pinkrjae Member


  • Huge sugar-holic here and this is what I do. If I purge everything, I will find sugar somewhere that isn't the answer for me. I allow myself to have whatever I want for breakfast. If that means having a piece of cake, cookies, donuts, etc, I do it. I know that I will have all day to burn those calories. I also…
  • My 4 year old daughter invented cheez it smores...cheez it's sandwiched with a mini marshmallow. I know...
  • The same thing happened to me for almost a month...up and down. Keep at it and it will stabilize and change. I'm not a medical professional, but I think it takes a while for your body to become accustomed to the change of lifestyle. I also think you look firmer and more toned. Keep will get better!
  • I so agree and feel the same way! I may look unhealthy or lazy because of my size, but I build more and more stamina and endurance everyday that I exercise and push myself! I'm pretty sure I can outrun many of the healthy looking 'skinny' people.
  • Wow! As someone who needs to lose 100+ lbs, that is incredibly inspiring. Now I know I can do it too!
  • When I want or crave fast food, I force myself to order the healthiest thing I can find on the menu (ie. Instead of a burger, I order grilled chicken on whole wheat bun with no cheese and no mayo.) That way, I still get fast food, but I didn't ruin all of my hard work. Something I heard that has helped me curb those food…