Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Rach - i agree with the other son teh 30DS either skip level 1 or do 1 and then 2. Our go back to one when you need an easier day.

    Claire - I wish you teh best with your situation. I hope it al works out.

    Jenni- great job in the city. Don't feel bad if you drink this weekend. Somtimes I have to drink when around in laws too.

    I feel like I have kicked butt this weekend but the scale isn't showing it. Going to stay under this weekend an hopefully see soem results on Monday.

    Have a lovely weekend ladies!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Claire - Don't feel pressured by the media's spin on the situation. I don't know, as I'm not there, but I remember what the media in the UK is like. They can't force you to work if you're not up to it, who will that benefit? No-one. Try not to stress yourself even more. Is there an organisation you can talk to? My mum works at supporting people with mental health issues to ensure that they get all the benefits that they're entitled to. I'm not sure what her organisation is called, brain something ... but it may be reassuring to talk to someone, so as not to feel like someone is trying to turn your world upside down. Big hugs, when's your review?

    My review is on the 17th August.... Shaun (OH) is coming with me so that's a relief... Thanks for you words Rach, I think I will ask to speak to someone... Just to get the worries off my chest to a 3rd party.... I've spoken to my mum but at the end of the day she's a bit biased!
    Just been going through cliches in my head - what will be will be, every cloud, cross that bridge etc etc!!

    Had a fantastic boxercise session this morning - really got some pent up aggression out! There were only 2 of us in the class to so it was like a personal training session!

    Haven't been sleeping great the last couple of nights so went for a little lie down after boxercise around midday and Shaun had to wake me at 3.30! oops!

    Am going to try and sleep better tonight...

    Nos da my little loservillites xxx
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Claire, I am sorry to hear that. But I am sure everything will work out just fine for you. You are a strong woman and no matter what the outcome is you will be OK. We are here for you and you have a loving OH who's there for you. Wish you all my best and I will think of you the 17th (or hold my thumbs as we say in Sweden ;) ):heart:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thank you Hanna xx

    Weighed myself this morning and am down another 2.2lbs! Woohoo! Now to keep it off! Down to 263.2lbs so hopefully if I keep going this way I WILL make it to the 250s by the end of August!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Haven't been on here much the last few days. I had taken some vacation time and had this weekend off so it has been party central for this girl!! I have done more dancing than I have over the last 8 years. And I did karaoke for the first time last night....I know I sucked, but I was WAY drunk so I did not care!! Last night started out with going to a block party where I got drunk on huckleberry wine (that stuff is the bomb) and from there went to a local club I am a member at and danced my night away. Flirted with some fine guys (got 3 phone numbers and took one home with me....oops my bad...lol). I managed to beat my calorie burning goal of 32,000 thanks to all the dancing and if I could count the sex....well that would have really put me over on the burn.

    Best part is....I don't feel guilty! My soon to be ex-husband was an idiot to give me up and now I am going to live my life. My last 2 relationships were with control freaks because I did not have enough self-esteem to demand better. No more!! I will live my life and I will be treated with respect or they don't need to bother with me. I know I can go out with anyone I choose and last night proved it. I took the best looking guy in the club home with me and we have talked non-stop since and he is coming back over tomorrow to stay the night again (only sober this time). I don't care if a person is overweight, if you have a good attitude and love yourself others will love you too. And this may be TMI, but it made me laugh.....he does not believe I am 39 because he says I f*** like a 20 year old. He was quite happy with his night and morning as was I !!

    Hope all are doing well.....talk to ya'll later!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Wow! Tami! Love the attitude though, keep that rocking!!

    Well recipe day was yesterday eh? Thought I'd share my 'emergency' pasta with feta and pine nuts. It's so easy we eat it when camping!!

    Pasta (I like penne), jar of pasta sauce or pasata, handful of pine nuts (need to weigh these - 30g is enough for 4 people), crumbled feta (60g is enough for 4). Cook the pasta, stir through the sauce and warm through, fry the pine nuts in a dry frying pan or grill, they only need a minute to toast, DON"T BURN THEM!!! Stir the pine nuts and the feta through the pasta and sauce, and serve, yummy!

    And today is success ... and my success is that I feel like I'm back on track. I'm hoping that working full time is not going to put a spanner in the works. I've done 3 days of the 30 day shred, and feel like I can keep that going, I've signed up the the huge august challenge ... weapons of mass reduction or whatever it's called! I know Tami's in it too ... I thought I'd share this weeks challenge, we could all do it as our challenge too ..???

    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks*
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches*
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs *
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups *
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges*
    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

    If you are uncertain on how to do an exercise get with your captains as they will have a weblink to each

    Week One Weekly Team Challenge

    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over
    their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days
    your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.

