Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :glasses: :laugh: :wink: :smile:

    This weeks biggest loser in loserville, with the honour of wearing the loserville's biggest loser signature for a whole week is ..... Nicki!!

    Wooohoooooo! Nice work Nicki ... but this week I'm on to it .... I really am! I'm going to have that signature ah yeah, oh yeah!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    So my plan to log every day didn't work out and no one called me out on it...really feel like I am losing all motivation and my support network is slipping :( I want my mojo back!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok Beccy, I know where your mojo is. It is right there in front of you just reach out and grab it. Now hold tight. I will try and watch you this week. Although I think I'm going to bed as you wake up. So I want you to send me a personal message every day. I want a written report from you on your progress and your plans for that day or next. Failure to get a message from you will mean you have to face the BOSS. YOU DO NOT WANT TO FACE THE BOSS. :grumble:

    Now it is a case of don't follow my example just do as I say. I put on another 200grams this past week. Don't know how to work out that in percentage so help please. I was 95.5 kg now 95.7 kg. I am going to zumba tonight, blocked ears and all. Opps just saw the time gotta fly.

    Congrats Nikki on being this weeks winner. Look out Rach, I'm going to give it a dam good go this week.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :glasses: :laugh: :wink: :smile:

    This weeks biggest loser in loserville, with the honour of wearing the loserville's biggest loser signature for a whole week is ..... Nicki!!

    Wooohoooooo! Nice work Nicki ... but this week I'm on to it .... I really am! I'm going to have that signature ah yeah, oh yeah!

    Thanks Rach. :) I think it's a great idea to keep the banner for a week and then pass it to the next person.

    Jen - Thank you too :)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yeah congrats Noo! :)

    Jen - PLEASE DO! I need someone to give me a talking to! Friday, Saturday and Sunday I am at a festival but will still try and log, I just can't work out how I can complete my entry for the day on the Blackberry app though, but if you check it should be in my diary, or shout at me, I can still get your messages via my email notifcations!

    Also, is the challenge the same this week?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Here Becci, I have copied and pasted this from Rach's post. you girls have no idea how proud I am of myself when I even just manage to copy and post things. I have done my jumping jacks and crunches today. So now its your turn. Go do it. And Becci when you have completed these send me a message. I am always good at the beginning of the week, its when I go into the city that things turn sour on me. So again my personal challenge is to get through this weeks city stay.

    What do you guys think of the numbers for next weeks exercise challenges? I'm happy to modify any of them, I just made them up!! Please feel free to suggest/ change!

    1. 50 jumping jacks & 30 ab crunches
    2. 30 burpies & 25 tricep dips
    3. 30 squats & 30 push ups
    4. 30 bicep curls & 30 jumping twists
    5. 50 high knees & 30 chest flys on the floor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v0KAd8U9ZY)
    6. Walk/ run/ jog a mile that you wouldn't normally have & 50 ab crunches

    Becci - feel free to make your own 'back safe' exercise challenges. I think they have to be more than you would normally do e.g. I couldn't call going to bootcamp my daily exercise challenge, as I already do that. But you could just agree to do something extra each day (like do the day 6 exercise every day - walk an extra mile and do 50 ab crunches))
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Tami - lost of hugs. I hope tyeh counsler is helping you work through things. Best wishs to you.

    Rach - I am in for the new challenge. I worked hard on teh challenge lsat week but I was bad nad never entered my numbers. My total Score was 66.3 I will got add my old numbers and new numbers tonight. I am not sure what a burpee is but i will look it up.

    Also, I am right with you on the eating well for a few days them bad for a couple. I did great mon-thurs but fri-sunday was awful. I can try to blam TOM but as I was eatign my chips I wsa telling myself to stop and eat soem veggies instead but I went right on with the chips. I am so upset about my step son lieing to me so badly. I'm at the point where I wonder if it's worth it to have kids. Why do it if they are just going to lie to me. I feel like I've lost my identity. I used to think I was an excellent stepmom and that i was ment to have kids now I don't know. and i hate my job so the only identity I have right now id wife. and as much as I love my husband that's not enough.

    Anyways i'm hoping this challenge will get me back on track this week. Have a wonderful week ladies.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Thanks Jen! I really appreciate the extra support! :) My back is feeling better, off to the gym later so hopefully it will go ok and I can do the daily exercises!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    Courtney, Don't be too hard on yourself, re your step son. I'm sure you are an excellent step mum the fact its upset you that he has lied shows how much you care. There will be difficult times but it is worth it.

    Where is everyone? How are you all going?

    Did the Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones today. It is beyond tough. Think I prefer the 30 DS but Samara has borrowed it.
    Also attempted Burpies today. I was clever and googled them. Glad no one was home to see me doing them. I hope to improve. :laugh:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    I'm here ... just struggling ... hubby is away with work for the whole week, I'm still working fulltime, so I'm a single mum working fulltime atm and so I'm getting a bit behind ... missed Monday's exercises, but will catch up ... I keep gong over on my calories, not massively, but regularly ... grrrrr!

