What is wrong with my plan - gaining instead of losing!?



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    changed my mind. basically I concur with quasita the end.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I also sweat like crazy when lifting heavy. It's true that muscle burns calories better than fat does, but it's a very, very small amount. I'm not trying to discourage you from building muscle, but you won't notice a significant increase in your daily RMR from gaining even 10 lbs of muscle, which will likely take you a year of working hard. And that's only if you start lean.

    go read this: http://www.acaloriecounter.com/blog/why-am-i-not-losing-weight/

    It's 100% correct. There are no tricks to it. Eat less than you burn, and you will lose weight. Lifting heavy at the same time is a great idea, as it will offset muscle loss and help keep you motivated (it does for me, anyway) since you have more than one progress meter. You're losing fat and gaining strength. Both are great for your health.

    Forget all the "you have to eat on this plan, or do this workout, or cut out these foods, or only do this thing this way, or eat more to lose", or whatever other nonsense you run across. read that link. It's important.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    How are your clothes fitting, OP? eff weight, go by inches and body fat percentage.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Have more calories earlier in the day. Breakfast=biggest meal of the day. Also you may still be eating too much. Try 1500 instead of 2000. Another thing is your body is not used to eating that much less and is trying to hold on to weight as it goes into 'survival mode'.

    when you eat makes absolutely no difference. What matters is how many calories you are eating.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Just piping up to support the fact that MJ, while used to stimulate APPETITE, it doesn't make a person eat. Not every strain stimulates appetite or the "munchies." Some strains have even been proven to aid in weight LOSS because they can CURB appetite.

    I'm a smoker and while I don't have the same level of weight loss but I have lost 50+ since my heaviest, and I have been smoking the whole time.

    Good to know.
    I don't smoke....and don't really do any research on the stuff.

    My impression on one aspect.....and perhaps I am completely wrong......but it seems/looks/appears that smoking tends to kill any ambition/drive??
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    How do you know your not building muscle from your exercising?

    You getting smaller? Take snaps of yourself?

    Why don't you get your body fat measured, and measure that way instead by reducing your body fat % ?

    The scales are a nightmare
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Forget all the "you have to eat on this plan, or do this workout, or cut out these foods, or only do this thing this way, or eat more to lose", or whatever other nonsense you run across. read that link. It's important.

    I don't know if I would be so quick to say "forget" all the "other ideas/eat these" foods ideas that people put out.....
    I know for me, I am giving advice that I personally use.....
    Yes, the basic end-all and be-all of weight loss will be calories in vs calories out......

    But if the guy is gonna exercise and do some weight training, then he should eat the right foods to get the most out of his work.....
    Or 2 months down the road while he has lost some weight, he is not seeing the muscle.......because of eating good foods.....he just kept eating donuts, french fries, cheeseburgers, alcohol, etc...
    So while he can cut back on the junk food and get his "calories in " below 2500/ day......the quality of the calories will play a large role in how he body transforms.....

    But as anyone wants too.....do as you like......
    And yes watch your calories.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    you're totally right, having sane macros will certainly help with better development and body recomposition. I was just trying to address his pressing issue - he's gaining weight. I think we can agree that there's one overwhelming cause for that ;)
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    you're totally right, having sane macros will certainly help with better development and body recomposition. I was just trying to address his pressing issue - he's gaining weight. I think we can agree that there's one overwhelming cause for that ;)

    Roger that. :wink:
  • brucewoodward13
    Just skimmed over most of the replies and I would agree that you are most likely estimating calories way too low and those burned from exercise as way too high.

    I also noted that there are no drinks whatsoever in your diary. Are you drinking anything aside from the shakes in the morning?

