Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Nikki - tahnks fro telling me how to copy teh banner. It was driving me nuts tryign to copy it...LOL

    Tami - so glad to have you back and glad teh depression is gettign bettter. Good luck a tteh Doctors tomorrow. I hope everythign goes well.

    Becci - thant is greatr news. it's so nice to have someone to motovate you!

    My arms are killing me today after tricep dips and sculpt class. Planning treadmill and yoga this evening. Tryign to lose a few more pounds before I eat and eat and eat on my cruise at the end of September. Hopefully my passport comes soon.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Tami - so good to hear from you - glad you're managing to deal with things... I've had a problem with boils too - often where clothes have rubbed me and I've got sweaty and usually when I'm stressed about something... I've started using a more natural shower soap and so far so good!

    Becci - lucky you with your gym membership and wii! And good luck with the fella moving in... Must be love, love love!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I should really get back on my wii fit too - looking forward to it when DS goes back to school on monday!

    Glad for the (albeit tiny) weight loss I had today as TOM arrived unannounced a WEEK EARLY! How rude! Have been taking some natural weight loss pills that are meant to suppress appetite and detox and I guess they must be working... Though my problem is that I tend to eat when I'm NOT hungry! But a loss is a loss and long may it continue!!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wednesday morning here. Bright and sunny. I have been going so well till last night when while cooking dinner I cut left hand and burnt right hand. Just not concentrating. Have doctor today to discuss hip pain which i have ignored for 6 weeks. Isn't it frustrating when you get moving and something happens.
    On to more positive note, loving the challenge. Tough though and thats the true meaning of being challenged. :laugh:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'd forgotten all about the challenge - damn... Sorry...
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am having a week off. So much going on this week with Dan moving in and I have relatives over from Portugal shortly and some other stuff planned, I just can't concentrate and the challenge just looks too daunting for me to cope with this week. I also realised that this is the last week of our challenge and I am heavier than when we started and it's just to demotivating.

    I am going to start afresh with the next challenge.

    Have a good week ladies, I may pop in but I need to get my life adjusted this week.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I think it's so stange that all of us have hit a plateau at the same time. I haven't really lost anythign this challenge either. But we aer all continuing on and I think that determination is somthign we probably lacked before we began our weight loss journeys. so i think we are all still in a good place.

    Jenni- I agree I am truely challenges buy the challenge this week. My body is so sore. Definatly putting off teh squat kicks and burpees until the weekend.

    Clair - jump on in to teh challenge you can do it! Also, I am thrilled about your loss even if it's small keep going!

    Becci - all tehat moveing nad unpacking will burn calories. Think before you eat and i'm sure a week off won't be bad at all. Good luck with everything.

    I got an outdor swim in yesterday instead of the treadmill It was so nice but th epools close after our Labor Day holiday Monday. Softball tonight if we win we move on if we lose we are out of the tourniment. so wish me luck!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Is this the last week of this challenge? Blimey!! That's come quick!

    Don't forget then everyone to do your measurements at the end of this week.... Even if the weight hasn't shifted the inches might have!

    Kettlehell was hard this morning - TOM arrived and so I was feeling a little dizzy with the jumping about... Had a lovely lunch out with a friend though - and pretty healthy - a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon with lots of different salads... and a GORGEOUS melon, pear and root ginger juice... IT was divine! I need to get me a juicer....
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies

    I'm going away to stay with a friend for a week, so won't be about much. I will be able to get online on Monday though, to sort out this week's challenge winner with the banner. :)

    I need to get on some scales soon too. I don't have a set in the flat because I know I will obsess over them, so I go to Boots every Monday morning and weigh there. Just to annoy me though, this week they've been out of order. When I get to my friend's place though, I'll get on top of it.

    Hope all you lovely losers are having a good week.

  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hey all,

    I was having such a bad day yesterday. Feeling better today. Went and did a nice healthy shop with my boyfriend, have some exercise sessions planned.

    I might join some extra challenge groups this month for extra motivation. I need to lose 20+ lbs by the end of October to keep on my goal targets!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello All,

    I have had a fabulous week on a personal front. We had soem winning softball games. hubby reassesed our current financial plans (sounds borign but it easaes my mind) I have found some great coupon deals and I can wait to shop tonight and for us in the US it's a 3 day weekend for our labor day holiday.

    Still no movement on the scale. I am looking ofrward to measuring. Hubby thinks am building muscle with sculpt class and all of Rachels' exercise challenges.

    I would love to keep this group going. I so look forward to hearing form all of you and I really appriceate your encouragement.

    Have a great weekend Guys.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yeah it feels like it's a bit flat in here. I know a lot of us are struggling, but I really want us all to help each other get back on track.

