Hello fitness world!!

Hey everyone.

I'm Savannah and I'm trying my darndest to get healthy and fit again.

My family (DH & DD4) and I were in a car accident back in AUG and due to surgery, recovery, and serious depression I have started down an EXTREMELY unhealthy path for myself and my family. We've been eating out almost every single day and I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I cooked anything at all. I can sleep literally all day long, I don't drink enough water (mainly soda), and I don't get up and move much... not even to clean the house.

It's seriously sad. I'm not doing anything right for my DD and it's ripping my heart out to see the things she's being taught.

Before the accident I was extremely healthy. I had already done TurboFire and lost 20+ lbs with it and then moved on to Insanity. After 2 rounds through I had gained 8-9lbs of muscle and felt wonderful! Best I'd felt since I don't know when.
I actually felt sexy for once and enjoyed taking the time everyday to do my hair and make-up or to go shopping.

Now, that's all gone. :( I hate myself, my body, my life. I wish I was someone else or that something magical would happen and I could go back in time to when I felt amazing.

BUT it's time for a change!

I need to do this for my DD, my DH, and most of all for MYSELF before I implode or worse.

Like I said I struggle with severe depression so those dark looming thoughts are always around and I'm always mentally fighting this never ending battle with demons. I need to get control over myself and get some much needed peace.

Starting tomorrow, 11 Dec 2012, I will be doing everything I can to better myself and get healthy again.

P90X fit test is 1st thing along with before pictures.

I'm going to have to set reminders on my phone to get me to come back and post here along with logging my food and workouts, so this should be interesting. :)

I hope I can survive 90 days of busting my buns and I'm also hoping that my DH will join me and help keep me going and giving it all I've got.


  • paradise_runs
    paradise_runs Posts: 23 Member
    Hey! I just completed P90X! It is a tough program but I'll tell you what. My results were AMAZING!! Now, I'm on day 3 of Insanity and can't wait to see the end results. After P90X, I lost 25" all over my body; it was incredible. But nutrition was the BIGGEST part in that success. I was emotionally unstable at the time I had started P90X; not in a full on depressed manner, but I just wasn't happy. Now, omg, it's so different. I feel good about myself! I accomplished an awesome goal; finish P90X. The feeling you get post-workout is AMAZING. You CAN do it, and it WILL change your life!!

    Feel free to add me if you want an extra push! I know what it's like! :)
  • FitandHealthymama
    Hey! I just completed P90X! It is a tough program but I'll tell you what. My results were AMAZING!! Now, I'm on day 3 of Insanity and can't wait to see the end results. After P90X, I lost 25" all over my body; it was incredible. But nutrition was the BIGGEST part in that success. I was emotionally unstable at the time I had started P90X; not in a full on depressed manner, but I just wasn't happy. Now, omg, it's so different. I feel good about myself! I accomplished an awesome goal; finish P90X. The feeling you get post-workout is AMAZING. You CAN do it, and it WILL change your life!!

    Feel free to add me if you want an extra push! I know what it's like! :)

    Congrats on your success! :) I'm digging the program so far, but Tony's sense of humor is something to get used to.
    Insanity is awesome! I finished 2 full rounds of it before my car accident and felt fantastic. Good Luck!!!! ;)