Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Tami - Wow! That's pretty much all I have to say. I think it's fantastic that you can be so strong and evaluate your situation and what you want so well. Maybe you should give lessons to people. I know that sometimes I could do with a few. xx

    Rach - Sorry to hear you're feeling ill. Hope you, the kids and the hubby feel better soon. x

    Courtney - Keep going. :) The hard work will pay off. I spent a while being completely consumed by the numbers on the scales. I've started to let it go a bit now and I've realised that every loss is good. The pound you've lost is still a pound and I'm pretty sure there will be plenty more to follow. x

    Hope you're all having a great day.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Been having internet/computer issues off and on this week so did not log my food or exercise in here, but kept track of everything on paper the old fashioned way.......hopefully the issues are solved now so I can get back to logging everything in here :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    I'm doing good eating reasonably sensibly given that I feel unwell. Walked to school with kids this afternoon, just a bit of exercise to keep me ticking over. Looking forward to boxing in the morning at Bootcamp ... speaking of which I best go to sleep! Night all. x
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Thanks for encouragement NIkki. i need to stop weighting myself more than once a week. So here I am vowign to only weight myself on Fridays :)

    Tami - I hope teh computer gets to working soon. I know I hate it when I can't finish my logs and I don't use my phone for the internet.

    Rach - so glad you are feeling better

    I had a 0.6 loss this week...menaing that all the junk form last weekend is out of my system and I had a loss on top of that. I feel great. Planning more cleaning this evening a some bakeing for teh baby shower tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I was thinking in the shower this morning that we need a bit of va va vooom!

    How about a points biggest loser stylee challenge ... just for a week ... starting on Monday??

    5 points if you stay under or within 50 calories of your goal each day
    5 points if you have 8 glasses or more of water each day
    3 points for completing a daily exercise challenge, we'll have 6, but we can choose which day we do them on, the idea being one done per day with a one day a week rest, though you can do two or more on one day if that works for you!
    2x %of body weight lost per week = points
    calories burned/500 = points

    daily exercise challenges
    1. 50 squats
    2. 50 jumping jacks
    3. 50 lunges (25 per leg)
    4. 50 push ups
    5. 50 ab crunches
    6. 50 trice dips

    I've set up a spreadsheet which we should all be able to access and edit via this link, so we can each be responsible for filling out our points? Just each day or when you get time fill in your points so far ... and the winner gets??? Any ideas?? Could make a little loserville trophy to go in our signature?

    Currently all the names are Rachel, but if you're in just change a name to your name!

    What do you think??
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Rach, I think this is a great idea. Just what I need to get myself motivated again. I'm totally up for this. :)

    Edit: Also if you wanted me to make a little banner for the winner in Photoshop, let me know. I always like to have a little play in there. :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Love it!! Need something to get me back on track! Bit of a bummer week though as I can't go to kettleworx this week - damn medical assessment is on Wednesday.... Will do what I can though!

    Maybe we should do it every week until the end of the challenge - it's not many left now!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Yay! Awesome!

    If you could photoshop us something fabulous that would be wonderful Nicki.

    Loserville's biggest loser! Wooohoooo!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm home at last. My real home. Arrived back in sydney thursday in time for work that night. Which I did with the worst blocked ears, blamed the flight on that and I was feeling ill few days before that, just thought it was a good old fashion cold, probably still is. But for the blocked ears. Biggest diasappointment today. As most of you know I have been working and looking forward too the City to Surf fun run 14km. 12 months ago I planned on participating in this event. It is the biggest fun run in Australia 85,000 entrants today. Thats a lot for our little country. As I wasn't too well when i arrived in Sydney Samara talked me into staying with her and resting up so that i could be well and strong for today, she knows how determined i was to do it. But alas this morning I had to be sensible and admit i was still to unwell to do it. So I then spent the next few hours like a big baby in tears. I'm still disappointed but I know I made the right decision. So I decided to drive home tonight while there was less traffic. Still can't hear too well, thought the car was falling apart then realised it was the sound of the rain on the windscreen. Doctors for me tomorrow. have tried all the home remedies and everything the chemist gave me.
    Otherwise It was a lovely holiday, nice seeing the family. Great holidaying on my own. My brother in law (sort of father/big brother figure to me) he and I went on lots of nice walks. My sister I hope has been encouraged to try a little harder.
    So much has happened in our little village while away. Rach I like your challenge idea, I will do what I can. I did so well on holidays but am sure the last couple of days of laying around and not much calorie counting has undone my good work. Get these ears unblocked and I'm hoping to get right back on the wagon.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    That challenge sounds amazing Rach! Esp as I am heavier now than I was when I started the challenge! WAAAAAAA! Only a couple of weeks left too, so let's do this!

    Did lots of walking this weekend but no logging as the my phone signal is crap at my boyfriends. Woe! Only got 1/2 lb off last week so need to get on properly this week.
  • I love it Rach! Just what I needed. I have felt for some time now that it is time for me to get back on track! I am totally in!

    As for the weigh in I'm at 88.0kgs (193.6lbs) Feels good I'm moving down :)

    Hope everyone is OK and Jenni, welcome back!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Rach - I am so in. the challenge sounds awesome!

