Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Morning all!

    I am feeling much more positive about getting back on the wagon now I am back getting involved with challenges. Feels good! I am away on a work FAM trip this weekend at a hotel in Norwich, lots of fancy food and alcohol, am going to try and be good and use the hotel gym / pool facilities to counter act it. :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Becky - posh hotel sounds lovely! Have a great time!

    I'm out celebrating my best friend's birthday this weekend - we're going for a meal but there won't be too much alcohol drunk as she's got her second round of IVF later in the week so that will keep the calories down as I'll not drink to support her...

    Will get round to doing some exercise later I hope - DD has got a friend coming to play in a bit so will have to try and fit it in after lunch...

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    WOW, I am so happy to see everyoen so into the challenge this week.

    I did my tricep dips yesterday. I think I'll do crunches or push ups today. I have to put my points in for yesterday and today this evening.

    I feel awful today. i have a really annoying cold. On the upside all food sounds discusting right now.

    Jenni - what did you plant in your garden. I'm thining of planting some fall items here. maybe kale, spenach and brocolli. I need hubby to build me another raised bed. Our soil is crap.

    for those of you looking for a new exercie try bear walking. you can find it on utube. it looks silly nad easy but it's tought and gets your heart rtate up. I'm tryign to work on doing it for more than 1 min.

    so ready for a nap. see yo uladies later :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    hello! Did the tricep dips today... but no idea what the calorie burn was.... Never mind!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    So yesterday I tried plyo jumps and today I tried side knee drops. I'm quite enjoying trying a new exercise every day. Mind you, so far I feel like I've just been making a list of things never to try again. :laugh:

    Looks like everyone is doing so well on the challenge. It's great to see us all getting motivated again after what seems to have been a hard 10 weeks for some of us.

    Let's all keep it up. xxx
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    what's a plyo jump?!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Basically you stand next to a stool or box and then jump onto it as many times as you can. They should just call it box jumping lol.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wednesday, a new day to make our mark on. One small act of kindness can inspire a lifetime of good feeling.

    I'm up way earlier then I wished. Samara messaged me to say she was at the studio. She had a 5.45am call today. How exciting they start shooting today. Not sure if she will see any of the big stars. (Leonardo Decaprio or Toby McGuire). but she is dancing with Barry Otto (australian well known actor, age 70, she is worried she will break him). So glad my daughter has an exciting life makes up for my boring one. Today I shall wash, iron, clean, maybe exercise a bit. Thinking I might go into Samara's unit tonight due to go tomorrow, she is getting tired and had just a cup of soup for dinner last night.

    I am not game to try a pylo jump. But my friend showed me some exercises to try on one of those big balls which I do have. Mostly core strenghtening ones which I could do with. I have done well the last couple of days with my eating but the tough days (in the city) are coming up. Working thursday and friday nights this week. So pre warning if I don't make this page or chart for a while limited internet access while I'm away.

    Go team CHILIFISH :heart: :laugh: :heart:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hmmm ... I think I might try out Plyo jumps, sounds hard! And dangerous!! I've done bearwalking, and it IS hard, but a great full body work out!

    I'm doing great ... day off for me today, Bill is at school, Lucy at Kindy ... of course I have a million and one things to do, but plan to have a sit down and read a book for at least an hour, otherwise my day just disappears and I feel like I gained nothing!

    All the best in the City Jenn. You can do it! How exciting that your daughter is part of this movie ... what movie is it?

    Right ... I'm off out for a run ... in the wind and rain! Hurray!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Taking a quick break, while floors are drying.

    hope i have captured this link properly, I did this today for my new exercise, I have heard a lot on here abour Leslie Sansome but haven't found any DVD's here in Australia. Then on one of the forums today it was mentioned this 15min sample one. I really enjoyed it. I'm hoping my sister might give this one ago. Something she can do at home wearing anything and at anytime.
    Also did my 50 ab crunches and I managed 1 1/2 minutes skipping including untangling. Not sure if its the rope or my technique or lack of.:laugh:

    Samara is a dancer/extra in the latest Baz Lurman (spelling?) movie "The Great Gatsby". Can't wait to hear how her day went. She always has lots to tell me.

    Running in wind and rain thats keen. beautiful spring day here.

    Rach, what a great idea, i think i will try and grab an hour and read my book today too. What are you reading?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    re plyo jumps - could you just do it on and off a step? Cos if you can - i'll give that a go today!!

    Off to kettlehell this morning... and then am meant to do 20 mins cardio but don't know if my mum (lift home) will wait for me to do that on top of the hour I've already done!

    Contemplating going back to driving lessons.... Walking's all well and good but i'm much more likely to stay longer at the gym if I don't have to walk in the rain and wind!

    Have fun in the city Jenn - will miss ya!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Oooh how exciting Jen, Baz Luhrmann is amazing, the cinematography in his films is outstanding, I absolutely LOVE Moulin Rouge! I have a friend called Connie who was an extra in Strictly Ballroom years ago in Aus which he also directed. Excellent!

    Well yesterday I did star jumps and almost gave myself black eyes. I need to get myself a decent sports bra! Managed to hit my water and be under my calorie goal, but no new exercise. However, I am going to the gym after work and may brave the rowing machine, which I've never done before! I can't access the spread sheet from work, so will have to do it later. Meh.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Claire, I'm pretty sure you can do the plyo jumps on and off a step. I always end up having to modify things a little bit if I don't have a certain bit of exercise equipment. Just be careful you don't jump up too many steps lol.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Noo, sorry I missed your call last night, will call you later!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Kettleworx done... Jumping jacks done.... Will try jumping up and down on a step shortly... Bike ride first! Today is clearly as exercise day... :tongue:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great!

    I am a little behind this week b/c of this nasty cold I have. Sorry Becci this won't be my highest calorie burn week, but i am drinking my water and staying under my cals. Didn't exercise at all yesterday. Hoping to do some squats or crunches today.

    Jenni... have fun in the city, we all know you can stray under those cals :) and best wished to your daughter. I'll have to watch the movie and see if i can spot her.

    Claire... i am so thrilled that you are working so hard seems like you had a tought time the last few weeks and now you're really kicking butt!

    Nikki... great job on teh new exercises. i'm a little scared of the jumps.

    Rach.. reading sounds wondeful. remindes me I need to get teh next book in my series.

    Becci... you are doing an amazing job! Keep it up.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Don't worry Courtney, just feel better soon!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Do not think I could possibly eat back all my calories today! Unless I gorge myself on chocolate and I don't think that's advisable! Damn!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Ooooh Claire, hope you're not too hungry today after all that exercise yesterday.

    Jenn - I'm reading "Pure, White and Deadly", which is all about how bad sugar is for you! I need scaring into not eating so much sugar!

    Courtney - Hope you feel better soon, nothing worse than being ill!

    I gave the plyo jumps a go yesterday, didn't feel like they did my knees any good!! Good exercise though!

    I'm doing really well, actually starting to feel like I'm on track again! YAY!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Another great day for me ... thought I'd share my new exercise ... swiss ball mountain climbers ... rock hard!!!


    Woohooooooo! Go loserville losers!