Loserville - New Year, New Challenge!

So my lovely losers, it's a new year and time to build on everything we've achieved last year, even if we may have lost our way a bit!

Our weigh day is going to be FRIDAY, but I won't post results till MONDAY EVENING, to give those a chance who might prefer a Monday weigh-in time to post their weight.

This challenge will run for 12 weeks until the 30TH MARCH 2012 and we'll be doing a different challenge each week, all of the things we're used to, 1,2,3,4 challenge, 3500 burn, LOSER sharing.

I am sure Rachypompa will give us some exercise challenges again as well! The lovely FizzingWhizzbee will be providing a graphic for the biggest loser each week as well. (on percentage, not actual lbs lost)

As we've lost a few members along the way, we are going to open up this challenge to new members. We are a lovely bunch of ladies who like to check in and post about our days and offer support in that way as well. We don't want a huge uncontrollable group so we may have to stop accepting people if it gets too big.

As ever, I need your starting weight and your goal weight for the end of the 12 week period.

WOO HOO, back on the wagon ladies!


  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm in and can I still be the self appointed mayor of Loserville. I promise to keep the roads clear of pot holes so your wagons can travel smoothly. If anyone hits a pothole let me know and I will help you out of it and get it filled in. However to do this costs so taxes will be high. All misdemeanors will incur a high fine (extra exercise). Residents of Loserville prepare yourselves for a grand year.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yes Mayor Jen!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    can newbies join to?
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    Could I join please? :)
  • tarletonmom12
    My name is April and I just joined today! I would like to go for the challenge. I am hoping to lose 24 pounds in 12 weeks. However, I will make it 12 pounds as a more realistic goal.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I would like to join. I need a well organized group to keep me on track.

    Current weight 207
    Goal weight 197
  • RAS10710
    RAS10710 Posts: 53 Member
    Our weigh day is going to be FRIDAY, but I won't post results till MONDAY EVENING, to give those a chance who might prefer a Monday weigh-in time to post their weight.

    This challenge will run for 12 weeks until the 30TH MARCH 2012 and we'll be doing a different challenge each week, all of the things we're used to, 1,2,3,4 challenge, 3500 burn, LOSER sharing.

    I am sure Rachypompa will give us some exercise challenges again as well! The lovely FizzingWhizzbee will be providing a graphic for the biggest loser each week as well. (on percentage, not actual lbs lost)

    As we've lost a few members along the way, we are going to open up this challenge to new members. We are a lovely bunch of ladies who like to check in and post about our days and offer support in that way as well. We don't want a huge uncontrollable group so we may have to stop accepting people if it gets too big.

    As ever, I need your starting weight and your goal weight for the end of the 12 week period.

    WOO HOO, back on the wagon ladies!

    Just a couple of questions:
    What's the 1,2,3,4 challenge?
    I'm from Australia so I use kgs for weight, if I join do you want me to convert my numbers to lbs to make it easier for those in charge calculating percentage losses, making graphics, etc?
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    can newbies join to?

    my starting weight is 85 kg or 187 lbs
    my goal weight in 12 weeks is 12 pounds which would be an end result of 175. i would like to goover that really but it is a realistic goal to have.
    also what is the 1,2,3,4

    claire. xxx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Welcome newbies. Since I am having a tough time sleeping I shall respond till poorcopies comes back on line. Welcome to my fellow Aussie. Yes I usually convert to pounds for the chart maker. The 1234 challenge I made up and we have fun with it. We all set our own goals that week using a 1234 basis. You may decide to try 1 new exercise, take 2 walks, get to bed early 3 nights and try 4 new recipes. We all come up with different things which often inspires someone else.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Welcome newbies. Since I am having a tough time sleeping I shall respond till poorcopies comes back on line. Welcome to my fellow Aussie. Yes I usually convert to pounds for the chart maker. The 1234 challenge I made up and we have fun with it. We all set our own goals that week using a 1234 basis. You may decide to try 1 new exercise, take 2 walks, get to bed early 3 nights and try 4 new recipes. We all come up with different things which often inspires someone else.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yay! Consider you all joined! :)

    If you could post a starting weight tomorrow and your goal for the challenge if you haven't already, that would be grand :)

    If you could post in lbs that would be easier but it won't be too hard to convert, so kgs is fine if it's easier for you, as Jen said, she's also in Aus.

    The 1,2,3,4 challenge is fun as you get to set your own goals. :)
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome newbies

    Always nice to see some fresh faces. :) I was going to weigh yesterday but I figured I might as well wait and do it in the morning so I'm ready to start with a Friday weighing day. How's everyone doing today? xx
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I'm still in!

    WelcomeNew comers we are so happy to have you. this is such a suportive group and I am so happy to know these lasdies and I look forward to getting to know you.

    Becci - shoudld we also ask for 1st names? I will do my official weight in a adding back to my ticker tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yeah actually to get to know everyone a little better, lets all do a get to know you Q&A again...

    What are your main motivations for losing weight?:
    What exercises do you like doing most?:
    What's your biggest food weakness?:
    Where are your favourite holiday spots?:
    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?:
    What was your favourite TV show growing up?:


    Name: Beccy
    Age: 32
    Location: Midlands, England
    What are your main motivations for losing weight?: I want to be able to shop on the high street again, I don't want my weight to impact on my quality of life, stop me from going on theme park rides etc. I want to be heathly so I can look at starting a family!
    What exercises do you like doing most?: I love Zumba on the Wii and the Parade, Kung-Fu and Boxing on Wii fit! I love walking and the Cross-Trainer as well.
    What's your biggest food weakness?: Cheese! I love cheese. All cheese. Mmm cheese! I also love sushi, which is pretty healthly, but not so much when I consume it in the quanties I can take down.
    Where are your favourite holiday spots?: I used to work in Ibiza, so love Ibiza! I also love Thailand and California, I love California so much! Oh and Veeeeegas!
    What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?: Fast food wise, KFC. I know, I know, it's wrong. But so finger licking delicious!
    What was your favourite TV show growing up?: Jem & Holograms! I loved her far too much.
  • RAS10710
    RAS10710 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm still getting used to the groups and discussion boards on the website (I usually use the iPhone app) and now I'm confused...

    Is this just a discussion thread or is it a group??

    If it's a group can someone please invite me to join as I can't find it when I search for it in the groups tab and coz I can't find it I can't join. :blushing:

    I'm assuming coz you have running challenges, graphs, etc, that you have a group formed to keep track of everybody :smile:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    We just have a thread because we aren't a huge group, we don't need multi threads. Groups I find are more for huge groups of 40+ members. The maximum we've had in our little group is probably around 12 and that dropped off.
  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    Can I join? I would love to support and be supported by a group and am really ready for a good challenge!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Sure! :)
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    Is there still time for me to join? I would love some support from a great group of people. :smile:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yep, we'll keep accepting till we get to around 20 ppl I think!

    Also, as well as starting weights tomorrow, if you wanted to do your measurements, that would be awesome as well! :)