

  • First off, GREAT JOB!!! Now breathe... :D Well, going out and still being social is part of how we learn how to cope with external factors on our journey's. I've found (for restaurants) that if I look up the nutrition on items before hand I can calculate about what I can eat so I don't freak out about my calorie intake…
  • Thanks guys! I posted my reply before seeing you had replied. lol I'm going to check out the polar model. I'll have to wait still as I am of the many unemployed. But it's in my mind for the future! :)
  • Which one do you use Idaho?
  • I don't understand what that means! lol I want to get a heart-rate/calorie tracker too, but I don't know how to start. Do you have any suggestions? (I know it's a little off topic...:)
  • For me, I think I'm kind of used to the discipline. I have celiac disease, and it required a great strength of will to change my diet. That being said, I had trouble with my weight. I hated myself too much to try to lose it. I had lost lot's of weight 2 times before, and due to uncontrollable conditions (new medications,…
  • I lovvvvve Cake!!! Gluten free cake, but cake cake cake!!! Then icecream. Skinny cow does the trick for the icecream, but if someone (my mother) decides to make gf cake and I'm around, soooo hard! It's my true kryptonite! ps I love wine too, but I can go without for the most part. I do like Amaretto and coke a lot! Good…
  • Have you tried "light" sour cream? The fat free junk IS gross, and you end up getting calories in through sugar. Hope it helps! :)
  • I'm glad you're here! I'm 45 days "new" but need more supporters on my journey! I've found the site to be encouraging. And I love the ability to count my calories on my phone! It makes it sooo easy that way! Log EVERYTHING in! Even if you go over. You start to see how your eating habits are affecting your weight. :) Hugs…
  • If it is at all possible to get your husband on board, please do so! Does he know that by having a careless weekend it sabotages your goals? He probably does not do this maliciously. I would maybe focus on making weekend foods, maybe inviting friends over and get hubby in to the kitchen to make some tasty low cal treats!…
  • This sounds great! I might add a cup of chicken stock for extra flavor. (Pacifico Organic is my thing.) Thanks for sharing! I'm a huge soup fan!!! :D P.S> Garlic, I love garlic in almost everything! lol I think I'll make this tomorrow! :)
  • That sounds tasty! I think I'll try it! (I do enjoy black tea in the morning!)
  • I don't drink it often, but when I need a cola fix, I go to it. Five hour energy is a good pick me up and I haven't had any adverse effects on it. Carbonated diet drinks are not healthy for a few reasons. 1. The phosphates used to carbonate the soda can leach calcium from your bones (and teeth!) 2. The fake sugars are…