Loserville - New Year, New Challenge!



  • MfP6420
    MfP6420 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! fitjanfin
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    I'm super excited to start this adventure with everyone! I weighed this morning... SW 275 GW 257 (I'm shooting for the stars on this one...)

    Name: Amy
    Age: 24
    Location: Las Vegas, NV
    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: I'm tired of being tired all the time. I want more energy and I would also like to save some money when it comes times to shop for clothes. :-) Smaller sizes seem to cost less.
    What exercises do you like doing most?: I like ZUMBA! And I love walking with my dog.
    What's your biggest food weakness?: I'm a sucker for carbs... I like rice, pasta, bread, rolls... If it is a carb, chances are I love it!
    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: Camping in Utah with family
    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Olive Garden... PASTA and BREADSTICKS!
    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: I used to always watch Saved by the Bell before heading off to school

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    One of the originals and self appointed Mayor of Loserville.
    And judging by stats so far put in, the senior citizen of Loserville.:ohwell:

    Name: Jenni
    Age: 51
    Location: Sydney Australia

    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: 1. to keep diabeties under control
    2. so I can put the meal tray down on airplanes
    3. to show you young ones how to do it (feeling positively ancient)
    What exercises do you like doing most?: zumba, ballet, walking, aquaerobics, JM30DS
    What's your biggest food weakness?: carbs and cheese and wine and nibblies and cake and probably lots more
    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: Anywhere, have stayed on ashams in India, and also enjoyed the gaudiness of Vegas
    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Mother Chu's Budhist vegetarian (over order and over eat)
    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: The Flying Nun (now I really do feel old)

    PS its almost 4am Friday here in Sydney, no I'm not up early, just haven't gone to bed yet. Can't sleep yet again. Urgg. This had better not be a seniors problem, maybe its menopause, oh ****!!!!! Actually I think I worry too much about my only child a 20 yr old daughter who moved out of home last year.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I think I am going to migrate us to groups as then we can keep our weigh in and chat thread separate, look out for the invite!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Name: Nicki

    Age: 33

    Location: Bournemouth, UK

    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: To be healthier and feel better about the way I look.

    What exercises do you like doing most?: Probably walking, cycling or Zumba/dancing.

    What's your biggest food weakness?: Pizza, cheese, pasta... Basically carbs.

    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: I <3 New York.

    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Anywhere Italian.

    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: I have so many... I used to watch a lot of Ulysses 31.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Happy New Year Loserville!

    I'll whip us up a spreadsheet with all members on this evening, what's our challenge going to be for the first week? I'd be keen on a big burn challenge (either who can burn the most calories or aim to burn 3500?), as I feel like that's what I need to do right now!!

    Name: Rach, Rachel, Rachy
    Age: 38
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand

    What are your main motivations for losing weight?
    To be fit, fast and fabulous

    What exercises do you like doing most? Run, Bike, Swim, Bootcamp, JM30DS. I'm currently training for a triathlon series, first race is 22nd Jan.
    What's your biggest food weakness? Sugar, I'll eat anything in excess that contains it. I am an addict.

    Where are your favourite holiday spots? I love to experience different cultures, but with 2 small kids my holidays are limited to activities they love! I love Rotorua, mountain bike tracks, beaches ...

    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't? Restaurant? What's that? I eat out very, very rarely. When hubby and I do get a rare night out we always try somewhere new.

    What was your favourite TV show growing up? Hmmmmmmm .... I think Danger Mouse, but that's the sort of question that would change if you asked me tomorrow!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member

    Here's a basic spreadsheet ... we can improve it later .... Is everyone is happy to put their names and weights on, and update each week? Have a go and let me know ...
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks, I put my info in :-0
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I've migrated us to a group, you should all have an invite, but if I've missed you out, let me know!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Sorry I'm late! Ben taking down the Christmas decorations and watching celebrity big brother!

    Name: Claire - original and one of the founder members of this fine place!

    Age: I'll put that I'm 32 but i'm not really until the 10th!

    Location: Wales

    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: I want to be able to shop on the high street, not wobble when I run, have more stamina to keep up with the kids!

    What exercises do you like doing most?: Love boxercise, need to get back into it after the Christmas break, also sports active on the wii... Just bought a Joanna Hall dvd to try and am looking at getting a fitness game for the xbox kinect w got for christmas!

    What's your biggest food weakness?: anything... Good in general! Peanut butter, chocolate, cake, buns, bread, crisps, it's endless!

    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: anywhere hot by the sea, the Bahamas was pretty special!

    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Got to be KFC, Frankie and Benny's, Burger King, Indian food

    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: There were so many good 80s cartoons! Rainbow Brite, Fraggle Rock, Thundercats, He-man, oooo Dungeons and dragons, oh and Dungeon Master!

    Pleased to be back and hello and welcome to all the new faces! I look forward to getting to know you all...

    Will post my starting weight tomorrow - it won't be pretty :sad:
  • ItsBcoz
    ItsBcoz Posts: 26 Member
    added my name to the spreadsheet will put in start weight tomorrow morning . . . . .really looking forward to this challenge
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    added my name to the spread sheet but i didn't get a group invite :( please do send me one!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Sent! I think it's because on my laptop I only see half your username under your pic in the thread - weird!

    Everyone please head to the group, I will keep checking this for the next week though, but all info is now in there.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I don't have a group invite ... I don't think ...
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I've added you Rach. :)
  • DenisePacey
    DenisePacey Posts: 25 Member
    EEK! Am I too late to be a loser?!! :ohwell:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Age: 31
    Location: Virginia
    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: being more healthy, having more energy, to have a baby
    What exercises do you like doing most?: walking, yoga, I love zumba and aqua aerobis but I don't do them as often
    What's your biggest food weakness?: chips and dip, pizza and chocolate
    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: I love cruises, London and Williamsburg, VA
    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Taco Bell
    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: Smurfs
  • DenisePacey
    DenisePacey Posts: 25 Member
    Name: Denise - most people call me Dee

    Age: 42

    Location: Lincolnshire

    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: I want to feel happy in my own skin and be healthy

    What exercises do you like doing most?: I love going to the gym when I get time

    What's your biggest food weakness?: everything especially chocolate

    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: Haven't been to them all yet! :wink:

    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Pizza Hut

    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: Scooby Doo! Bionic Woman,
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    as much as it pained me i added pounds baclk to my ticker

    CW: 216lbs

    Goal for this challenge: 205

    good luck everyone!
  • Coliekins4112
    Coliekins4112 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Nicole and i'd loveee to join this challenge! I'm starting at 137.0 lbs and i want to be 115 by the end of this challenge