Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Courtney we do have halloween here in NZ, and in the UK too, but I don't think it's as big a deal as it is in the US. It's a copy of your American traditions, when I grew up we didn't celebrate Halloween. We had mischievous night (where kids were allowed to play tricks on our neighbours!) and then Bonfire night/ Guy Fawkes on 5th Nov. Do you have Guy Fawkes? Pleased you love the spreadsheets!

    Sounds like a plan Jenn, hope today is another good day for you.

    Well, I weighed in this morning for a' lose 5lb in November' challenge, I've lost 0.7kg since yesterday, got on and off the scales a few times. Bonkers, but there you go! I cycled to bootcamp this morning, which was a great challenge, but doable! Still feeling pretty fabulous about the whole thing, long may it last!

    Open up tuesday. I'll be back x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    PS ....Courtney, halloween wasn't something I grew up with, but it is slowly creeping into this country. Only had one group of kids knock on our door last night and at least they were in costume. They must have heard that I don't give unless they make an effort. Last year they came with a bag ready for lollies. Have only seen a few houses decorated. Mind you lots of costumes etc on sale in the shops, so I think a lot of halloween parties happen but no so much door knocking. I really don't understand what is is celebrating. Help me out here.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Love it Jenn!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm working tomorrow :-( My job shareee is ill ... think of the money ... think of the money!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    LOL Good questions. I celebrate halloween b/c we always have but it has to do with the conversion of pagans to christianity- which is funny since some christians think it is wrong to celebrate it. See what i found online below:

    The current Halloween holiday comes from an old Celtic celebration called All Hallows Eve (translated to All Saints Day). During the festival they would bless and convert Pagans. We call it "Halloween" because "Hallow" means saints, and "-een" (originally e'en) means Evening. All Hallows Eve, get it?

    We dress up honoring the Celtics, who would wear masks to scare away evil spirits and prevent demons from identifying them as humans.

    Openess: hummm I am actually begging to feel ppretty good in my skin except for teh fact that I can actually see where my skin is beginning to sag from weightloss. I totally agree with Jenni I don;t want to settls for a one pound loss for teh month of Novemebr I am sick of being over 200lbs andd I plan to do somthing about it. I plan to have active weekends and excellent walks even in the cold. I want to kick butt this November and hopefully be at my goal weight next November on my Birthday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good Morning All. I had a bit of a sleep in which was lovely and now a quiet cup of tea. Husband is away for 10 days. Positive to that is I don't have to cook meals etc, the negative is I get to do everything around the house. My mother arrived home last night after 6 weeks with my sister. Mum llives an hours drive away. She is rather self sufficeint most of the times. I just have to ring her each day. Samara seems to have her work schedule on a less frantic pattern for a couple of days. So I may get some time for myself. What will I do. All chose chores that need catching up on. Started back in the garden yesterday, the weeds really popped up while I was away. Oh well at least that is always a good calorie burn. My muscles are really sore today, not sure if its still from the walk, zumba, starting Jillian Michaels 30 DS or the gardening. A combo of all most likely.

    Today is SHARE A HEALTH TIP.
    My tip is try to get PLENTY OF REST. I know I cope much better when not so tired. It even helps with resisting temptations, plus when rested I feel like exercising and cooking better meals.

    Courtney don't forget to fill in the spreadsheet as you go.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You would have seen my post from my home page that I have had to go into the city. I am going to try and keep logging from in there. Only i haven't managed to get to the spreadsheet in there, so will fill that in when I get home.
    grrrr... bloody real estates.... wait till he gets my phone call tomorrow :mad:
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Morning all (or afternoon/evening depending on where you are in the world)

    I know I haven't posted in a couple of days. My internet has been crapping out whenever it feels like it and for no reason that I can work out. Fingers crossed, it seems to be working okay now, so I'm here to catch up on my 3 day's worth of entries. Hope you're all ready for a long post...

    Monday - Loss

    Okay, I'm not going to lie here, I haven't been on the scales in a couple of weeks. After the whole thing with my burst cyst and not being able to do much, I just couldn't face it. I'm doing okay with exercise this week so I will be getting back on the scales in a few days with the hope that it shows something good. I don't need a loss, just to maintain would be good.

