ago they invited people to come to a focus group about how to improve the fitness classes and facilities so I went of course, there were probably about 8 of us there, about even mix of gender, all geeks…
  • I could not figure that out either! Sleep! Smart. .... also clearly why I don't have a sixpack right now.
  • There's an old folk adage, "feed a cold, starve a fever", which there's probably some kernel of truth to. When I have a bad cold I usually eat as much as I'm hungry for---it's actually taking your body a bunch of energy to fight off the cold, so trying to diet strictly during a cold might make it take longer to recover.…
  • Thanks ^_^ I'm glad it helped a few brave souls who read to the end of the thread! After posting I realized she's the co-author of a book with Contreras "Strong Curves" basically about butt exercises (which I then ordered! Hah), so in retrospect hopefully if anyone is going to have good form on the hip thrust it would be…
  • OK I realize this will probably get lost because it's after 13 pages of gifs and whatnot, but for the 1% of the audience who read this far: Let's say you read the first page of this thread and watched some Contreras videos and were like Cool! I'm gonna go to the gym and try this sweet glute exercise! And then you get to…
  • I want to second the recommendation someone made briefly in this thread about Spin classes if there's some near you (it's like guided indoor cycling). With a good teacher, it's one of the least boring, most fun motivating cardio workouts I've ever had indoors. Try a few teachers to find one whose style is motivational to…
  • best game ever. :heart:
  • Click outside date picker should function as cancel rather than accept. When in diary view, clicking on the date opens a date picker. If I click outside the date picker instead of on the "Done" button to dismiss the date picker dialog, I would expect it to cancel the operation. Actual effect is that it switches to whatever…
  • Feature request: quick navigate to current day in diary. The web interface has a reasonably intuitive way of navigating back to the current day's diary if, say, you're browsing past diary entries (click on calendar icon, today's date is in yellow). It's not *incredibly* discoverable, but it is convenient once you figure it…
  • Other people's diaries display on mobile using my custom meal labels instead of their labels. I don't think this is a regression (I think I remember seeing this in the pre-beta version) but it's weird. I have custom labels for my meals (which by the way is one of my favorite features!). On the web client, other people's…
  • in Allons-y! Comment by ukulelist May 2013