

  • Anyone can add me too:)
  • "i 1000000% could not agree this is the parents fault" "my mom is partially to blame" So then your not 100% then if your contradicting yourself.
  • exactly. I mean, I never want to admit when im wrong. There was a time that no matter how wrong i was, in my head, i was always right. I've grown up and realised that my actions effect everyone else, and admitting your wrong is a very strong thing to do, people wont laugh or point fingers for admitting your wrong. Most…
  • parents are to blame. The little kid doesn't buy the food, the little kid doesn't cook it, and most of the time doesn't choose it. I was watching the show "super nanny", one of the women complained her obese diabetic son was sneaking junk food from the cupboards and eating sweets(candy), crisps(chips), cookies, chocolates…
  • thanks. i just see all these amazing weight loss stories and think 'what the hell why arnt i like that?' i know that ill get there one day because i dont want to live like this forever. i have good days and bad days.. mostly bad. but still. its gunna happen.
  • i dont really remember how long it took me, i started in january i would say it took me less than a month and i realised how easy it seemed to lose it and i thought "well if its this easy maybe i can get away with eating a few bits of junk" i started to slip back to how i used to eat. i just started MPF today. i gained…
  • hey:) im looking for a buddy too. i need to loose about the same amount as you, but thats just to get myself happy and healthy, feel free to add me.
  • It was suggested by my mum that i start therapy when i was 15. I down right refused. i cant stand the thought of it. Maybe one day i might man up and face the fear of sharing it with a professional. i guess i feel like they'll judge me for feeling like this, although i have plenty of reasons to be sad. i would also hate…
  • thanks, im scared, exited, and angry at myself for being this way. i rememer how much happier i felt when i was actually losing weight and i want that back. Im starting again tomorrow. I know it should start now but i feel a new day comes with a fresh start. -sigh-. i will do this, its so happening. I guess just hearing…
  • i gained about 45lbs in pregnancy. but i was 20lbs over my usual weight before i got pregnant because of birth control. i tried swapping snacks to health bars etc but i found it easier to just not snack at all. i would rather feel hungry than know ive just eaten some unnecessary calories. im 5,5 and 177lbs. im normally…
  • ive struggled on and off with depression since the age of 14. I hate the thought of therapy, i feel like they're my problems so i should be able to fix them. I'm extremely shy too and would hate to express my full self to somebody like that. It has gotten a little worse after having my baby but its mainly my weight that…
  • sheffield here :) free to add if you want :L i have no friends yet :l