Cheat day problem

For the past few weeks I've been eating clean. As much fresh fruits and veggies as I can stand to eat. On my weekends I'm not as strict about what I eat but still keep it generally clean. This past cheat day I broke down and went all out with some Taco Bell. The problem was the whole next day my insides felt like I was trying to digest a rock. Stomach cramps, side aches, back pain. The works. I ate very very clean that day and the next day I felt good again. Does anyone else have this problem after their cheat days? Do heavy meals make you feel bad after eating clean for a while? What kinds of things do you eat to curb your craving for fast food?


  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Your body is not used to digesting that kind of garbage (for lack of a better word). For my cheat meal I will have pasta or something else high in calories that I love and still try to keep under my daily calories. Try and stay away from fast food even on cheat days.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I had a similar type problem with some Chinese 'fast food' the other day. I think, for me, it's just motivated me to make those 'fast foods' at home if I'm feeling a craving. (For example, cooking burgers and fries) They might not be exactly the same as what you'd go out and buy, but they end up tasting better and still having some semblance of healthiness to them, so my stomach doesn't hate me for it.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Yes, if I go wild on a cheat day, the next day can be pretty bad. It just goes to show you that eating poorly like that is no good. But, Taco Bell? Yikes. You can't get any worse than that. That's def the low rung of the ladder. I wouldn't step foot in there no matter what. I've wiped fast food off my list years ago. I haven't stepped inside a fast food place in probably over 10 years. The thought of it makes me want to barf.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I cut out a lot of pasta types because I'm not eating cream or cheese based sauce anymore. But I guess a light gravy or red sauce would work well.

    I really like the idea of cooking 'fast food.' I do this a lot. One of my favorites is fajitas. Fresh peppers and onions , sliced chicken breast and beans and salsa to top. No cheese or sour cream. The only problem is that I live by myself and most of the time I'm just cooking for myself.

    No need to get preachy, it was just a couple tacos buddy.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I really like the idea of cooking 'fast food.' I do this a lot. One of my favorites is fajitas. Fresh peppers and onions , sliced chicken breast and beans and salsa to top. No cheese or sour cream. The only problem is that I live by myself and most of the time I'm just cooking for myself.

    I love tacos/fajitas. Those are one of my top 'fast food' things that I still crave/cook for myself. I have a girlfriend but we're on opposite eating schedules, so I'll usually just make 2-4 servings and put the rest in the fridge. Either leftovers or food for her later!
  • pinkrjae
    pinkrjae Posts: 6 Member
    When I want or crave fast food, I force myself to order the healthiest thing I can find on the menu (ie. Instead of a burger, I order grilled chicken on whole wheat bun with no cheese and no mayo.) That way, I still get fast food, but I didn't ruin all of my hard work. Something I heard that has helped me curb those food addictions is no amount of food will ever feel as good or as satisfying as losing weight. Nothing more true than that! Amen.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I cut out a lot of pasta types because I'm not eating cream or cheese based sauce anymore. But I guess a light gravy or red sauce would work well.

    I really like the idea of cooking 'fast food.' I do this a lot. One of my favorites is fajitas. Fresh peppers and onions , sliced chicken breast and beans and salsa to top. No cheese or sour cream. The only problem is that I live by myself and most of the time I'm just cooking for myself.

    No need to get preachy, it was just a couple tacos buddy.

    Agreed, being judgmental in this place is out of line. If someone is lucky enough t never crave bad stuff then they're blessed but most of us who grew up in this country aren't so lucky. I won't even mention some of my occasional cravings, two tacos is nothing.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I usually cook for my friends so I get a healthy meal and they aren't suggesting some greasy restaurant . It works out well and if I want a snack when I'm at their house late, left overs are perfect.

    The thing with fast food for me is that its fast. No time spent cooking or cleaning up and I get a cheap meal. I've focused on the saving money part and figured I could buy a few pounds of chicken or ground turkey meat, buns and a side for almost the same price and have enough for a few meals. Other then the very occasional craving, I grab a subway sandwich if I need something quick so I'm not tempted to be like well I can get the fries this time because I'm getting the grilled chicken. The smells just do me

    Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from :)