Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey all! Rach I am waiting to see what I can do on the WII fit and that will be my additional excercise, 20 mins of that each day. Hope that will be ok!

    Courtney lets rock this! So ready to get back on track!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    jenn - the 50 cals thing is that you can go up to 50 cals over, you don't have to be at least 50 below. And to work out you percent loss =(weight loss this week)/(weight at start of week)*100
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I'm so excited to begin this challenge. i think it will go well with the other challenge i'm working on.

    Rach - Thank you for the formula for weight loss.

    Jenni you aren't the only one who couldn't figure teh formula out. I am terrible at math...but it made no difference on teh challenge b/c I didn'y t lose any weight.

    Becci - we can totalyy kill this challenge. how is your back. be care but kick butt at the same time :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Excuse my dumbness

    Weight loss percentage so last week I lost 600grams I was 95.7kg. So do I divide it as point 6 divided by 95.7 = 0.06 mulitply by 100 = 0.6% And then for the last point challenge I would multiply that by 2 which would than equal 1.2%

    Is this right?

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I'm back! Finally have computer access again and it feels good. I've been away with a friend for a week and had so much trouble with wifi on my phone for some reason. Anyhow, I'm totally up for the new challenge. (Totally ready to kick some *kitten* Rachel :wink: )

    I'm going to get on the scales today... Finally. Will post up the results of that later.

    How is everyone else? xxx
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Woohooo! Pleased the other half of the winning team is back, hope you had a great time and are ready to kick start this challenge Nicki!

    Well done Jenn, your calculation is correct! And you can just type it straight into the spreadsheet cell "=0.6/95.7*100*2"

    How are we doing on our calorie burn so far this week?

    I'm on 1400 so far ... going to do a bit more tonight ...

    I had such a great breakthrough today. At bootcamp we sometimes run this really steep hill, well I say run, I try to run it, but it kills me I get part way and feel like I'm jogging on the spot and I give in and walk. I was telling my hubby about it, and he said you're probably hunching over, and not getting enough air in your lungs, try standing up straight. So anyway went to run it today with one of the bootcamp girls and guess what ... by standing up tall I could do it, and I felt fast ...and I was overtaking other people going up it! Felt so good!! Wooohoooo!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I've lost the chest strap for my HRM so will have to go on mfp cals... and forgot we were doing it so haven't done much! god i'm crap!! :ohwell:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yay glad your back Noo! Will call you for a catch up later. Gutted I didn't get to see you while you were at Tiff's!

    Courtney my back is doing ok but is very stiff when I sleep in certain positions, boo!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    rach -.cograts on your victory :)

    Nikki - glad to have you back for good

    Becci - I hope you continue to get better.

    I'm feeling aweful today. Had a fight with my stepson last night. I'm so triend of makign so many scrafices for him and not getting any respect. Wish I coudl curl up in a ball and cry. Oh well. Hopefully the day will get better.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    ahhh Courtney - I'm sure things will get better between you and your step son... Huge hugs for you xxx

    Becci - Nice to see you bad chicca! Sorry your back is still a bit iffy though - I can a stiff back when I sleep in certain positions too... Kettlehell was hard work yesterday for that very reason and today my bum is killing me!

    Just been out for a little bike ride - can't really call it too much like exercise as I was with DS and he's only just started riding his bike without stabilisers so keeps stopping a lot! Hopefully my mum will look after DD one afternoon while DS is at school so we can bike all the way to the next village along the cycle path... We've got a kiddie seat for OH's bike on order but it's not arrived yet... When it is we can all go biking!

    Sorry for the waffle! Boxercising tomorrow... Must try and find the chest strap for my HRM!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home again. :yawn: Still love going into the city but boy its tiring.

    Courtney its teenagers, even my daughter and i had a 'disagreement' once again, this week. Hang in there.

    Claire , woohoo for bike riding. how exciting. It will be such a lovely thing to do as a family.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Clair and Jenni thanks for the encouragement. i jsut get so frusterated. Hubby and I want a baby but when I fight with my stepson sometimes I feel like I will be a bad my to my own child.

    At least yesterday ended well with a nice dinner that did not put me over after I did my challenge exercise andd some jumping jacks. i think jumping jacks are my neew favorite exercise. they are so quick and you burn approx 1 cal for every 2 jacks.

    extra sleepy today slept like crap thanks goodness it's friday.

    Have a great weeknd all.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I finally got a loss I could record today - YAY! Just a 1lb but still. Better than nothing! I have been so complacent since getting back from my holiday but no more - need to sort this out. I want to get back on track asap, going on holiday again at the end of November so want to be at my half way point for sure by then!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Got on the scales yesterday and now wish I hadn't bothered. 4lbs on!!! I know I went away and ate stuff I shouldn't have, but I didn't expect it to be 4lbs. I'm hoping that some of it is due to TOM being just around the corner. Roll on Monday. Can't wait to get my teeth back into a challenge and see that weight come off again.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Don't lose heart Nikki - I'd say it probably is TOM... He's such a bugger!

    Just come back from a leisurely evening bike ride with OH, DS and my bestest buddy.... Burned 320 cals in just over an hour - would be more if DS didn't keep stopping!!! And only had 1 near accident and 1 chain mishap!!!

    Can't wait to go again - adults only so we can get some speed up!!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Evening all (sunday here).

    Almost the start of our next challenge. Rach, what were you thinking for this week? How about doing the first one you set,
    or do you have something else in mind?
    Have copied over the first one we did. I am happy to do whatever is set. Just anxious as my Monday morning starts in just over 12 hours. (And I plan on Claire and I winning :laugh: )

    Calories burned this past week 1933.

    5 points if you stay under or within 50 calories of your goal each day
    5 points if you have 8 glasses or more of water each day
    3 points for completing a daily exercise challenge, we'll have 6, but we can choose which day we do them on, the idea being one done per day with a one day a week rest, though you can do two or more on one day if that works for you!
    2x %of body weight lost per week = points
    calories burned/500 = points

    daily exercise challenges
    1. 50 squats
    2. 50 jumping jacks
    3. 50 lunges (25 per leg)
    4. 50 push ups
    5. 50 ab crunches
    6. 50 trice dips
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    NIce work Jenn, that looks all good to me! Lets win this Nicki!!

    Just need to add, there is one bonus point each day for trying out a 'new' form of exercise ... or one you haven't done for a while ... I say Claire gets a bonus point for her biking!!

    I totally need this! I'm sooooo far off track, dreading weighing in in the morning as I know I've gained AGAIN! I'm just eating crap ... hoping this challenge is going to turn it all around.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I can't wait to get this started tomorrow. So badly need to be good again after the last two weeks. Let's kick some calorie burning *kitten* Rach. :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    50 Push ups?! good god!!!

    Thanks for my bonus point! Will try and get some more biking in this week as gym time may be limited... Think I may dig out EA active though if OH allows me to take over the living room for an hour a day!

    I've changed my goals on here to be losing 1lbs a week... I know it sounds crap but with this plateau I'm on at the moment I'm thinking I just need to get things kick started again and maybe this will do it?

    I'm also contemplating starting to take acai berry tablets... Apparently they're a really good appetite suppressant and are natural... I already drink acai berry tea every now and then so was thinking tablets may be easier!

    Right Jen - let's do this! Will jump on the scales tomorrow morning for weigh in numero uno!! Yay team chilifish!!
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