    So we could all do the exercise, plus drink our water allocation and stay under our calories!

    Right, I have lessons to plan ... wish me luck with my full time work!!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Tami I got so happy reading your post!!! You rock girl!!!!!!!! Keep the good mood and good luck with the dudes ;)

    I'll check in later today - gonna spend some time in the park reading a good book in the sunshine!

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    YAY go Tami.
    Great challenge Rach. However I may be MIA for a couple of weeks. Sorry I've missed the last couple of days with recipes etc. But my success is that I got through the family gathering. ALCOHOL forgot how good it could be, not really an advocate of it, but there are times when a little help is needed. Then i'm not sure if i was still under the influence this morning, but I decided it was time to arrange a visit to my sister, 2,500kms away. So my husband and I have booked me on a flight to Townsville for tomorrow (monday) back thursday 11th August. We then had to spend the day out, lunch with his sister and a visit to my mum, came home so tired not much sleep last night, but have packed etc and am ready to go. My sister (and I mustn't forget but i do have a brother there also) lives in the tropics so am looking forward to thawing out.
    My brother in law has started walking each morning, so we will do that together and maybe can make some changes in my sisters life. She is 130kg. I also look forward to seeing my auntie who had a bad stroke last year, and my cousins etc. And even though I may not lose weight I hope to renew my energy.
    First holiday, on my own in 22 years. Bit scary. Will have to try not to worry about my mum and daughter. Husband is capable.
    Weigh in this morning was 97kg so thats not good.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Tami! Wow! I could feel the energy and positivity coming out of what you wrote! Good for you! Long may it continue (though please be careful!)

    Jen - have a fabulous time away thawing!

    I'm up for giving Rach's challenge a go - what's an up and down though?!

    Having a crappy day today - went to a farm with the kids yesterday so there was lots of walking, and running about and am feeling utterly shattered today - it really took it out of me! So I've eaten "comfort" easy, fatty foods.... Have lots of fruit to eat this afternoon to try and compensate...

    I weighed in yesterday.... Down to 263.2lbs! Really happy with that - just hope I haven't buggered it up by crappy eating today and yesterday... wish TOM would just get here so I can stop feeling to lethargic and fed up....
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well the party weekend is over as it is back to work 30 min from now.....things are going well with the "new friend". We have talked non-stop through the weekend and will be spending mucho time together :blushing:

    Had so much fun doing karaoke and dancing....it is definitely addicting. Wish I had weekends off, but then at the same time thankful I don't because I like Tequila just a little too much....lol.

    Tomorrow I will be meeting with my soon to be ex.....he is finally ready to sit down and tell me exactly why he left me. I don't know how it is going to be spending time with him, but we have mutually decided to remain friends and go out once in a while to shoot pool or to go fishing. He is a great guy, but is bipolar and has his war flashbacks and refuses any help or medication for either. My hope is that he will get the help he needs because until he does he will never be happy with himself and will never stay in a relationship. I will always have a love in my heart for him, but could no longer fight for what will not be.

    I am much stronger now. I have gone through the forgiveness stage of the break-up and once that happened the crying stopped, the anger stopped, and that was when I realized that I can and will get through this and that I can be happy. I know that getting into a relationship immediately is not smart so I have told the "new friend" nothing serious. My husband and I never really had much for intimacy in our relationship other than cuddling as he was not a sexual person by any means. So I know that is why I found someone immediately for that. I used to believe I would find love through sex, but I know that is not true. I am not seeking love from the newbie...just some fun times and of course some great calorie burn. I am finally happy in who I am and know that I do not need a man to fill that for me. Maybe someday I will find the right man to be in my life who will genuinely love me and who will spend the rest of his life with me, but for now I am just going to work on my weight loss and have some fun on the side :laugh:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Rach I can the challenge a try. sounds a bit though for me but I am so determined.

    I will c posts catch up on other posts tomorrow. I just wanted to say that I am so proud to to have finally logged a whole week again and to have done so well over the weekend. I'm going to try the scale tomorrow and see how it goes. Oh and I'll post my measurement sin the morning as well. Good Night All!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Rach I just noticed you and I are on the same team in the mass reduction challenge! Woo-hoo I have two team-mates I am already in groups with.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Wow Tami just caught up with your news! I am sorry it didn't work out with your husband but good for you on finding your self confidence and realising you deserve much more. Woo hoo!

    Well I had my morning post holiday weigh in, as predicted, worse than I feared, 9 lbs on!!! Although TOM hit at the weekend so it may be partly to do with that, so not going to beat myself up about it too much, just try and get back on the wagon this week. Have a wedding to go 5 weeks today (the same one Nicki is a bridesmaid at!) so I am aiming to have that 9 lbs off by then, if not before!

