Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Has anyone seen my Mojo? I had the other day, but I must have put it somewhere safe and now I can't find it ... it's not with the chocolate in the fridge ... I've checked there a few times ... AAAAARGGHHH!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Rach - have you checked down the back of the sofa? Or even under it? I'm forever using a big stick to hook things out from under there that have been lost for ages!
    Failing that it's probably with mine, living it up somewhere idyllic... *kitten*.

    Was happy to see a loss on the scales this morning! And in 2 days at that! Maybe putting my cals back up has done something after all! Though TOM is looming and chocolate has been consumed this morning post kettlehell...

    I don't have anything to add to our health tips.... Maybe don't deny yourself anything... Moderation is key? As soon as I start saying "I can't have that" I start to resent the whole health living thing and want to gorge myself on chocolate and fried foods...

    Jenni - hope you have a good time in the city and you manage to make good choices foodwise - you CAN do it!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I've just realised we're half way through our 10 weeks and was thinking maybe we should do a mid-challenge measure in? What does everyone think?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    helathy tip....it's summer tiem here so I am going to say use your grill. You can add flovor with charcoal or you can wrap up a complete meal in a foil pouch and grill it up. Hubby has been puttting onions, tomatos, peppers etc righ on teh gril yum yum yum!

    Whizzy - thank you for shrign your story. it's so nice to not be alone.

    Claire i am up for a mid challenge measure even though I have hardly lost a thing maybe my measurements are a little better.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Share a tip Wednesday...

    Keep your shelves stocked with good healthy foods. Then when you can resist going for that late night snack, at least you know it isn't going to be really unhealthy.

    I always keep a tub of peach and pear cubes in my fridge. Not only does it satisfy my sweet tooth, it's really low on calories. :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Whizzy - that's a great tip! I need to do that ...

    Well, I've weighed in this morning, as I think I was 'purposely' forgetting to weigh in ... like ... oh, whoops I've eaten now, so I'll weigh in tomorrow, because I know I've been eating crap, and the scales agree! Weight up to 78kg or 172lb, so I've gained 3kg since my birthday ... time to move on from that, and get that weight down again. Fortunately I'm still doing the exercise, so that's something!

    So my plan is to get back on track now, weigh in again on Monday, and set myself a target for the end of our 5 weeks. If I meet my target then I'm going to reward myself, maybe spend some of my "weight watchers" money on some new clothes. $540 I've saved by not going to weight watchers!!

    Share a tip ... If you think you're hungry, have a glass of water first, let it go down then reasses your hunger.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Hi guys :)

    I have been thinking as much as this group is amazingly supportive, it's just so hard for me to keep up with, i didn't realise how full on my new job was going to be until i started. I have been in Sydney for a month now and am seriously loving it, but am working my butt off at work and at the gym, going home and sleeping and getting up and doing it all again the next day.
    Throw into the mix another overseas trip coming up (which means i need to be super in front and organised at work) and also now having to try and find somewhere else to live in this tough rental environment.
    So i was thinking that it's not really fair to everyone for me to pop in and out of this community randomly. So i have decided that i might just focus on logging my food and keeping up with my exercise. If you want to add me as a friend, i woud like that, so we can stay in touch (i know some of you are already my friends) but if not that's ok! I will be able to get updates from Jellyfishjen when we have our catch ups at the Zumba class i have started with her!
    I wish everyone all the success in the world, i know this isn't any easy journey by any means and there will be ups and downs, but i know in the end we will all get where we want to be!!

    Thank you for letting me be part of the group :)

  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I think I mid challenge measurement is great. I don't know what all the others of you think bout it but here is my measurements.

    Oh and it is exercise day, right? Things are happening. Me and my friend have planned a boxercise session next week and have said that we meet up an hour before work so that we can burn some calories and have a nice time over a long walk ;)

    My final weigh in and start weight is 93.6kg (205.9 lbs) which is far from my goal, I really hope I can get to my next goal on time.

    SW: 93.6kg (205.9lbs)
    GW: 85kg (187lbs) I know that it won't be easy but it's a challenge, right?:wink:
    Neck: 35cm
    Chest: 105.5cm
    Waist/Navel: 91cm/106cm
    Hips: 116cm
    Right upper arm: 38cm
    Thighs: 70cm

    CW: 88.4 kgs
    Neck: 35 cm
    Chest: 102.5 cm
    Waist/Navel: 87 cm/ 103 cm
    Hips: 111 cm
    Right upper arm: 37 cm
    Thigh: 67.5 cm

    Which is a total of 18.5 cm and 5.2 kg and I am totally satisfied! :) How's the shrinking going for you guys?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hanna! That is astounding! Well done!!

