FizzingWhizbee Member


  • Hey all New fellow Gryffindor reporting for duty. I've added my name to the spreadsheet and can't wait to get started with you all. :)
  • I've added you Rach. :)
  • Name: Nicki Age: 33 Location: Bournemouth, UK What are your main motivations for losing weight?: To be healthier and feel better about the way I look. What exercises do you like doing most?: Probably walking, cycling or Zumba/dancing. What's your biggest food weakness?: Pizza, cheese, pasta... Basically carbs. Where are…
  • Welcome newbies Always nice to see some fresh faces. :) I was going to weigh yesterday but I figured I might as well wait and do it in the morning so I'm ready to start with a Friday weighing day. How's everyone doing today? xx
  • I can indeed do winners graphics if people so wish. :D
  • Clare - I've been debating the same thing with my ticker too. It's kind of depressing me to see it sitting at my goals from last year. I was thinking new year, new start. Also, welcome back. It's nice to see you back. We've all missed you. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey ladies. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. Sorry I've been a little quiet, but I've been pretty hectic recently and have been away over New Year too. Anyhow, I'm home now and am ready to kick 2012's *kitten*. Going to go and weigh today (which I'm not looking forward to) so at least I should have a…
  • Wonderful goals Jen. I think I may have to start thinking about mine properly. Watch this space... :) x
  • Have a lovely Christmas everyone. :D xxx
  • Keep your chin up Jen. We all trip over a pothole on occasion. Think of the positives... At least you recognise that you've slipped a little. I have absolute faith in you and if it takes you a day, a week or until the festive period is over, I know you'll pick yourself up and get right back on the road again. It might be a…
  • Oh no! The Quality Street tin has found a way into my flat. This could mean bad things. :laugh:
  • Hey lovely ladies. Finally my cold seems to have gone completely. I'm feeling so much better. I've been doing some really light exercise over the last few days as I didn't want to do too much and feel awful again. Rach - I can't believe you've gone to level 3 of Shred! Be careful that woman doesn't kill you! :laugh: You…
  • Evening ladies. I've had a bad couple of days. I thought I was over the worst of my cold, but I feel bunged up and pretty crappy again. Just hoping that it'll pass as quickly as it's come back. Courtney - Sending you big hugs. Hope you're okay. I can't imagine how you feel but I can only say that I'm sure your time will…
  • Wow Rach! As Jen said, you really are on fire. Just reading what you've got coming up has inspired me to do something good exercise related today. Jen - I hope you're feeling better. It's so awful when you're that tired and then the one thing that you need, sleep, managed to elude you. I hope you're managing to get some…
  • Morning ladies I'm back! I still have the end of my cold but I'm feeling much better now. My plan for the day is to do my daily exercise challenge and then go for a nice long walk along the beach. The fresh air will probably do me the world of good after being cooped up on the sofa. I shall be back later on to properly…
  • Hey ladies I'm still pretty crappy and ill at the moment. Sorry for the lack of communication, I've literally been on my sofa with a blanket and a box of tissues. I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel though, so I'll be back by the end of the weekend, ready for next week's challenge. I haven't read…
  • Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate today. :happy: I've been doing okay on the exercise and food front this week but I think I'm coming down with a cold which is a little annoying. Hopefully if I am, it'll be over quickly and not hinder me too much. How are all my lovely ladies of Loserville today?
  • Hey ladies :smile: Well I'm an idiot. I've been away to stay with a friend for just over a week and forgot to tell you all before I went so that you wouldn't think I'd fallen of the face of the planet. I'm home now anyway and will begin logging again today. Now I just need to scroll back and see what I've missed over the…
  • Morning all (or afternoon/evening depending on where you are in the world) I know I haven't posted in a couple of days. My internet has been crapping out whenever it feels like it and for no reason that I can work out. Fingers crossed, it seems to be working okay now, so I'm here to catch up on my 3 day's worth of entries.…
  • Hey ladies Just popped in to let you know that I'm going away over the weekend and probably won't have much internet access. Bit of a last minute thing to be honest. Decided to spend the weekend with a my old flatmate who now lives a couple of hours away. I'll be back Sunday night or Monday morning. Hope you all have a…
  • Wow Rach! That's excellent. Also, thanks for the link. I'm just having a read of it now and it's making for good reading. I'm still taking things a bit more slowly at the moment, so if you notice my numbers are a bit all over the place, that's why. The pain is finally easing off but I don't want to be reckless and do too…
  • Rach - Not sure what's happening with my exam grades yet. I've sent off the forms and now I'm just waiting to see what they say. I'm hoping that the doctor's certificate will help alongside all the info I've given them in the form. Now it's just a waiting game. *crosses fingers*
  • Hey all Hope you're all doing well. I've had the all clear from the doctor in regards to my stomach pains. It looks like it was a burst cyst but it seems to have resolved itself now, which is good news. I'm a bit late to the proceedings, but I've added my info to this week's spreadsheet. I hope everyone will be back on the…
  • I'm here Jen. :happy: I've been MIA this week as I've just been trying to rest up as much as possible. I'm still in quite a bit of pain but I have my scan booked in this week so with any luck we'll get to the bottom of the whole thing. My doctor has said that his money is on a burst ovarian cyst though. I'm going to try to…
  • Hey ladies Just a quick update from my end. I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to do on this week's challenge. I'm still under my calories but doing exercise this week is going to be a bit of a nightmare. As I'd said in my earlier post, I've been revising for two exams this week. I had the first one yesterday, but…
  • Hey lovely ladies! Just here quickly. I know I've been pretty poor on the updating side of things this week so wanted to pop in and catch up on the thread. I've been doing a lot of revision as I have a three hour exam on Tuesday and then the same again on Thursday! I wouldn't mind so much, but I have to write them and not…
  • My 1, 2, 3, 4 for this week 1- Set of Jumping Jacks (minimum 50) per day 2 - Sessions of Zumba 3 - Walks (minimum of 3 miles per walk) 4 - Bike rides
  • There is just no way I'm ever going to eat my calories today. I've spent 6 1/2 hours today cleaning and going through stuff in the flat. I am shattered to be honest. Time for bed I think. Hope you girls are all okay. Keep up the good work :) Jen - Keep your chin up. I hope things get easier for you soon. *hugs*
  • Don't worry Jen, we all have days like that. :flowerforyou: I have so much to do today, I can't even tell you. It's kind of my own fault though as I should have started doing what I needed to at the start of the week rather than yesterday. I have a guy coming out tomorrow to update my fuse box and also check all my plug…
  • Are you ready to kick some *kitten* Tami? Can't wait to start tomorrow.