OscarZelaya Member


  • I've been a vegetarian for about 7 years. I'm trying to go vegan but it's been really hard to give up on the cheese. I've also been an unhealthy vegetarian but I have been trying to fix that recently.
  • Good for you! You just reminded me that I have to get myself screened. I don't feel too unhealthy but I have never seen my numbers. Keep up the good work!
  • I've been trying to find ways to cope with stress and what has worked wonders for me is good old walking. I put on my earphones, turn up my tunes, and just walk. It has sort of become a hobby, it's great. I'll walk for miles either in the street or on trails.
  • I've never tried the black bean pasta. Have to look for it. I love meat subs. I try to stay away from too much processed foods so I look for things that are more whole foods. I do a lot of lentils and chickpeas. Our rule in the house is that if we find a recipe that requires chicken, we substitute with chickpeas. Anything…
  • I'm 37. In the last year I lost about 25 pounds but gained most of it back by sticking to old habits. I'm in the process of losing it again and keeping it off this time around. I track all my food daily and I'm open to sharing ideas with others!
  • Are you in pain when you walk? Believe it or not, walking is great exercise. I used to be able to run pain free but as of late, my knees get pretty banged up even if I run for a few minutes. I started doing more walking now and I'm enjoying it. My knees don't hurt and my legs feel stronger. The other day I planned to go…
  • I already have these things on a daily basis. I eat oatmeal with different types of nuts. I eat the legumes, beans, veggies and all that stuff. I guess I do get enough for an average person but I'm always paranoid about reaching that percentage which is a little higher than average.
  • Welcome and good luck! I consider myself an emotional eater. I have a stressful job and most of the times I find myself eating the most unhealthiest foods out there. My weakness is pizza. I can eat it all day, everyday. Since I started using MFP to count my calories, I found that by tracking my intake, I can see that I can…
  • I tried Loseit for a little while but I find MFP beats it by a mile.
  • Hi Anne and welcome back. I've also been on MFP for a while now but been serious the last couple of weeks. In the last year I have lost about 30 pounds with exercise and healthy eating but gained some back just being lazy. That's the reason why I decided to come back to MFP and I'm hoping to stick with it for as long as I…
  • I've been vegetarian for about 7 years. I'm 5'10 and about a year ago I was 205lbs. My wife took some pictures of me and just like you, I realized I had to lose some weight. I'm not a gym person at all so I started working out at home to Insanity. I dropped to 179lbs after two months but soon after that, I got lazy again…