

  • I heard on the tv doctors show that if you add 2 tablespoons of sugar free crainberry juice to your bottle water that it will help keep you from retaining water. im going to try it
  • I keep hard boiled eggs in my frige for the week, that way I can have one with toast and coffie, plus I can put one on a salad for lunch.eggs are high in protine so you dont get hungery as offten.
  • welcome to myfitnesspal
    in Newbie Comment by anewmeat50 August 2011
  • I got a brand new one and Im having the same problem.It reaily frustating, realy depresses me sometimes.becouse Im doing everything right.
  • oh! I know I love them
  • you should eat at least 1200 calories a day plus eat your calories that you exercised. so your body dont go in to starvation mode.
  • Im eating 1500 calories a day and im doing 30 minits of exercise a day. and Im loosing about 2 pounds a week. that is about 8 to 10 pounds a month. that should be your goail is 1 to 2 pounds a week for healthy weight loss.if you loose to much to fast thair is a chance you will gain it all back and the put on more weight.I…
  • I made turkey tacos, you can eat two turkey beef you can only eat one. they are half the calories.
  • For me I have cut out all sugar and mostly all carbs.Im eating alot of fresh fruit and vegies.need to drink lots of water and take your vitiems.I have been walking 30 minits a day.good luck. Oh and stay away from fried and frast foods.