    Apologies if this has been answered before, but it might be that you are drinking a lot more calories than you realise.
  • mybonnieliesovertheocean
    You are making positive changes.
    You've changed your diet and you're exercising.
    The weight will come off if you are consistent.
    We are all here trying to get healthier,
    just keep up the good work and it'll come in time!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Just piping up to support the fact that MJ, while used to stimulate APPETITE, it doesn't make a person eat. Not every strain stimulates appetite or the "munchies." Some strains have even been proven to aid in weight LOSS because they can CURB appetite.

    I'm a smoker and while I don't have the same level of weight loss but I have lost 50+ since my heaviest, and I have been smoking the whole time.

    Good to know.
    I don't smoke....and don't really do any research on the stuff.

    My impression on one aspect.....and perhaps I am completely wrong......but it seems/looks/appears that smoking tends to kill any ambition/drive??

    Again, it depends on the strain used and how it is used. If a person essentially "ODs" on MJ they will likely be laid out on the couch but me, I use it to get myself able to move and do things I can't normally do because of pain. People like me, we smoke then we do the dishes and clean the bathroom and dance because we feel so dang good, then we have a great night's sleep.

    I can't speak for all users, because lord knows there are tons of people that use it irresponsibly, but you can't blanket statements and lump everyone into the couch potato pothead category, ya know?
  • merle2
    merle2 Posts: 5 Member
    could be you're gaining muscle, a good thing
  • theguy12
    I do drink - only water though. Nothing else (no soda, beer, cocktails, juice, etc). Have not drank sugary drinks in forever. That was my first step.

    I will eliminate the weight loss shakes and frozen meals as much as I can from here on out.

    Starting this eating routine as of this morning:
    BREAKFAST ---> Yogurt w/ Granola and Strawberries (as suggested - already logged)
    AM SNACK ---> odwalla granola bar (as suggested)
    PM SNACK ---> handful of mixed nuts OR fruit (as suggested)
    DINNER ---> varies (beef, chicken, or fish meals - one serving - no seconds) (as suggested)

    I can guarantee that there are going to be times you see pizza or biscuits and gravy or something on my diary - I learned in reading articles and in other programs eliminating your favorite foods is the fastest way to failure. You can still eat those foods - just in moderation or make sure to go work them off within 24 hours.

    I am going to do my best to log my water too and drink a lot of it. I got myself a 16oz water bottle and it will be with me everywhere.

    I am going to do 2 days a week with my current 60 minute workout plan (walking + jogging + circuit training). I am working on developing another workout routine for the other two days a week I work out (similar but new exercises to confuse muscles). I will have three days of rest in there but will try to get out and be active at least two of those (bike ride, frisbee golf, walk the dog, hiking, etc).

    I go in a few weeks to have my measurements taken again and body fat taken again.

    I lost 30 pounds last year around this same time. It wasn't even that hard - weight watchers + working out in my room in the mornings for 20 minutes + being active in day to day life. I gained it all back when I started eating out again all the time (5000+ calories) and quit weight watchers. Not sure if maybe I should go back - I hate how much it costs though.

    Anyway - thanks for all the advice everyone. I will try to do better on logging and working out.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    If you know you are going to have pizza or some other food that does not fit in your diet.....then plan ahead.

    Also...for pizza....2 slices and get up and walk away.

    Trust me, I know...I can easily sit and scarf 5 slices and not think twice.
  • theguy12
    So you guys suggested the following:

    1900 calories
    200 carbs
    50-60 fat
    296 protien (my body weight)

    That fat seems high for someone trying to lose weight.

    And my sodium - where should that be?
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    In terms of macros, try the following:

    25-30% protein
    40-45% carbohydrate
    25-35% fat

    Focus on getting the protein in, and the carbs and fat should just fall into these ranges.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I'd lower the protein a little bit. The recommendation should be one gram per pound of LBM, not total body weight. That's a common mistake. More protein isn't going to hurt you (other than maybe your kidneys, over a long period of time) but forcing that much protein isn't necessary and can make it hard to get things like fiber, vitamins, etc. Fats are also good for you, to a certain extent. 50-60g is fine, probably even a bit more.