

  • I agree with that other girl, depends on the quality and how you set it up. I have an Eat Smart scale that matches the scale in my doctor's office, and I can step on it 2 or 3 times in a matter of 2 minutes and it will give me 3 different numbers ranging from 163-167. No one's body changes that much in 2 minutes.. I have…
  • a nightmare
  • cute clothes, slight better quality of life. i want to be treated like a human being, i just want to be normal instead of sticking out like a ugly sore thumb, where ever i go. i just want people to leave me alone, instead of using my looks to push themselves up.
  • I know this is old but yeah. I HATE being apple shaped, I lost over 100lbs but my stomach is still HUGE. I looked at the site ''what real women look like'' and it got me so upset! All the girls who were the same pants size, height, weight and shape had smaller stomachs. :( When I sit down my stomach sticks out more than my…
  • No I don't work. I remember eating like this back when I was in middle school (2005), and lost some weight. I didn't like eating in public because adults would stare and smirk at me. I stopped eating during the day because of this and I was depressed most of the time, which kills my hunger. I guess my body is just used to…
  • I only have self control when I eat once a day, because I don't feel hungry or have craving for the rest of the day. If I break it up into 3-5 sitting, I feel like I'm starving myself and I want to eat everything in site >.< And I end up going 1000 calories over, and I gain 2-3 pounds by the end of the week. I hate myself…
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