Hello 64 year old Newbie here

Hello you all...as the subject reads a real "Newbie" joining up here..six foot one...240 heavy heavy pounds...this weight along with childhood injuries has absolutely trashed both of my knees and now my hips are aching along with them...
The pain keeps me from exercising ...but have managed to get back in to swimming this year about three days a week mostly...myfitnesspal tells me my 45 minute breast stroke is good for about 800 calories??
My goal is to lose 10 pounds in 7 weeks before a trip to see my sister...Dont want to go on facebook because I am afraid that is a setup for failure...Thought it would be better to share with strangers??
Thank you for your Time


  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    Added. Good luck man. Stick with it, you are guaranteed to lose weight. Calories in vs Calories out. Get yourself a food scale and get accustomed to weighing your food.

    As far as exercise goes, I do not know enough about water calories burned. Maybe someone else will chime in. If most of your working out is going to be in the water, you might look for a waterproof heart rate monitor and use on of those until you get an idea of what you are actually truly burning calorie wise when you are working out.

    Good luck, there are lots of good people here.
  • OscarZelaya
    OscarZelaya Posts: 12 Member
    Are you in pain when you walk? Believe it or not, walking is great exercise. I used to be able to run pain free but as of late, my knees get pretty banged up even if I run for a few minutes. I started doing more walking now and I'm enjoying it. My knees don't hurt and my legs feel stronger. The other day I planned to go walking a couple miles but I ended up walking six. Burned about 600 calories but that all depends on age and physical condition. Swimming is great. As far as calories, they sell special heart rate monitors for water sports so that should be able to get you accurate readings. Ten pounds in seven weeks should be a piece of cake (haha) as long as you have good nutrition. Are you a soda drinker? Coffee?? Give up sugary drinks and the weight should come off. Good luck!