Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Monday Morning. G'day.. lets get moving.
    Weigh in 94.5kg(208.3lbs). I do not want to see 95 again.
    600grams (1.3lbs) loss last week I am very happy with that.

    Last week my main exercise was gardening, which was very rewarding. I also upped my intake of green tea and only ate out once. Opps no twice. Was looking forward to more gardening today but have a lot of running around to do. Bought a car yesterday (second hand). Happy with it (I think) but will be very sad when i go to the bank this morning to withdraw all our hard saved money. It was our 23rd wedding anniversary yesterday. We gave up years ago organising anything special for the day because it would never happen. So we now just go with the flow. My husband gave me a box of inspirational cards of Words od Wisdom by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. (Tony always gives thisme type of gift). But I bought him a car. Our money but it was through my budgeting that we had the money. It is to replace the bomb he is driving. So today I have to get busy and organise the cheque and insurance etc. Also see my podiatrist. Then go pick up the car.

    Claire my MFP is set for 1 lb a week. I think its more sustainable.

    "Every human being should realise that the future of humanity is dependent on their present actions and thinking." his Holiness the Dalai Lama.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Going to go and weigh as soon as the shop opens. Then I'm ready to go!:bigsmile:

    Rach, we need a name. If Clare and Jen are going to be team Chilifish, we need something as good. Team Fizzingpompa? Team Rachywhizbee? Lol.

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Weighed this morning... 267lbs! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Ah well... Just got to think of it as a starting point for this challenge and by the end of it I should be out of the 260s!

    Will check back in later when I've done my work out for the day - it's gale force winds and squalling rain here so think I'll be digging out either the wii fit of wii sports active...

    I've found my HRM strap so I'm happy happy!

    Going to make a beef stew for dinner so should be well under cals if I can just not snack today!

    Hope the team chilifish tag was ok with you Jen?!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Claire, I know it sucks to get on the scales and have a number staring back at you that you don't want, but I think you have the right attitude to the whole thing. You're so right, it's just a starting point. That number is going to shrink away after this challenge. :) x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Go team CHILIFISH. :heart: :happy: :heart:

    Have been busy today with getting the car etc. So stressful. Plus driving home, I drove the old one (of course) missed my turn off and nearly ended up in Canberra. I know this means nothing to you all, but it was not the direction I needed to be heading. Relief, our neighbour was home when we both drove in, he is a mechanic, and helps us with servicing our cars. He said we did good. If stress burns calories I've burned 1000's today. Anyway its now 6.50pm and I am going to get ready for zumba, and do my challenge exercises and if i could just find a skipping rope, would try that as a new exercise. Might think of somthing else to do. Any ideas?
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Woo hoo! I am ready to get back in the game, especially now as Dan booked us a holiday to Egypt for the end of November! A bit of winter sun in Sharm, lovely. He also joined MFP at the weekend to help me out and also because he wants to try and shift a bit, he's loving it, but I think he is using it more just a calorie counter and letting me to all the forum research, haha! Got my gym kit on me, going to rock it after work. HELL YEAH.

    So this is day one of our new challenge? Good times!

    SW: 265 lbs.

    Courtney, what should our team name be? Team Furcopies or Team Poormiester?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hey NIcki - I think our team name should be "the winners", do you like it? Has a certain ring to it eh?!?

    Wooohooo! I've had all my water already, makes such a difference to my consumption of crap! Just need to stay under my calories until bedtime. I haven't managed to do any 'real' exercise for days now, but thankfully bootcamp starts again tomorrow.

    Ooooh Becky! Egypt will be fab, perfect at that time of year, when it will be cold and yucky in the UK. LOVELY!

    Claire - I too dreaded weighing in this morning, but it's done, and all that matters is that we're moving onwards and downwards. Fabulous for Christmas. I may even wear a bikini whilst we're away camping this summer!! Imagine that!?! LOL! I got married in a bikini, much to my husband's dismay!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Rach so it's in this topic, can you please post the challenge details and spreadsheet info if you have it to hand?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Catching up fromt eh weekend.

    Becci I like team Poormeister :) Lets kick some butt this week : ... and Egypt sounds amazing!!!

    My starting weight is 211.8 I would love to see 199 by the end of teh challenge but i am sticking with 1 pound per week. When is this challenge over?

    Clair - we have been havign crazy rain for over a week. Finally it stopped long enough for me to moow the lawn yesterday. I think the rain is just going to keep coming since huricane Katia is actually going to hit you guys instead of us.

    Jenni - congrats on the new car!

    Rach - glad you'll be back to bootcamp, keep it up!

    Fall is here in VA and my Redskins won their season opening game (American Football) And my family took a moment to remember teh victiums of 9/11 on teh 10 year anniversary. I had a wonderful weekend and I'm pumped to get this challenge started :)
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Beccy, here's the link to the spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq0fwi7BJUivdERVU0V6OWVnUWpMZVdwenhya1NxekE&hl=en_US#gid=0

    ...And the list for the challenge...
    5 points if you stay under or within 50 calories of your goal each day
    5 points if you have 8 glasses or more of water each day
    3 points for completing a daily exercise challenge, we'll have 6, but we can choose which day we do them on, the idea being one done per day with a one day a week rest, though you can do two or more on one day if that works for you!
    2x %of body weight lost per week = points
    calories burned/500 = points

    daily exercise challenges
    1. 50 squats
    2. 50 jumping jacks
    3. 50 lunges (25 per leg)
    4. 50 push ups
    5. 50 ab crunches
    6. 50 trice dips
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well I just grabbed half hour to do a bit of exercise in the kitchen!