    Tuesday - Open up

    The last few months I've been on a bit of a roller coaster to be honest. I feel like I've been pushed from pillar to post with doctors, hospitals and everything else in between. The car accident I was in back last December has caused nerve damage in my ear and the ringing sound looks like it's here to stay. Honestly, it's driving me up the wall but I still feel like there's more that the hospital can do. It's like they've taken a very brief look at my ears and decided that they can't be bothered to investigate further.

    I do have to go for a MRI scan this month so that they can rule out anything nasty (i.e tumours and such), but I still think that there's more to it than that. They haven't addressed the feeling of fullness in my ears or the pain that I'm feeling behind my ears and right down through my jaw. All of these things point to eustachian tube dysfunction but they don't seem to be listening. I had a hearing test done and they said that my hearing is below normal for really high pitched sounds. I think it's an unfair statement though when the ringing is so loud that I think the sounds they are talking about is just blending in to the tiny noise that the hearing test makes.

    Anyhow, enough moaning! In good news, it looks like university are going to accept my letter from the doctor and award me a score based on my average mark from coursework. I don't know this for definite, but so far it seems to be going through okay.

    Wednesday - Share a health tip

    Okay, I may be going slightly off point here, but my tip is simple... SMILE!

    I find that even if I have to fake it for a while, smiling makes me feel better and when I feel better, I want to do more. When I'm down, the last thing I want to do is get up and do anything physical, so I've tried to get up, put a smile on my face and get on with it. Strangely, this seems to work for me.

    On a final note, just wanted to let you know that when I am feeling low, I know I can come here and just reading your posts makes me feel better. I love being a part of this group and feel like even though we all live in different places around the world, I know that there are people out there who understand the ups and downs of this journey. So for that, thank you lovely losers. My day is brighter because of all of you. :flowerforyou:

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies, I am have a great week so far. Not so much with logging or exercising but life is definatly good. Yesterday we had a big meeting at work and I reacieved some many complments on how well organized everything was I also recieved a million thank yous. Went to teh eye doctor yeaterday. Saw a new doctor and he was awesome. he told me that the reason I transpose numbers and letters is that when i focus I cross my eyes so things get mixed up. Now I know why i had such trouble in math and spelling in school.

    Jenni - i can't get to the spred sheet at work and i forget in the evenings some time. i will try to fill it in this evening... Please find some time for yourself. You are such a giver and deserve some you time.

    Nikki - I am glad you have been able to exercise more but i am bummed to hear about your ear. that riniging must be awful. I hope all goes well with your grades. BTW you also brighten my day :)

    share a health tip - exercise at work. I do squats, lunges, crunchs, jumping jacks etc. in my cube at work. All of it really has added up for me. You can also do this on comercials when your at home watchign tv in the evenings. every little bit helps.

    Have a super day ladies!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Woah! I'm so tired from working an extra day, and my house is a tip! After dinner today I sensed that my tiredness was making me want to eat. I recognised it, and tried to figure out what to do. I went for a lie down, and though I did eat half a bagel and too many grapes I'm still under my calories, and am hailing that as a beat the "eat because I'm tired" demon!

    Courtney I love that image! You doing your exercises at work, go you! Doesn't really work for me though, as I'm a teacher, and the kids I teach think I'm pretty bonkers as it is! And great idea to do some when the ads are on! Love it.

    Right ... catching up ...

    Open up tuesday ... Well I feel so much better when I eat well, but I know that even though my head is in the right space now I'm not hitting "change in lifestyle", I'm still in diet on diet off mode. I thought I had it before, and I feel like I have it now, but the truth is that given half a chance I'd happily stuff my face with chocolate and chippies. I'm not sure how I stop that, or if that will ever go away. I just feel like there's always going to be a fat girl fighting to get out! I wonder if everyone feels like that, I had always thought that maintaining my weight would be, like I'd just eat sensibly most of the time, but it seems i eat crap for a few days, then diet for a few days and repeat, and eating like that is not good for my physche, or for how I feel when I exercise. I feel so much fitter and faster when I'm eating well, hopefully there will come a time where that feeling will out weigh the momentary satisfaction some chocolate and chippies can give.

