chicainthesd Member


  • i always always sweat like a pig in the gym lol so thats not a problem :p and my heart rate is usually from 147 to 170 sometimes higher... and im 239 so im pretty hefty sometimes i go over 170... but rarely
  • i wish i worked out more :( i only work out like 2 to 3 days a week, my husband works and i have to watch my kids all day, i have no time for the gym or for myself.... But i always make sure that im always under my cals for the day... am i doing wrong by resting too much?
  • thank you :) im actually able to do sit ups without breaking a sweat, so i guess i could try planks... my sister told me about that...
  • ive been here for about 17 days and it works! i never starve! good luck with your weight loss :smile:
  • i always always check the calories before i buy anything... srry that happened to you :( that was a waste of calories lol but the good thing about mfp is that you can always make it up with exercise :)
  • wow good job! im going to be jumping up and down for joy when i get under 200, so happy for you :)
  • thank you everyone! i guess ill just continue the daily excercise and eating the right calories, if i do that i should be fine.... before MFP i was eating fast food every day, i would eat over 5k, i gained 20lbs in 2 months :( but now i make my own food at home and i dont even starve... the pills are the least of my…
  • I'm not using it as an excuse, I've barely started eating and exercising for about 4 days and I don't know what to expect at the scale on Thursday, just wanted to hear from personal experience from women that have taken the pills. Thank you!
  • wow thank you guys! lots of awesome advice! and a lot to take in... u guys are the best! :)
  • thank you everyone for ur advice :) i was going to start tomorrow with the food diary because im still eating junk but i decided to start today because i want to see what kind of things are inside the things i eat. and also do u guys have any advice on excercise? my husband just bought the kinect, i got a 24hour fitness…