    With regards to the challenge exercises I've done:

    50 squats (25 with my 4.5lb kettlebell)
    50 lunges
    20 push ups (from the knee - can't do "real" ones yet!)
    50 ab crunches (25 w/ kettlebell)

    couldn't do jumping jacks as sports bra is in the wash and I don't want black eyes... And I need to look up tricep dips on youtube...

    On top of that I did some of my kettlehell exercises... I don;t know their real names so I will call them...

    50 chest flies (think that is the right name)
    50 overhead arm raise on floor
    50 side to side thingys
    20 overhead leany thingys...

    :laugh: :laugh: technical huh!!!

    Anyhooooo i burned 118 cals doing it... took me 25 mins...

    So I work that out to be 3.2 points for exercise? Is that right?!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Anyone heard from Tami?? :huh:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am so confused with how to work out the points for exercise. :S I am going to try and do the ones listed though, but if my back starts getting iffy, I'll have to swap to something else.

    Also, day one of the challenge is today, right? It was a new 7 weeker starting today?
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Beccy, if I'm understanding you correctly, which I'm probably not lol, I'm guessing it's how to calculate the number for the calories you've burned from exercise that you don't get. Whatever number of calories you've burned in the day, you divide that number by 500. That gives you the number for the spreadsheet.

    For the other exercises, you get 3 points for doing one of the exercises on the list (or similar) for the week. There are 6, so you have a rest day too.

    Hope that helps. x
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    @ Claire - the exercises are one per day, 3 points each .... max of 18 points for the week, so you've done 3 days worth of daily challenges!

    50 squats = 3 points
    50 lunges = 3 points
    50 ab crunches = 3 points

    20 push ups ... no points yet, but once you do the other 30 you get 3 points ...

    calories = 118/500

    So total points for today = 9.2

    I've done bootcamp today and I'm hoping that I'm going to get my head into a nice consistent space with sensible eating. Go hard losers!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Beccy, if I'm understanding you correctly, which I'm probably not lol, I'm guessing it's how to calculate the number for the calories you've burned from exercise that you don't get. Whatever number of calories you've burned in the day, you divide that number by 500. That gives you the number for the spreadsheet.

    For the other exercises, you get 3 points for doing one of the exercises on the list (or similar) for the week. There are 6, so you have a rest day too.

    Hope that helps. x

    Maths was never my strong point, I might need some assistance when it comes to logging!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I have roped my boyfriend into doing the daily challenges with me, hehehe! I did the crunchs today. My total cal burn for the day is 392 cals, what do I add that in as? (sorry to be a huge pain!) I used the spreadsheet for the first time, is it ok?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Beccy your points for calories burned is O.784. ( thats your calories burned 392 divided by 500) .
    Just checked spreadsheet and you have it right I have added you calories burned for you.

    Wow Claire did you do all those exercises in 1 day. I did the 50 bicep dips last night after Zumba. Still trying to think of new exercises to try. Can't find the skipping rope but I found a hoola hoop. Might give that ago. I was shown some exercises to do using one of those big balls. I have a ball just needs a bit more air.:laugh: Think I might try and do the 50 Jumping Jacks today.

    On the home front. I got to drive our new car today, took hubby to work. She has been named 'Angel'. I love her and love driving her. Going to try and convince hubby to take my old car to work each day after all it has to sit in the sun all day. He has gone away again for a couple of days. I have to go to the motor registery today to finish the paper work. Samara is getting busier with the movie. Rehersal today and then 3 days shooting. But they don't know till the night before what hours they are required for. So she has had to NA for work. I am hoping to pick up some of her work shifts. And there is a possible that she may be required up to 4 days next week. Again will only know the night before. My vegie patch has been a bit negelected the last couple of days. Hope to do a couple of hours out there today. Plus wash iron clean blah blah blah.

    Have a great Tuesday Everyone.

    Go team CHILIFISH :heart: :happy: :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Sometimes I feel all alone here. its the time zone difference I guess.

    2 hours in the garden, not as big as burn as previous times in the garden, not as much hard digging today. had to take the time to fertilize and water, trim etc. A little digging. but after going to the garden store today I think I have a new plan for the garden so holding back on the digging while I think it through.
    50 Jumping Jacks and I tried a new exercise, SKIPPING. had to use a piece of rope still cant find the skipping rope. I was very surprised that i could skip, it certainly got my heart pumping. Only managed it for 1 minute but now I have something to work on. Yes I will skip again. Just hope the neighbours couldn't see me.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    @ Jen - you're not alone chicca - we're all willing you on while we sleep! Well done on the skipping - I should dig my skipping rope out too!

    @Rach - It felt a bit rubbish just doing the one exercise so I'll probably do the same today as I did yesterday! Will amend my points on the spreadsheet!

    Weather is really rubbish here again today so no bike ride for me :grumble: so will do the same as I did yesterday and maybe one of my crunch programmes off my iphone...

    Laters peeps!

    Oh and ****************************GO TEAM CHILIFISH!*******************************

    Wish I was like Nikki and could do posh things so I could make us a team banner!