paradise_runs Member


  • Love all of the responses!! :) My marathon is in May and I plan to do another in October. Love running!
  • LOVE all the replies :) I just got my combat in the mail today! I'm thinking Nov 2 will be my start date :) Anyone feel free to friend me if you want support!
  • Yay!! I'm so excited to start it! I'm guessing I'll be starting Sunday! What one did you order? I got the Ultimate Warrior package!
  • I'm in! I ordered mine 2 days ago, it should be here soon!!
  • Hey! I just completed P90X! It is a tough program but I'll tell you what. My results were AMAZING!! Now, I'm on day 3 of Insanity and can't wait to see the end results. After P90X, I lost 25" all over my body; it was incredible. But nutrition was the BIGGEST part in that success. I was emotionally unstable at the time I…
  • I love insanity! It's tough, and INSANE - but it sure does work great! :)
  • Love that! I focus on quotes to keep me going! They help tremendously! :) Thanks for sharing!
  • Awesome!! You'll absolutely love MFP!! It's so great!!
  • Hey! I've always been more of an independent personality person as well. Then I hit a point where I was so frustrated with myself, that I joined a "Challenge group" on facebook to participate in P90X! It changed my life! And now I'm a Beachbody coach, hosting my own challenge group, and on my second round of P90X! Awesome…
  • If you look at your nutrition guide, there is a calorie forumla that comes with it to tell you how many calories you should be eating while doing Insanity. I did P90X and had 1800 (healthy) calories/day. You need to eat more calories because you burn so much; especially with Insanity!! For women the forumla is: 655 + (4.35…
  • I love running. In 2 months, it helped me drop 20 lbs, and I was in great shape! It really releases a lot of stress, too. Finding a real reason to run is crucial though. I started because of a life-changing experience; the death of a close friend. Now, I run a half marathon every year in her honor, and every year I…
  • I have honestly, the perfect solution! Hear me out -- So, I had hit my top weight in January 2012. I ended up losing 20 lbs by a change in eating. But of course, fell off and gained it right back! In August I was introduced to some people who are passionate about creating a healthy change for people. They asked me to join…
  • Good morning! You can definitely add me - I love MFP! It really helps a TON! I started doing P90X and when I did, I began using MFP regularly! They have an app too! :) Since finishing P90X I still use it and love love love it. Really helps keep track! Welcome :)