

  • No change in weight... 179 :( Met with trainer today and going to meet with her every week. We made sure my cardio program was where it should be and that my food was correct.... it all is. No change... grrr. I've lost 20 pounds since start of year and feel better, but I should be 120 at most... not sure why past two weeks…
  • Yep! So excited... but gotta loose the weight first to make sure I get right size. I've already been online shopping looking at all this season bright color trends... especially in shorts! I need new shorts, bikinis and TANKS! I am sooo excited to wear tanks this coming summer and not be ashamed!
  • I began in Jan. by drastically changing my diet from junk food and consuming around 3500 calories a day easily because of all the soda I was sucking down. Now there is absolutely nothing fake or processed and no soda. Everything I eat now is healthy and/or fresh... also it's all water in take about 4 bottled waters a day,…
  • 179 today! Hoping since I joined the gym last Monday and am going daily things will pick up!
  • Current weight 179. Goal weight 150. At the beginning of the year I was 198 and changed my diet drastically. This past week I finally hit 179! And also joined the local gym and have been going everyday. I'm getting worried it won't come off faster now! I'm so tired of being a chubbs!
  • What was your routine for the middle section? Waist/Tummy/Lower back? I'm 5'4 and struggling with that area. Congrats BTW!! Good inspiration, thanks for sharing!
  • They say prevention wise the effects are out of your system immediately. As far as cleansing from your organs etc... I'm not sure... few days perhaps? But what I can tell you is that I see a neurologist now most likely due to BC. I started the pill in my mid teens never having ANY issues with headaches or any other…
  • I've been wondering the same thing! I bought this one from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000LRDU22/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details At first I thought this is great. But then I noticed if I get on it step off and then right back on the weight is different! So I have to get on like 4 times in a row to try and…
  • Sounds like your doing everything right. People even when they are friends or family can say things and not realize they could be taken as rude or hurt your feelings. They are most likely just not used to you looking so different so they have to adjust mentally to the new and improved you :) Good luck!
  • All of your replies have been very calming and thank you for sharing your stories. I just want to let you all know how thankful I am that you chose to reply and that I've found this wonderful site :)
  • I haven't saw that on Dr. Oz! Good idea though and glad you mentioned it!
  • See no one explains that stuff to most people about the affects food can have on your body. So it wasn't until I did my own research did I learn what actual consequences can happen and they are not just getting fat. Who knew?! LOL If my GB is acting up there is no way I can get it out. Plus I've been doing a lot of…
  • I had been on BC pills for years, the pills can actually end up creating hormone production problems in your body during or after usage. So the pills them self may not have contributed to your weight gain, but the affects of them could have. I've been dealing with horrible migraines and hormone issues now for several…
  • Agreed! That's why I'm going on Tuesday because it hasn't gone away and it's not a gassy area related discomfort. So I'm puzzled and pissed and of course worried!
  • I just posted a thread about how I'm having discomfort after switching to a healthy diet. I'm sorry your having troubles and I hate I am to. But it's nice to know it's just not me alone. I'm not having this particular issue though I'm having more of just discomfort and other nagging discomfort and can't figure out why so…
  • YEP... I FREAK out over medical stuff and got SO depressed the past few years because the neurologists couldn't figure anything out and couldn't get the right RX's for me so I could be active. So I just continued to eat how I'd always ate growing up not knowing better and little by little the weight kept adding on. And you…
  • Good job!!! I'm starting BBL tomorrow! Ahh excited and nervous it'll be to tough!
  • I JUST got it! Thinking about starting tomorrow or Tuesday on it. Have you started yet?
  • Thank you so much for your responses! I'll keep you all posted! Happy Easter!
  • Jenae we are similar in the numbers! Thanks for the replies so far! Have any of you considered doing like photos in say a bathing suit along the way? I thought about taking photos from a front view, side and back. And along the way taking photos in same views to see if I can see a difference also beyond just checking the…
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