    I love our little loser group! :(
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi all, have stayed in city longer than expected. Will be home tomorrow arvo. Very busy time here stayed to help Samara out. She has a bit of work as an extra on a movie as well as her regular job and of course on top of that the entertainment company she is with rang her with an urgent fill in job. She lives a stressful life at times. For the movie she has to be pale no sun or spray tans last nights job required a tan and she had 2 hour between movie rehearsal and getting to dance job. We did it. 4 hands make light work. Hair drying while make up done, powder bronze on body for tan look. I pack bag she dresses and out the door. Today I have done her washing cleaning shopping etc and tonight we met with my brother and his wife for dinner. Oh my husband gave up and has joined us in the city. We went to our favorite restaurant so I will not even attempt to log. Hope you are all going well and strong. I have kept up my challenge except for the last day. Hope to do that tomorrow when I get home. Do not want to jump on this floor.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I bought a bike today! I'm well excited! Now we just need to get a child seat for DD and we're good to go!

    Looking forward to measuring on Monday morning.... Can't guarantee I'll have lost any weight but hopefully the measurements will show something!

    We are going to keep the group going aren't we? I'm not sure why we all seem to have lost our mojo at one time or another but we got to stick together - even if it's just somewhere to rant, cry or jump for joy... right?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member

    I'm back to working part time next week. I'm soooo giddy and excited about it! I hadn't realised how much of my energy was being sapped up by working full time.

    Of course we're sticking together, do we need to go hassle Hanna? Where is she? She's part of this group, no one is allowed out until we're all slimsters I say!

    I've had yet another bad week, gained again, that's 3kg in 3 weeks! I'd be over the moon if they were losses, but unfortunately not!! Anyway, I've been doing some goal setting and have decided that I really need to visualise where I want to be. So far I've just been telling myself off for going off track, and that's just not working, clearly I don't listen to myself!! LOL! So I'm thinking a bit of shopping therapy might be the way forward. I'm going to buy myself some clothes that are a bit too small(!!!) and give myself a date by which time they will fit well ...

    I think we need to brainstorm some motivational ideas, so we can see where we want to be, something to focus on
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm with you all. Not giving up. We are in this together till slim and fabulous. We are already fabulous so only have one thing to work on.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Bike will be such fun Claire! I bet there are some lovely cycle ways in Wales to explore. I shall be getting out and about on mine again next week. Can't wait!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm home. YAY!!!!! So tired the city does exhaust me. The energy level is so high. And I realise I dont sleep that well in there, well I'm a poor sleeper at the best of times but in there, i wake every half hour but i do roll over and go back to sleep. First Saturday night I have stayed there boy is it noisy. Bloody drunks at all hours. Anyway it was fathers day today so we had a lovely day together and went to our beautiful Botanical Gardens on the harbour. A short walk from Samara's unit It was a perfect spring day. Everyone was out enjoying the sun. My daughter would normally have been soaking up the sun and trying to get a tan, but today was fully covered. No tanning allowed for movie. October she can enjoy the sun.

    Weigh in and measuring in the morning. Honestly, do not feel any differrent and it seems each week I have a least one or two bad days, really bad days, so i shouldnt expect any difference.

    So this week, I try again. Day by day for me at the moment and whatever i weigh tomorrow I hope in one week I will weigh at least a wee bit less.

    I think its great you have a bike Claire. That would be exciting I do not have the confidence to go out on the streets even if i had a bike.

    Rach, going back to less hours at work is great as it will give you more time to work on your exercise plan.

    Yes lets get us all back on wagon. Well really it would do us better to stop taking a ride on the wagon and get off it and push it.

    I want to see a big difference in the next 12 weeks.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Right lovely Losers ... it's what 16 (ish?!) weeks until Christmas? By Christmas I will be at my goal weight 68kg, so shall we do 2 x 7 week challenges? With a week break in-between?

    Shall we have an 'easy' week this week? Plan out our 7 week challenge to start next Monday 12th September.

    How do we feel about continuing with 'point based challenges? Or shall we mix it up with some point weeks and some of our old challenges?

    If we continue with point based challenges I was wondering about pairing us up, so we feel accountable! I know that's what helps me get to bootcamp, so if we worked in pairs or threes and you get bonus points each day if everyone in your little group stays under their calories and has enough water? Or something like that? So we can boss each other rather than bossing ourselves!!!

    And for this week shall we just have a who can burn the most calories challenge ...??

    I'm going to do this ladies tabata exercises for 6 days this week ... incase any of you miss the daily exercise challenges! These are just 4 mins and look pretty good to me.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Love your ideas Rach. I'm in what ever you say i will do or at least attempt to do. I am happy with the most calorie burn this week to really get me moving. 16 weeks to xmas ok then i want to be in the 80's kgs by then. Can't wait or even imagine saying that I'm 89 kgs or even less.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I'd like to mix the challenges up. I don't like doing exercise at home after I hurt myself doing the 30 Day Shred, I prefer to do it at the gym, so haven't really felt like I can join in so much with these last few challenges. Although the boyfriend is bringing the Wii fit round so I may try that.

    I definitely want to keep the group going. Do we maybe have a few people we can invite in for the next ones? I think that might help, some fresh blood to motivate us all!