    You guys are all doing AWESOME! Seeing some great numbers in the spreadsheet ... making me want to get my act together!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Becci - we are all here for you. take care of that back and do what you can. You've got this!

    Jenni - thanks for the note I am finding it so har dto be a stepmom right now. I am so frusterated with my stepson i'm not int eh mood to hug him....then i feel bad fro not hugging him. He is a huger and needs his hugs. I am not a hugger except when it comes to cuddling hubby. I think i am also very frusterated that I have been trying for over 3 years to have a baby with no luck. I used to want 4kids, now I'm thinking maybe 1.

    BTW the burpies scare me. I will attempt them Friday after softball is done for the week. I did bicep curls and twists yesterday. probably squats and push ups today b/c I can do them in my cube at work.

    Rach - I'm soory you are having a tough time while hubby is away. best of luck to you getting your exercise in. I am putting a reminder in my phoen to update teh spreadsheet tonight. I am doign the work but I hate sittign infron tof teh computer after I get home.

    I am feel great today after some good gym tiem and lawn mowign yeaterday. Ready to kick a little butt today as well. Have a great day everyone!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    finally added myself to the spreadsheet :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wednesday, 3 days in a row I have checked all boxes. Can I keep this up? Samara home tonight and making cupcakes for one of her work friends who is pregie and craving the sweets. She herself is on a health kick so I am hoping when I go into the city tomorrow with her for the next 2 days I can stay on track.

    Hope you are all going well.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni - you can totally keep it up!

    My shoulders are so sore form push-ups. I am glad thay are out of the way. I am planning to give my arms areast as do teh jumping jacks and crunches today. I need my arms to throw a softball tonight. I love teh cal burn from softball but I am so ready for teh season to be over. I haven't been to teh pool enougth but I am ready for my pumpkin spices latte's, american football and christmas planning.

    Have a wonderful day ladies.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Where is everyone. I miss you guys!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning all. Friday in the city. Samara fixed it so I could see community pages. I'm with you Courtney where is everyone? Maybe out exercising. 10 am and still in bed amazing considering the city noises. Will get up soon and do my knee highs and chest flys. Samara wants to go to a zumba class I want to shop. Have a great Friday everyone.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    HI all

    Hubby is home ... I'm knackered and completely off the wagon this week. Hoping for a better week next week! Can we do our challenge again? Just for me?!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hello! I'm back! Sorry for the MIA - went on a camping trip with the family... Expected to gain (again!) and I've lost! I refuse t adjust my ticker though....
    I weighed last Saturday and I was 267lbs :grumble: and today I weigh 263.8lbs :smile: Not going to get too excited though as knowing my luck I'll put it back on again :sad:

    So this week I haven't been to any exercise classes.... I ate crap while camping - crisps and dips, bread, drank many beers.... Did go on a lovely coastal walk though - was stunning... Along the cardigan coast to find seals (who were out for the day clearly as we saw none!) so was a bit hilly and had the kids so wasn't walking particularly fast so that can't have been the cause of my loss but whatever - a loss is a loss so I'll take it graciously!

    Brac goes back to school on the 5th September and I intend to fully take advantage of it - going to get back on the EA Sports Active 2 on the wii as that seemed to be good for me last time... Just need to get back on the good eating train! Utterly skint so having to eat food that's in the house already so this week will mostly be about portion control!

    Hope everyone's well and happy....

    Oh and a special thank you to Jen for the lovely message you sent me during the week - meant a lot xxx:heart::heart: :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Home again, so bloody tired. This going into the city each week is tiring me out. Plus tonight instead of straight home went and saw my mum and went to her club for dinner and meat raffle night. I won 3 meat trays not bad for a vegetarian. Delivered to my brother on my way home. Tomorrow I have lunch with girlfriends and then family dinner at a restaurant. Samara and I did not get to ZUmba as planned, sure wish we had, but she had hurt her back and we felt it was best for her to have a rest day. The best news thoguh is I splashed out and bought a HRM Polar FT7. Excited but also nervous. I'm a bit afraid that I will discover that I haven't been burning anywhere near the calories I thought I had. Oh well will just have to deal with it.

    Rach I am happy to do the challenge again. it has given me the motivation I needed.

    Claire, woohoo with the weight loss. Maybe once you relaxed your body relaxed also.

    Ok have to get through tomorrows constant eating out. :tongue: REally sad thing is my fridge is filled with lots of fresh vege and fruit and tofu etc etc. Just need to be home to eat it.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies

    I feel like I haven't stopped all week, hence the absence on the board. Just wanted to check in and say that I hope everyone is well and that even though we're coming to the end of the 10 week challenge, I'm really looking forward to whatever is coming next for us all. I feel so lucky to have been introduced to you all and I'm really loving being on this journey with each and every one of you.

    Sending you all lots of love and hugs.
