jill07 Member


  • I have a fitbit zip (clip on style) that I really liked but wanted to try a bracelet style that tracked a few more things. I got a Jawbone UP that I really liked but only had it for 2wks before it stopped working. The company sent me a new one but that also started having issues after a week of use. It was a shame because…
  • going to give this a try- 250 sounds tough!
  • Yes-I was worried too but everyone told me 20 miles was enough and they were right. I thought the last 6.2 would be awful but as long as you don't start out too fast and fuel well the excitement of the day gets you through!
  • I ran my first marathon a month ago and finished in 4:59. As long as you have a good training plan you will do fine. I used Hal Higdon's plan for beginners. You can do it!!!!:happy:
  • Going to give this a try!
  • You can add me- I have run 2 halfs and just ran my first full last month. I will start training again in a couple wks for the Disney Princess half in February.
  • I agree- I have been using this model (omron) for several years- it even has a model that you can download your stats w/ a USB into your computer and will graph out your progress. I love it! I recommended it to someone else recently and looked on Amazon too, you can find one for about $35-40, a little pricey but if your…
  • I have been using Life fitness Active step pedometer (bought at CVS) which I believe is the similar to Omron one I had originally bought off amazon. I have used for the past few years and found it to be the most accurate (I have a garmin GPS watch I use for running and when I compared it against the pedometer it was pretty…
  • I agree w/ the others- if there is a running store w/ staff that can help you get fitted that would be best. When I got my first pair of good running shoes a few years ago it was w/ the help of a knowledgeable sales person who spend some time w/ me. I did wear new balance for a few years since that was the brand I started…
  • Good luck- I joined myself almost 2 wks ago and this site has been so helpful. I think you will really like it-