

  • for most people, boredom starts this. I used to binge at night and just stopped one day when i realised that i never want to when my mind is hooked on something Now i dont mean the TV or video games If you go bowling or the cinema, or a snooker hall, anything like this really, just go out at night (not drinking or eating)…
  • 15lbs of fat to lose, well sit ups, crunches etc. burn hardly any fat at all, they just build the muscle beneath it, sit ups and crunches will make you look toned after burning the fat but wont help to burn it. best fat burning exercises are as follows: Swimming Cycling Sprinting Skipping Hoop these are the best ways to…
  • Hi, this seems strange and annoying too, you need to make sure your eating healthy, not just within the calorie limit, maybe you ate more processed foods this week also it may be your sleeping, do you have a regular sleeping pattern? If you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day even when you haven't got work,…