I *hate* water...



  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Fill a pitcher with your filtered water and then slice up cucumbers into it and keep it in the fridge. Very refreshing. Just a suggestion. I don't like the water additives or vitamin waters because they usually have water, sugar, or chemicals. Plain water, imo, is better.
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    It's simple. Just take a bottle of water and chug it down. Just keep doing that throughout the day. :) Or you could add lemon and a packet of equal to make lemonade.
  • PegJ
    PegJ Posts: 7
    I'm right there with you. I don't particularly like the taste and for years had a mental block with it. If I drank too much, I would physically get sick. (And by too much I mean more than 16oz ) I got over it with Crystal Lite. Adding flavor to it got me to drink it and the more I got used to having the bottle around, the more accecptable plain water became. Like everything else in life, when you want to make a change do it in baby steps.
  • LauraDubbleya
    LauraDubbleya Posts: 79 Member
    I can't stand water either. I've tried the flavored stuff and it's blechy. My trick for drinking it is this: Get yourself a glass or bottle that can hold 2 - 3 cups of water (most drink glasses are 16 oz) and try drinking your water that way. I find that I can get down one "glass" of water a couple of times a day and boom!! There are my 6-8 cups. (more like 6 than 8.. but I'm getting it in.. thats the point. lol)
    Diet coke is my weakness. I buy it by the bottle so what I've been doing is putting my water in old water bottles that are the same size as a diet coke bottle and trick my mind into thinking its diet coke. NO it doesnt' actually work but for some reason, it "feels" like I am. lol.
    Everyone has little tricks and tips to getting the water into them.. after awhile, you find you can tolerate it and then you find you actually miss it when you're not drinking it!!
    Good luck!
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    I mean - seriously. I never drink it as a first choice, second choice, etc. Lately I've been on a Diet Mountain Dew kick (and yes, I am fully aware that it's not good for me. Caffeine, chemicals, etc..) and the thought of drinking any water, let alone 8 glasses a day - *shudder.*
    I <3 diet mountain dew too!!! But I drink 8 cups of water a day also. Yesterday I had like 12 cups of water. Phew! Congrats on your weight loss! :)
  • i only count plain water, too, but herbal teas that do not contain caffeine have zero calories or anything and can technically count as water because you are really only adding a flavoring pretty much. Only herbal teas, though, not black or green tea or anything with sugar or anything artificial. :)
  • ErikaKBee
    ErikaKBee Posts: 26 Member
    I think tea counts if its not sweetened. I usually make my iced tea with black tea bags and then I add 2 flavored tea bags (i.e, Lipton's vanilla caramel). It gives a bit of flavor and I can deal with the lack of sugary awesomeness that I am used to. If I absolutely have to have sweetener, I use agave nectar. A little goes a long way and its lower on the glycemic index than sugar.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I hated water when I started this too. I've been forcing myself to drink it though and I actually don't mind it now. I'm about 5 weeks in and this week I've had no problems drinking the recommended amount of water. I wouldn't say I actually LIKE water now, it's bland and boring, but I've got so used to drinking it that other drinks seem too sweet.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Mio's are great. I like them because you can adjust how much to put in, unlike crystal light or the other water enhancers!!

    I too am a diet mountain dew person, but i have not had one in about a month.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    My trick is that I have a liter water bottle. It tricks my mind into thinking its much less water than it really is since I only have to drink two of them in order to hit 8 cups. I've already done that and its not even noon yet! I don't mind water now (considering its pretty much all I drink these days) at all but it just seems so daunting when you are thinking about it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Then don't drink water. As long as you are consuming liquid, it's the same thing. If you consume calories along with that liquid, well those are still calories. I like water, but I drink more tea than I do water because I like it too and it has antioxidants, so it's a win-win. :smile:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    i only count plain water, too, but herbal teas that do not contain caffeine have zero calories or anything and can technically count as water because you are really only adding a flavoring pretty much. Only herbal teas, though, not black or green tea or anything with sugar or anything artificial. :)

    This says caffeine free and no calories, and I don't add anything - sugar, honey, etc. So I think I'm okay there. Phew! That's ONE serving of water...

    Thanks to EVERYONE for your suggestions, advice, support, etc! Couldn't do this without ya!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    My trick is that I have a liter water bottle. It tricks my mind into thinking its much less water than it really is since I only have to drink two of them in order to hit 8 cups. I've already done that and its not even noon yet! I don't mind water now (considering its pretty much all I drink these days) at all but it just seems so daunting when you are thinking about it.
    I've done the same thing. It's much easier to drink 1 bottle of water than 4 glasses for some reason. Apparently I have my mums bad habit of drinking nowhere near enough each day so I started off by making myself drink 1 litre a day. Then I upped it to 1 and a half litres a day. Now I'm up to 2 litres a day which works out at the 8 cups a day if I'm not mistaken.
  • mskon
    mskon Posts: 64
    I used to hate water too. Now it's basically all I drink except for my morning cup of coffee. I buy 1 liter bottles of water and fill them up 3 times a day. Some days I need to add a lemon for taste, but most days I'm okay with it. I have added a tiny bit of Splenda/lemon to my water bottle to make it semi-taste like lemonade and that also helped!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am really, really weird about water. I only drink certain brands of bottled water because others taste funny. I think Brita-filtered water tastes funny. I can drink the filtered water from my fridge, but only sometimes. I think it's due to the fact that when I was growing up, we had well water that was undrinkable because it had a lot of iron in it (you could smell it, nevermind taste it), so we had an office-style water cooler in our kitchen. (My parents now have city water, so they have gotten rid of the cooler). As a result, I got used to spring water and have a hard time drinking flat water unless I'm really thirsty!

    However, I love club soda/seltzer water/sparkling water. They usually have a tiny, tiny bit of sodium of them, but to me it's better to have that tiny amount of sodium with my water than no water. I buy generic seltzer in 2-liter bottles, since that's the cheapest way to go.

    I also use Mio from time to time, and occasionally I get a glass of ice water from the fridge and will add a bit of lemon juice. I have heard (but have not confirmed) that lemon juice has a slight diuretic effect and will help your body shed excess water.

    Water helps your liver and kidneys function more efficiently and so is believed that a side effect is additional weight loss.
  • nate1198
    nate1198 Posts: 14
    I count my iced green tea! Good Luck it will make a difference in how you feel:)
  • toddles76boston
    toddles76boston Posts: 10 Member
    What does the slice cucumbers do for the flavor of the water?
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    My trick is that I have a liter water bottle. It tricks my mind into thinking its much less water than it really is since I only have to drink two of them in order to hit 8 cups. I've already done that and its not even noon yet! I don't mind water now (considering its pretty much all I drink these days) at all but it just seems so daunting when you are thinking about it.
    I've done the same thing. It's much easier to drink 1 bottle of water than 4 glasses for some reason. Apparently I have my mums bad habit of drinking nowhere near enough each day so I started off by making myself drink 1 litre a day. Then I upped it to 1 and a half litres a day. Now I'm up to 2 litres a day which works out at the 8 cups a day if I'm not mistaken.

    Yeah a liter is something like 4.2 cups of water, I usually end up drinking something like 12 cups a day because of the water bottle lol
  • Bigfootehs
    Bigfootehs Posts: 9
    I was the same way, then i found a fantastic thing called MiO. I drink sooo much more water now. and its enjoyable.
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