krillersmom Member


  • A friend of mine will steam her broccoli and then put a tablespoon or two of garlic hummus in the pot and let it get all melty. She swears by it, and it sounds amazing, it would probably work for the cali mix too.
  • Man people can be cattier on these posts than a group of high school frenemies on synced cycles! The girl did say mid morning snack right from the get go people!
  • It is a powdered peanut butter. You use it dry in recipes, or add water for a peanut butter texture. Tastes absolutely amazing, and is much lower in fat.
  • 1. 7th grade, the guy sitting behind me says "your arms are so big, are you on steroids?" I don't know if he was jealous or calling them fat, but it always stuck with me as I do have bigger arms. I always feel self conscious wearing tank tops. 2. A guy I was "friends with benefits with" said to me one day "god, do you know…
  • I have been doing T25 since January and am down 17 pounds and over 8 inches overall. I haven't been as dedicated as I could be, but still seeing results and still doing more then I ever had before! Great program and very effective.
  • I was shopping with a friend awhile back (several pounds and inches back even) and I was looking in the regular sizes, which was a total NSV for me to begin with. But when the sales person asked if I wanted to try my stuff on, I responded by saying I hadn't look at the section of clothing behind her. She poo poo'd me and…
  • I can't speak to your second question about lifting weights. But for your first question, my understanding is that you eat the 1340 and then you can choose to eat back your exercise calories, or you can choose not to, you will have a higher deficit for "better" weight loss (I say better, for lack of a better word. Maybe…
  • You CAN'T buy clothes in the plus size stores anymore!!!!! Yay for shopping in the mall again!
  • I just snooped your have had 4 kids hunny! Cut yourself some slack! If I weighed what you do and look like you, I would be thrilled! I know this doesn't help because you aren't where you want to be, but just keep working at it and cut yourself a break once in awhile. You will get there eventually and for all…
  • Woot woot! Congrats on your success so far! Thanks for the motivation first thing in the morning! I needed a little push today!
  • 1) Sushi 2) Cooked Fruit - No fruit pie for me 3) Mushrooms!!!!! 4) Excessively hot weather 5) Caramel
  • Oh dear! That sounds amazing!!!!!
  • It's not that I can't. I'm trying to limit myself to 2 servings of carbs (and by carbs in this case I mean tortilla's, bread, brown rice etc) so I usually have those with lunch or dinner. Sorry for the double post, still getting used to how to post lol
  • It's not that I can't. I'm trying to limit myself to 2 servings of carbs (and by carbs in this case I mean tortilla's, bread, brown rice etc) so I usually have those with lunch or dinner.
  • Oh dear! That sounds amazing!!!!!
  • Thank you for all the suggestions! I appreciate it!