Have your tastes changed?

2stepz Posts: 814 Member
edited 1:50PM in Food and Nutrition
I am 3 weeks into a life-changing (life SAVING) dietary alteration. It's amazing what can happen in three weeks:

Three weeks ago I was addicted to diet cola. After weaning myself off, it now tastes awful to me.

I have started craving spice. Chipotle hummus, chipotle laughing cow cheese, cajun shrimp... spicy spicy spicy.

I still crave sugar. That's going to be a tough cookie to avoid. (pun intended.)

What has changed about your taste buds? Do you crave new food?


  • Bigfootehs
    Bigfootehs Posts: 9
    This is my 3rd wek too:

    I used to hate vinegar but now i put it on everything and crave it a lot.

    Im the same with Soda. i sue to drink it all the time but now it tastes nasty to me. Ive been drinking alot more water because of MiO water enhancer.

    i still crave chocolate but ive been getting those 100 cal packs to try and help with that.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    I have been craving spicy lately too! I now put tabasco sauce in my eggs, tuna salad, egg salad and sometimes in oatmeal.
    I have been making Cajun Baked Fish too

    My sweets craving has gone down to almost nothing and splenda based foods or sprinkled on something gets me through the worst.

    I am craving raw veggies

    I can't stand the taste of non diet soda, it's to sweet for me.

    When I do crave sweets one brownie, or a couple pieces of licorish gets me through.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I stopped eating chocolate and then my son gave me the cherry off of an ice cream sundae he had. It had chocolate sauce on it. I had to spit the cherry out, it tasted like dirt. I am sure that I would not spit out Nestles chocolate chips if I put them in my mouth, they are divine. But the chocolate sauce tasted gross.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I hate salt.

    Love spicy.

    Can only tolerate small amounts of sugars, (ie 1 cookie)

    Loooove yogurt
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Definitely!!! I've been on this journey for about a month now, and I simply DO NOT crave fast food anymore! No burgers, fries, tacos, nothing!! I find myself craving fresh fruit and veggies! I'm actually on my lunch break at work and I'm eating subway, and just realized I haven't even opened my bag of chips (baked chips). I'm thoroughly enjoying the veggies in my sandwich, which I NEVER used to add those to my sandwich!!

    Oh, and water! I now prefer to drink water over anything else. I don't even add Crystal Light to it, I crave it and I find that I drink about 4 - 5 bottles of water a day! SO exciting!!!
  • tawojcik
    tawojcik Posts: 67
    It seems like 3 weeks is about the point where the cravings change. If you can make it to 3 weeks and then maintain (as in don't fall of the wagon), I think you are in good shape.

    I used to be a huge junk food junkie and was adicted to Mt. Dew and Coca Cola. Now, if I look at that stuff, it just has no appeal to me.

    I still eat a piece of chocolate a couple times a week and maybe a cookie or two, but can't imagine eating like I used to!
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    When I was kid and in my teens, I was able to drink lots of soda (I could finish a 6 pack of Coke during the day).

    But since I was in the Army, since 1995, I can't stand to drink more than 1 can a day (sometimes, I can't even drink the whole can and I can't stand the taste after a while of drinking it sometimes). So that's changed...

    I drink water more these days than any other liquids (I even have water with my lunch and dinner too).
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm a sweets fiend. Especially for pepsi, omg. Now when I have just a sip, let alone half a can, Ifeel disgusting. Almost like it makes my skin crawl. So weird.
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204 Member
    Yeah totally! In the begginning i "dieted" using alot of the processed foods ie. smartones weightwatchers etc etc.. and still had a ton of familiar cravings.. now Im eating much more natural and although I do still crave sugar (*which is uber frustrating*) I find myself making alot better food choice and craving fruits and veggies much much more... I prefer eating real food to processed stuff, and honestly when I do eat the better stuff, my body just feels better. Now if I do have a cheat meal/day etc I can totally feel it afterword - and the stuff doesn't even taste that good when I am eating it.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    haha I definietly differ from the crowd I guess. My tastes have changed a little, like I've broadened the kind of vegetables that I like eating raw- things like that. It's easier to eat things without dip, extra salt or things like that but cravings? Still there. Haven't gone away! They're all psychological at this point (been on my lifestyle change for 2 1/2 months now)... I still crave greasy things like fries, once and awhile i'll still get a fast food carving, still definitely crave sugar and chocolate and sweets. But oh well, doesn't bother me. I'm strong! Just say no most of the time and let myself indulge sometimes :smile:
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