    Wednesday Health Tip: Plan, plan and plan again! Decide when you're going to exercise and do it, decide what your going to eat in advance, invest time in finding delicious healthy food that you love. I find it makes eating well so much easier.

    Thursday, Exercise, For any of you walking/ running/ biking I use runkeeper on my phone. It's pretty fab, tells you what your pace/ distance is so that you can aim to be faster each time. I love it for running, and biking.

    Right, now to get the kids in bed, then face the tidying up ... eeeek!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi lovely ladies. Still in city trying to type on this tiny I pod Thingy. Have got the real estate on his toes. Asked him how would his life be if I rang with the news that Samara had been attacked in the stairwell. And he could have prevented it by being a bit pro active. Said I had to come alll the way in from the mountains to protect her because he wasn't living up to the contract of a secure entrance. Now tomorrow I am doing an extra shift. Yay I need the money but as husband is away I will have to catch train back home walk up the hill it's so much easier going down. Anyway will water the garden feed the cat take car to station and come back into city. Then after work train back late at night but at least car will be there. I have to go home as I have work out there Saturday morning. Confusing life sometimes. Ssshhh I hope to have Saturday night to myself. Oh and the cat.
    Courtney took my exercise tip. Great minds think a like. Today I watched television from the floor and did some stretches etc only 17 minutes worth. But it was something. I actually ran out of ideas of what to do. So I shall suggest while on a phone call if possible walk around the garden or pace the room even just standing will burn my calories than sitting.
    And Rach I fight the fat girl daily sometimes she wins and makes me eat pizza and chips but I get her back and make her have salads and soups. Will there ever be a time when she is not there to fight? I hope so. Will we ever crave whole grains and greens?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi lovely ladies. Still in city trying to type on this tiny I pod Thingy. Have got the real estate on his toes. Asked him how would his life be if I rang with the news that Samara had been attacked in the stairwell. And he could have prevented it by being a bit pro active. Said I had to come alll the way in from the mountains to protect her because he wasn't living up to the contract of a secure entrance. Now tomorrow I am doing an extra shift. Yay I need the money but as husband is away I will have to catch train back home walk up the hill it's so much easier going down. Anyway will water the garden feed the cat take car to station and come back into city. Then after work train back late at night but at least car will be there. I have to go home as I have work out there Saturday morning. Confusing life sometimes. Ssshhh I hope to have Saturday night to myself. Oh and the cat.
    Courtney took my exercise tip. Great minds think a like. Today I watched television from the floor and did some stretches etc only 17 minutes worth. But it was something. I actually ran out of ideas of what to do. So I shall suggest while on a phone call if possible walk around the garden or pace the room even just standing will burn my calories than sitting.
    And Rach I fight the fat girl daily sometimes she wins and makes me eat pizza and chips but I get her back and make her have salads and soups. Will there ever be a time when she is not there to fight? I hope so. Will we ever crave whole grains and greens?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello ladies. it's Thursday mroning in Virginia and i am so looking forward to my weekend. Hubby put up teh paint sample in the office and I love it. never thought i would want a purple room. I never liked the color until I emt my husband, who just loves it.

    Exercise- had a sub in yoga class last night and she was amazing. I felt so wonderufl after class. That just reminds me that i really should get to yoga at least once a week. Planning to walk with hubby tonight and do some squats and tricep dips at work today. I'm feeling more excited about exercise since yoga last night. Maybe it was just what I needed.

    Rach - I do jumping jacks in the bathroom sometimes too. sometiems people walk in a look at me funny but i just smile and say i got to fit it in some time. As for tehat fat girl that fights with us. I try to ignor her, if she wins I jsut shrug it off and try again the next day. I find if I give her the staisfaction of winning by getting really upset at myself she beats me more often.

    Jen- good job giving the real estate a hard time. He needs to uphold his part of the contract. I love you idea about pacing while on the phone. I try to do that. Good luck with all you traveling back an fourth. i couldn't imagine being on teh move as much as you are.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Girls, I'm back. No logging while I have been doing a multitude of things (play, decorating, quitting my job etc) has meant I have slipped back into old habits which isn't good! I am going on holiday in three weeks and I brought some shorts a couple of months ago I was just shy of getting into and how they don't look like I'll be able to take them at all.

