Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Nikki - i hate it when the computer does that or when i hit somthign on my laptop and start typing in teh middle of my paragraph ugh! Look forward to what you haev to say tomorrow.

    Rach- thank for the incouragement. This week I am tryign to do the 10X10 and the challenge you posted. I am counted for both when the over lap though. I need to know what up and odwns are though. I totally found empty comfrence rooms thorugh out the day and did 30-35 jumping jacks at a time. As for working full timem that is a hard choice. I would say do it, b/c th emoney will be so helpful for teh house and it only a couple month. But i have a different perspective seeign that my step son is 18 and I am not missing milestones at home. Good Luck making the right choice.

    Tami - you rock, keep up the amazign attitude.

    As fro me on open tuesday. i met a woman this weekend who has an 11 year old naturally and 5 year old triplets via IVF. When i told her I wsa havign trouble and had been tested and they aren't sure whats wrong she smiled and said you are trying too hard. Funny thing is i have been told this a million tiems and it only makes me mad. But coming form soem one who has had children both ways it just sounds so right. So my new plan is to quite chartign for the rest of the year, try to say yes tohubby whenever hes in teh modd and just not work about positions, resting for at lesat 15 min afterowrd, body temp while workign out and just live my life. I will also save up for teh trip I want to take to London. And if I cange my mind in Jan and want to go back to the firtility specalist I wil llhave money for it. I feel liberated.

    Have a wonderful day ladies and keep up the good work!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Courtney if you come to London I can play tour guide, I lived there for 9 years and I am only just over an hour away by train now.

    I am trying to not obsessively weigh (HA!) but I am already 1 lb down from yesterday so I think maybe TOM did swing the figures a bit higher for me.

    Joining a new gym this week hopefully, this one has exercise classes, looking forward to that!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Oo exciting times in your new gym Becci! What classes do they do?

    I'm so tired at the mo - waiting for TOM to arrive... blah...
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    They do loads, Zumba, Boxfit, Spinning, etc etc. Its only £30.00 a month as well because they have a corporate discount through work, score!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    They do loads, Zumba, Boxfit, Spinning, etc etc. Its only £30.00 a month as well because they have a corporate discount through work, score!

    Bargain!! Get on the boxfit!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hey girls......

    Had a good day today. Found out the new "boytoy" will be moving away November 1st, but we decided we want to be together til then. So for the time being I am occupied and will getting lots of exercise and extra calorie burn :blushing: . And I told the stupid hubby that I want the divorce filed ASAP. Of course he is making excuses of why he can't afford to file, blah, blah, blah. I told him I will file because if he is with another woman and I am with another guy and there is NO chance of reconciliation I just want it ended immediately. And I have a guy friend who has been in love with me for 2 + yrs who says he is waiting for the boytoy to leave so he can finally date me. He is 12 yrs older than I am which makes me hesitant about a relationship with him. He is a great guy and truly loves me unconditionally and is there for me no matter what. I told him I am not ready for a serious relationship and don't ever want to hurt him, but we will see what the future holds. I am having dinner with him tomorrow night and spending some time with him and his daughter.

    I have decided to go back on the hcg so tomorrow and the next day I have to eat 2500-3500 calories each day then it is back down to the 500 cal for the following 41 days. I am excited about going back on it. My doctor is also happy that I am. He didn't want me to stop it, but after going through the 43 days then a 3 wk break and back on it for 14 days I was just feeling too weak. So I will see how it goes with the 43 days and the 3 weeks off to decide if going back on it for a second run or not.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    tami :heart:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Becci _ I have been to London once and it wsa amazing. i was ther for 2.5 weeks and in York for 0.5 weeks. i want o brign hubby back. We will have to say for awhiel to make the trip but i am determined to get back before i'm 40. Whick is 9.5 year but it's a goal. We are also planning to to to New Orleans soon. i woud love to meet you when i finally make it back.....The new gym sounds great!

    Tami - my husband is 10.5 years older than I am and it's great. he still act' syounger but he is more responsible than some people my age. Enjoy your "boytoy" but don't dicount your wonderful friend. best of luck with the hcg!

    Yoga was amazing last night. i was so nice to get back to it. I am doign great with my cals this week I am super excited i just know the scale is finally going to move again.

    Wednesday is healthy tip day. My tip is take a break! don't forget to live your life as oppose dto just plowign through it counting caloris exericeing going to work ans sleeping. Take time to get out with friends, drink some wine, ride a rollercoster or go for a hhike. You only live once!