    Going to order the 30 Day Shred and get involved with that I think.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Hi all! After a stay at home weekend and a well deserved pause from my decadent life Mr. Scale now tells me I'm at 88.4 kgs or 194.5 lbs. Feels truly awesome! Things are heading in the right direction and I have also learnt that I don't have to be a control freak when it comes to food to keep losing...

    Now I'm off for a walk in the sunshine!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    CW: 214 - 213.2 loss of 0.8
    GW for challenge: 196 changing to 205

    Neck : 38cm (15in) - same
    Chest: 110.5 (43.5 in)..bust...under is 38in 109.86 loss of 0.64cm
    Waist : 103cm (40.5in) 101.6 loss of 1.4cm
    Hips: 110.5cm (47in) 108.11 loss of 2.39cm
    Thighs: 71cm (28in) same
    Upper arm: 42.5cm (16.75in) same

    Total loss of 4.43in

    so ready to see a drop on the scale this plateau sucks!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    OK, I'm totally caught up now.

    Tami - so glad you had a rocking weekend and I'm thrilled that you have so much confidence and that you recieved compliments on your skill :)

    Caire- Aweseom loss. I know you will be doen with the 260s in no time.

    Jenni - enoy your holiday it sounds wonderful.

    My goals for this week are to continuing to log every day. I am not changeing my calorie goal but I am aiming to net 1400cal b/c this plateau sucks. I hope to burn 2000 + cals this week and try to keep up with rach's challenge.

    I have been tryign to complete teh 10X10 every week and only fell short by 3 planks this week.

    Have a wonderful week ladies :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I had a really good gym session this morning! Voluntarily did some kettlebell exercises as well as my usual cardio and weights... Rather enjoyed myself! TOM should be here in the next few days as weight has bounced back up to the 265 area.... Not to worry - it WILL be off and I WILL be under 260 before the challenge is out!

    Positive thinking is a powerful thing - or so I'm told!

    If this doesn't work I'm going to try so Adios tablets or something!

    Good to have you back Becci!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well I am bummed today....TOM hit yesterday and I am up 5+ pounds - I am at 229.8 today. I was hoping to be way down after all the dancing and extra-curricular activity this past weekend. But I am in the August challenge so will be burning lots of calories doing that.

    I met with my soon-to-be-ex-husband today and we finally talked about why he left. His reasons were all fairly lame excuses, but I told him that he has a right to his opinion and his feelings and left it at that. We are still friends and will still hang out to do the things we enjoy like shooting pool and fishing. It is a bummer that we will no longer be married, but he truly was not ready for marriage. At least we can do this in a civil manner and remain friends.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I've lost my will to live with MFP today. I typed a nice long post to you all, hit send and it told me that I couldn't send a blank message! O.o

    I shall come back tomorrow though, when I'm not angry with the site anymore and type it again. From now on, I'll be using ctrl + c before I hit the post button lol.

    Hope you've had a good Monday. :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oh no!!! Don't you just hate it when computers swallow up all your hard work!

    Well, I weighed in yesterday a kg down, now at 77kg or 169.8lb. All good, back in the right direction, but still 2kgs up from before my birthday!

    Hanna - I so wish I coiuld lose weight without being a control freak about it all. That is such an awesome achievement, and you should be really proud of yourself. It shows that you have good control over any emotional connection you may have to food. Go you!

    Courtney - That some awesome inches you've lost there well done, it's a shame the scales don't always join the party, but you're making progress and you need to congratulate yourself for that! Well done! I'm really impressed with you doing the 10x10 each week, great idea!

    Tami - you are doing fantastic. As always I'm totally in awe of your strong attitude. You really are an amazing woman, and that crazy man doesn't know what he's given up.

    Well ... I'm doing good, did my 100 jumping jacks yesterday, done my extra mile run today ... what with that and bootcamp and the 30DS I have a lot of calories left to plough through today, which given that it's almost 11pm isn't going to happen .. ah well. I'm feeling really inspired at the minute, fingers crossed it lasts!

    Other news is that work approached me today to say that the teacher I'm covering for may not be back until Christmas, and how did I feel about that ... I'm not sure yet how I feel about that ... in truth in 12 more weeks the senior classes leave, and I will only have 2 classes to teach, and though I'll, still have other work to do I'll be able to fit a lot of that in around being with my kids ... and if I could get paid over the summer holidays I'd be very keen!! Talked to hubby about it and he thinks it depends on the deal I can make!! So I'll see tomorrow ... there's part of me that thinks I shouldn't do it, my main reason for staying home was to be with my daughter whilst she's little, and part of me knows that I'll miss that, and might one day look back and think I should have said no ... then part of me thinks how much money we could save up for a house by my working fulltime for a few months ... decisions decisions!!!