    Jenni - so glad you are back and happy to hear you had a great vacation. Sorry about your ears and missing your race. I hope you feel much better soon.

    Becci - great job with your walking.

    I had a lovely weekend throwing a baby shower and going to my cousins graduation party. We went out late Saturday night and danced teh night away. I was the DD so only 2 beers for me so I don't think I over did it too much on the cals.

    This week should be great. Softball tonight and wednesday. Treadmill and yoga tuesday and hopefully i'll make it to the pool with hubby and step son a few times Th-Sun.

    Have a great day ladies :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Not going to be joining in the challenge this week girls - head and heart just not in it.... Will be raring to go next week I'm sure so we'll do it again??

    On a plus note I did got for a walk today with DD in the pushchair... Walked about 2km which is just over a mile... Met up with OH and DS who'd gone for a ride on their bikes (managed to get a FREE mountain bike from our local freecycle group! How great!) and got talked into having a ride by DS (he's nearly 5 and last week learned to ride without his stabilisers!)

    I've not been on a bike since I was about 12/13/14 years old somewhere around there as I was hit by a car whilst on my bike on the road... So it's nearly 20 ish years since I was last on a bike! And oh how I loved it! That feeling of the wind (and bugs) in your hair! Wow! So now I'm franticly looking for a bike so we can all go bike riding (DD will have to be strapped into a bike seat on the back of OHs bike!)

    Anyway must have been riding the bike for about half an hour off and on so even though my gym session was crap this morning I think I made up for it this afternoon.... Foodwise probably not so good but hey ho!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Rach, Question no 1 what is a trice dip?
    Question no 2 don't understand the numbers you put up for calories burned? (.41?)
    I have done my squats today very happy with that and have drunk 3 glasses of water so pleased with my progress so far, considering I feel like crap. But i once read its ok to exercise if you are unwell only from the neck up. So am giving it a go. Really feel like having a nap but may have a walk on the treadmill instead.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey Jen, I may not be Rach, but I think I can help you with your questions...

    I think a trice dip is a tricep dip. I may be wrong, but that's how I took it. Secondly with the calories burned numbers, you have to divide the amount of calories you've burned in the day by 500. That's how you get the odd looking numbers lol.

    Hope you feel better soon. xxx
  • Okay so day two of the challenge and I am already injured. Something felt strange between my toes as I did my jumping jacks and it got worse during the day - now I feel that when I walk I don't wanna put pressure on that spot cause it hurts too much. Good thing is I don't have to work until Friday and I can complete this challenge without my foot.

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Thanks Whizzy, so I burnt 194 calories today so divide by 500 = 0.38. And I think I know how to do a tricep dip.

    Hanna, did you have your shoes on? If not I think its a lesson to us all. Always put our supportive shoes on. Hope it gets better soon for you.

    Just did chart. It still amazes me how clever you all are? It even added it up for me. Magical like Harry Potter. :happy:
  • No shoes, never have them on when I workout at home :( but no more jumping jacks this week and I think the recovery time is pretty short!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Awwww Hanna ... you were being too keen eh!? Good on ya, it'll be better in no time.

    Claire - Hope you're assessment goes well on Wednesday, I think once that's over with you'll feel more like focussing on being loserville's biggest loser!

    Jen - hope you get better soon, being ill is just rubbish! Especially with bad ears, ear ache is soooooooo painful.

    I'm doing good so far, still recovering from my cold, but managing to do plenty of exercise (because I'm addicted to it!). I really struggle with the water consumption, so I'm enjoying getting points for making sure I drink enough!

    It's REALLY cold here atm. Yesterday was the coldest day on record here in Auckland, and it was snowing, didn't settle, but I've NEVER seen snow here before, so that was pretty exciting!

    Right my hands are freezing and I have a hottie waiting for me in bed, not my hubby ... well he is, but I'm more excited about my hot water bottle!!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    So I think I may have overdone it today and yesterday. My problem is that if I think there's some kind of challenge, I get the bit between my teeth and go. I think I may take it slightly easier tomorrow. Yesterday I walked about 7 miles all in. I'm not going to lie, I was absolutely shattered when I got back. I don't think the hill back up from the beach was helpful either lol.

    Today I've done some walking, some Wii Fit and my tricep dips. I think I'm done for the day if I'm being honest with myself. I feel like I could do some more but I know that if I push too hard, I'll only regret it later in the week when I don't want to do anything.

    Claire - I'm keeping everything crossed for you with your assessment tomorrow. When you go in, don't be afraid or worried to tell them exactly how you feel. I had the same kind of assessment when I first injured my back. They seem daunting, but remember that you are in the right. Just try to remain calm and remember that all of us are here for you. *huge hugs* x

    Hanna - Sorry to hear about your foot. I made the same mistake when I first did Zumba Wii. I went over completely on my ankle and so I feel your pain. Hope it feels better soon. x

    Jen - Glad to have been of help. :) Hope you're feeling better today. x

    Rach - Glad to hear that you're getting over your cold. Hope you're completely over it soon. Also, thanks for suggesting this week's challenge. It's really given me a huge boost. x