

  • I use PB2! its amazing and delicious. 1 serving is only 45 cal. you can but it online
  • I drink a protein shake everyday. I like the Herbalife shakes. they dont taste like dirt and there are many different flavors. i prefer the cookies and cream. i drink it for breakfast then havea healthy snack/lunch/dinner. Ive tried other protein shakes and dont like the taste or texture of alot of them. sorry i didnt…
  • POP chips! they are amazing and come in 100 cal bags if u just want to fulfill a craving.
  • This is my 3rd wek too: I used to hate vinegar but now i put it on everything and crave it a lot. Im the same with Soda. i sue to drink it all the time but now it tastes nasty to me. Ive been drinking alot more water because of MiO water enhancer. i still crave chocolate but ive been getting those 100 cal packs to try and…
  • I love Hummus, but i dont eat any Veggies at all and the only fruit i eat is an occasional apple. im a texture person and most fruits and veggies and a texture i cant stand to eat
    in Hummus :( Comment by Bigfootehs May 2011
  • Im signed up for it in September in Oregon! My mom did it last year and loved it. shes is doing it again this yer with a BIG group cause she had a great experience
  • I got a HRM at walmart for $30 and it works really well. prolly not as good as a $100+ one but it gets the job done
  • I was the same way, then i found a fantastic thing called MiO. I drink sooo much more water now. and its enjoyable.