    Hardcore need to get back in the game. 30 Day Shred or Wii fit everyday till I go (on the 26th). Booya.

    Hope you're all well and sorry for neglecting you! Our play opened last night and I was incredibly nervous but apparently I did really well, yay! Three more nights left, woo!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home. Cat fighting laptop for space on me.

    Lovely to see messages from everyone. Hang in there girls amongst our busy lives we can also get fit.

    I am doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred again. Up to day 4. I even did it in the city. Did it around lunch time so was hoping the downstairs neighbours were at work and I tried to jump lightly. :blushing:
    I am also trying to keep up my walking and now I'm home will do some gardening.

    Today is share a Recipe day. I'm all out of ideas. Except I was reading in one of my recent health magazines about a kick start diet and I'm thinking of doing that this week. Its mostly vegie soup, with fruit and steam vegie for the first couple of days. I'm thinking since I have the next few days at home (fingers crossed), alone, I could do something like this and not worry about preparing other food. Just think it might give me the boost I need. Over in calories again the last couple of days, but now I'm home I can be better prepared.

    If I want to be 90kg by the end of November I have to work harder and keep a better eye on my calorie intake.

    Chat again tomorrow, I am so tired its off to bed shortly for me.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Becci so glad yo have you back. I'm sure the play went beautifully. I know you can kick Butt until your holiday

    Jenni - glad you are at home and able to take some time for you.

    I am feeling great today. I saved 50% at the grocery store yesterday and I hope to clean out my refridgerator this weekend. I am also working on the 30DS but not every day. I hope to finally make it to level 2 soon. Thanksgiving, my 31st birtday and the biggest shopping day of teh year are coming up. I am super excited I love November and I plan to kick butt this month.

    to day is R for recipies- This ia snother rachael ray soup. when I entered mine into teh recipe calculator it came aout about 415 cals per bowl and it will definatly fill you up. I split it into 6 servings instead of 4.

    1/2 pound whole wheat spaghetti
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    3/4 pound chicken breast cutlets, thinly sliced
    2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    3/4 cup peanut butter
    1/4 cup plus
    2 tablespoons tamari (dark soy sauce)
    1/4 cup Thai red curry paste
    2 tablespoons tomato paste
    6 cups chicken brothOne
    1-inch piece fresh ginger, thinly sliced
    1/2 head napa or savoy cabbage, shredded
    1/2 cup apple juice1 cup bean sprouts1
    /4 cup chopped peanuts4 scallions, thinly sliced1
    tablespoon chopped cilantro
    Lime wedges, for serving

    Directions:Bring a large pot of water to boil, salt it, add the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain.

    Meanwhile, in a soup pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the chicken and garlic and cook, stirring, until the chicken is opaque, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Add the peanut butter, tamari, curry paste and tomato paste to the pot and stir. Increase the heat to medium-high and whisk in the chicken broth; add the ginger. Bring to a boil, then stir in the cabbage and cook until wilted, about 2 minutes. Return the chicken to the pot and stir in the apple juice.

    Divide the pasta among 4 bowls. Ladle the soup over the pasta. Top with the bean sprouts, peanuts, scallions and cilantro. Serve with the lime wedges.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning All, Saturday here and nice and sunny. Racing off to work, but I hope to get in some decent gardening when Iget home and of course a visit with Jillian Michaels.

    Have a great day Everyone.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Saturday afternoon here. Having a great day so far. Did the 30DS took down Halloween decoration and inventorying my food shelves. hoping to paint with hubby later :)

    Have a great weekend ladies.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Lazy Sunday. Strange having time to myself. Its good but odd. Made myself a pot of kick start soup today. Its just a vegetable soup. Tastes ok. Just trying to stick to this kick start program I read. Although today i have already cheated a bit, had a small packet of corn chips with cream cheese. Should still stay within calories. I have reset my settings to losing 2 pounds a week, which bought my daily calories down to 1200. Just trying this for a short time to boost me, then i will go back to 1 pound a week.
    Have done my jillian michaels work out Level 1 Day 6.
    How is everyone going in Loserville?