aquilaboy Member


  • Great idea. Always nice to have a challenge. I've also introduced a no snacks between meals and it has kept me on the straight and narrow.
  • You got some good advice I see. I know that it can be difficult to cut drink out (it's part of many people's culture/social life). I know that if I have given it a wide birth that I feel much better the next day. It is easier these days not to drink whilst out with friends (not so much pressure to have a drink). Maybe…
  • When you ask for advice, I guess you may hear things that you don't want to hear! As a parent of an 19 year old & a 16 year old, I can think of lots of exrecises that would not disturb me. E.G. Wash the car, do some house work, help in the garden, etc. All these activities will be listed on the web with their "calories…