

  • People using new agey speak to try and sound like they are clever. Seriously... "optimising wellness"? What does that mean? Do you have any proof that doctors are deficient in this measure? Just because every doctor is not an expert on nutrition does not mean all doctors know less than what someone reads on the internet.
  • What toxins? Go and ask them exactly what these toxins are. Where do they sit, where have they been measured? "Toxins" is a big scary word used by pseudoscientists to try and scare us. If they can show me a build up of a toxic substance in someone's body as a result of eating something, then I will agree there are toxins,…
  • The labels and the measures we use are accurate for what we need them to be accurate for.
  • Just skimmed over most of the replies and I would agree that you are most likely estimating calories way too low and those burned from exercise as way too high. I also noted that there are no drinks whatsoever in your diary. Are you drinking anything aside from the shakes in the morning? Apologies if this has been answered…
  • If nothing else MFP has shown me where I have had blind spots when it comes to food. There were things I would eat willy nilly before thinking they were "healthy" so didn't matter... and then all those little snacks through the day add up if you don't watch yourself and most importantly BE HONEST about what you are eating.…