Top MFP Conspiracies



  • belanna5
    belanna5 Posts: 85 Member
    #6 - Some MFP members talk about their giant calorie limits and the delicious ice cream and cake they've been eating specifically to sabotage me. Don't try to deny it!

  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    good stuff
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    #4 MFP is a thinly veiled dating/hook up site.

    I want a date. :wink:

    So. How messages are now sitting in your inbox?

  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    #4 MFP is a thinly veiled dating/hook up site.

    Really? You have proof of that?
  • clubcpg
    clubcpg Posts: 4
    All of my ads are for underwear. And Gucci shoes.

    MFP wants me broke.

    you do realize it's because you visited that site or something similar and now it's displaying that. Targeted advertising. :)

    I believe that but today it is displaying an Ad for Dallas(tourism), the Keystone pipeline and Clearblue Pregnancy test. I haven't visited those sites and I will never be pregnant since I'm a man. Weird selection of Ads today.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    If they deactivate, they will be back.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I kinda want to post the definition of Conspiracy.

    GAWD, I'm so MEAN!

    :) I was thinking the same thing
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    #4 MFP is a thinly veiled dating/hook up site.

    so you really don't love me? But we only live 2000 miles apart…!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    number 1 in my book - help not losing > are you logging weighing everything > no, but that does not work for me, help > ok you need to weigh, log, measure everything > calorie deficit does not work for me > what, it works for everything > OP deactivates/rage quits < I call this the "The MFP cycle"
  • #123 Everyone who has been on MFP for more than a day suddenly becomes a nutrition and fitness expert
    ...and a medical expert :huh: The number of times I've read "your doctor is an idiot"/"your doctor doesn't know what s/he's talking about".... How arrogant - and irresponsible - do you have to be to think you know better than a doctor?!?

    ETA: unless you're a doctor/medical expert yourself of course :-/
    Yes! Because you know... doctors know everything!!
    No, doctors don't know everything but they tend to know a little bit more about medicine and human biology that Mr or Mrs. Read-a-few-articles-on-the-internet-so-now-I'm-an-expert :-/ I'm not talking about nutritional/weight-loss advice per se, but I once saw an internet 'expert' here, tell another diabetic member to reduce their insulin, with the view of cutting it put completely :noway: That kind of medical 'advice'.

    ETA: the person was a type 1 diabetic by the way.

    Exactly! I'd take a doctor's 7 years medical training advice faster than the guy who says "I read this on the internet once". Doctors are not always right but the odds are good that they might have a good idea of what's what.

    I'd be more inclined to agree with you if the hypothetical doctor in this example had more than one basic nutrition course during those seven years. Most doctors seem phenomenal with treating illness but not-always-so-great at optimizing wellness.

    People using new agey speak to try and sound like they are clever.

    Seriously... "optimising wellness"? What does that mean? Do you have any proof that doctors are deficient in this measure? Just because every doctor is not an expert on nutrition does not mean all doctors know less than what someone reads on the internet.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Well there are obviously aliens that have taken over the bodies (and metabolisms) of those poor souls (if they still have souls?) that are overweight but still constantly need our advice on how to "force" themselves to get to 1200 calories in one day.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    All of my ads are for underwear. And Gucci shoes.

    MFP wants me broke.

    you do realize it's because you visited that site or something similar and now it's displaying that. Targeted advertising. :)

    I believe that but today it is displaying an Ad for Dallas(tourism), the Keystone pipeline and Clearblue Pregnancy test. I haven't visited those sites and I will never be pregnant since I'm a man. Weird selection of Ads today.
    Does your wife/girlfriend use your PC? Might be time for a chat :tongue:
  • clubcpg
    clubcpg Posts: 4
    All of my ads are for underwear. And Gucci shoes.

    MFP wants me broke.

    you do realize it's because you visited that site or something similar and now it's displaying that. Targeted advertising. :)

    I believe that but today it is displaying an Ad for Dallas(tourism), the Keystone pipeline and Clearblue Pregnancy test. I haven't visited those sites and I will never be pregnant since I'm a man. Weird selection of Ads today.
    Does your wife/girlfriend use your PC? Might be time for a chat :tongue:

    lol , oh no! That explains her trips to Dallas
  • trmrgb
    trmrgb Posts: 19 Member
    Seriously, This entire thread just made my day!!!!
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    MFP = sales platform for voodoo/black magic and such disguised as a weight loss site.... I swear some of those great weight loss stories seem to good to be true. I am sure there was some black magic involved! :tongue:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    when someone asks for "help" they really want blind devotion to whatever miracle cleanse, diet, etc they are proposing to do ...even if it is something moronic like a 21 day water fast (true story)
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    MFP was actually created to further the fad diet agenda and is being funded by a shell corporation whose parent companies are SlimFast, Herbalife, Rasberry keytones, and WW... with overseas holdings in serveral clothing companies ... gucci, DKNY, and MK... all designed to make us feel bad, and buy their products :huh: :grumble:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    All of my ads are for underwear. And Gucci shoes.

    MFP wants me broke.

    hmmm all they send me is ads for triple XXX stuff....
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    No matter what you say, there will be somebody around to disagree with it.

    "All you have to do is create a moderate calorific deficit, eat less/ do more"
    "No no no no I have a medical condition so this does not work for me"

    "Cutting out desserts helped me."
    "No no no no, have desserts, I have desserts so you're doing it wrong!"

    "I'm weighing and logging everything and the scale hasn't moved for 3 weeks"
    "You're not weighing and logging everything."

    Sometimes people have a point- say for example accuracy really counts when weighing and logging.

    But I am amused and in awe of how there isn't one fact out there that somebody can't argue with (whether they're absolutely correct or a complete loon)
    My personal fave is whenever there's a "my weight loss has stalled" topic... the eat more calories camp vs the inaccurate logging/ eat less camp.

    This! And IIFYM vs. clean eating...that always brings out the best in people. You're disrespecting your body vs. You're a food snob :laugh:
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    #123 Everyone who has been on MFP for more than a day suddenly becomes a nutrition and fitness expert
    ...and a medical expert :huh: The number of times I've read "your doctor is an idiot"/"your doctor doesn't know what s/he's talking about".... How arrogant - and irresponsible - do you have to be to think you know better than a doctor?!?

    ETA: unless you're a doctor/medical expert yourself of course :-/

    don't forget marriage counselor, do you not know the answer to every spousal argument is divorce lol