    Happy Hump day ladie!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Healthy Tip ~~ write encouraging and positive motivators on post-it notes and post them in the places you most often visit in your home....for me they are on the bathroom door, bathroom mirror, kitchen cupboards, and the fridge. I also have some posted on my work computer so that while working I am constantly reminded of things such as "only you can decide how much food enters your mouth", "it is your choice to determine how today will be", and "the past - leave it where it belongs, in the past - focus on today and on the future rather than on things that cannot be changed"
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    wow. Haven't felt this low for a while... And so tired to boot.... My mum (who is a retired doctor) wants me to go and see my GP... She thinks I may be anaemic or have a thyroid problem... Will make an appointment asap...

    Quite enjoyed kettlehell today..... Felt really good afterwards for about an hour and then slowly just felt more and more exhausted again...

    Going for a mother/daughter day tomorrow.... I love my kids dearly but being with them 24/7 is hard work! So we're off to see a local stately home, Erddig, for some peace and quiet!

    And I need a night with my amigas!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Right... It would seem I need a few days to get my head straight.... I'm utterly all over the place at the moment.... I'll still be lurking but I'm going to take a step back and get my head into gear.... I'll be back ladies... It's a wobble, not a quit....

    :ohwell: :heart: :smooched:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hang in there Clair....sometimes it is necessary and good to take a day or two break. We need to allow ourselves regroup time so we don't just give up all together. We are putting our bodies through a lot of transition and shock by losing weight. Love ya girl and we will all be here when you are ready. :flowerforyou:

    **New pics uploaded on my profile**

    Hope all are doing well today. I am having a hard time eating the calories I need today. I feel guilty for eating calories and high fat, but know the importance of it before dropping down to 500 calories after tomorrow.

  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Take it easy Clare, we'll all be here when you're back ... don't be too long though, 'cause we'll miss you!

    Good luck with the HCG Tami.

    I'm all good, quite giddy today for some unknown reason, I think it might be Friday feeling from working all week!!! LOL!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Claire feel better soon, remember we are here if you need us!

    I went slightly over yesterday as went out for dinner with the boy, but yesterday my first Graze box as well my 30 Day Shred dvd arrived, so good times today!

    I did however, wake up to find my skylight leaking, it appears the glass pane has shifted and given me a 1/2 inch gap which water is dripping through! Need to get a window fitter out! Gah!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    ooo what did you get in your graze box? I've had to postpone mine for a while as money is tight and I've got a bit of a backlog!!

    Thanks to you all for being so understanding... I don't want to let any of you down by disappearing.... I'll keep up with things just not be so militant on the calorie counting... Hopefully if I take the pressure off I can learn to do it instinctively and will lose weight anyway!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I got the honey roasted cashews, the cherry vanilla franigpane, the pina colada mix and the rice crackers. The cals are a bit higher than I'd like but nom nom, they taste good and going to do my shred later. She is going to kill me, isn't she?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Claire - breaks are good, take all teh tiem you need were are here for you.

    Becci - yes Jillian will yell at you but she will also encourage you through. Good Luck with the shred

    Unfortunatly I have bad news. My borther-in -law (who I love, love,love) lost his brother yesterday. Chris committed sucide. my BIL lost his mom a coupl eyears ago as well. His heart is brokend adn my sister is exhusted tryign to hold her husband and her fater-in-law together. Hubby and I will be traveling to see them this weekend. We will cook some food at mom's and be there for lots of hugs.

    If I'm not around much from Friday -Monday you kow why. I will try to log in at moms so I don't lose the number I'm trying to build and so i don't go to crazy.

    Exercie plan for the rest of teh week is to walk as much as possible and finish the 10X10 finally.

    Have a great day all!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    So sorry to hear about your loss Courtney.... xxx

    Becci - Yup Jillian likes to kill but at least you'll have the cals to be able to enjoy your lovely graze goodies! Wait till you get the flapjack - it's divine!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    :explode: Bad bad day emotionally - no energy to exercise and no desire to either - I am just plain exhausted. Don't want to work or do school or anything else....just want to sit and be lazy and veg out. UGH I HATE THIS FEELING! :frown:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Don't beat yourself up Tami, sometimes it is is nice to have a 'down' day to re-charge the batteries and you have sounded super busy as of late, you have also gone through a massive change emotionally.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I agree with Becci - have a chill day xxx

    Tonight I'm having a friend over for a girlie night... Got wine, gin, nibbles, facepacks, a footspa and some pretty nail polishes.... And we're going to watc sex in the city 1 AND 2! It's gonna be heaven!