    Start of the challenge stats: Current stats: Difference:

    264lbs 265.2lbs +1.2lbs :sad:

    Neck - 36cm 36cm 0
    Chest - 103.5cm 102cm -1.5cm
    Waist - 109cm 108.5cm -0.5cm
    Hips - 127cm 123.5cm -3.5cm
    Thighs - 65cm 67.5cm +2.5cm :sad:
    Upper arm - 43cm 41cm -2cm

    My goal weight for the 10 weeks was 245lbs... That ain't gonna happen!! So to reassess I'm going to go conservative and hope to lose at least 1lb a week for the next 5 weeks and finally get under that 260 mark....

    Well that didn't come out like it did when I was writing it! Hope you can still make sense of it!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    But darling, ain't Tom playing a part in those figures?
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    So here's my original list from the start of the challenge...
    SW: 101kg (223lbs)
    GW: 94kg (208lbs)
    Neck: 45cm
    Chest: 111cm
    Waist: 106cm
    Hips: 111cm
    Upper arm: 33cm
    Thighs: 61cm

    Here's my halfway check...

    CW: 98.6kg (217lbs) - 2.4kg (6lbs)
    Neck: 44.5cm - 0.5cm
    Chest: 104cm - 7cm
    Waist: 101cm - 5cm
    Hips: 109cm - 2cm
    Upper arm: 33cm - 0cm
    Thigh: 58cm - 3cm

    Total loss of 17.5cm (6.9inches)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I don't want to look at my measurements, my weight is up about 2kg from the start of this challenge, that's enough to put me off measuring!! LOL! If the scales are nice on Monday I'll measure too!

    Anyway, found my Mojo, it was in my pocket all along. Don't you hate it when that happens, looking everywhere for something and there it is!

    I've had a good day today, eaten sensibly, stayed within my calories, done my exercise, (but somehow I always manage that), it's the eating that gets me ... about 3.30pm every day I want to eat chocolate! Today I had a glass of milk and some nuts ... I used to have a protein shake, but I've run out ... I should just go shopping!!

    I've FINALLY got 30 day shred from the library. I requested it months ago when Claire first talked about it, and have been like 27 of 621 holds for AGES, then yesterday I got an email ... and now I have it ... going to start tomorrow. So do I do it EVERY day? I usually have a rest day each week ... I suppose every day for 30 days will be ok?! Quite excited about it!

    Anyway, plan is to go to bed early this week, so it's just after 10pm here ... night night x
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    E for exercise...

    I have taken to walking down to the beach and going from pier to pier and back again. It's just over 1.4 miles each way and is a really lovely walk, especially in this weather. My goal with it, is to up my speed of doing it. I started out with a gentle walk and am now trying to get a good sweat going on.

    How is everyone today? xx
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hanna - this is true - TOM is looming so maybe the weight will be down again soon!

    Haven't done any exercise today bar exercising the brain! Have joined an online language course so help me with my Spanish so have been doing that all morning... Think I'll take my son for a walk in a bit - bit of gentle walking and fresh air will do some good!

    Rach - you can do the 30 days straight off but I've never managed it! I think rest days are important to allow muscle to repair (though ol Gillian will bark otherwise I'm sure!) Keep us posted on how you get on!

    Nikki - your walk sounds lovely - you're so lucky to be living by the sea! And congrats on your halfway stats!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Blah! I took my measurements this morning but lef thtem sittign on my dresser. i will post them this eveing or tomorrow morning. I think a couple have gone down even though I haven't really lost much.

    E for exercie. I am so sore from softball yesterday but we had fun until the umpire yelled at my team...blah again!

    Today I will do my treadmill incline intervals. Tomorrow I plan to go swimming with hubby and stepson

    Rach - i love 30 day shred but I don't do it everyday I use it as somthing to do when I can't get to the. I probably should try it every day so I can get to level 2 or 3. Good luck.

    Hanna - your midway stats rock. keep up teh good work and thanks for inspiring me. i am so far off my goal and it helps to see other peopel making it happen.

    Nikki- Great job on your losses as well. I envey your walks on teh beach they sound relaxing.

    Claire - keep at it. I know you can get out of teh 260s forever before the end of this challenge. I will need to reasses my weight loss goal for the next 5 weeks as well since I have lost less than 1 pound in the last 5 weeks.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Just posted this in the 30 Day shred group I've joined, but wanted your input too

    I did 30 day shred level 1 for the first time today, that was all good ... I was a bit disappointed at the calorie burn relative to how hard I tried!! But I suppose that's what happens with strength training eh?

    what's your plan with moving up a level? 10 days of level 1? then 10 of level 2? etc. I found level 1 fine, I can't do that many push ups on my feet, I can do about 10 on my feet ... I think in my head I thought it was going to be 30 different workouts with each increasing in intensity!

    How heavy are the weights you use? I was using 3kg weights, but found the strength training pretty tough (just about doable) with those, but too easy with my 1kg weights!

    I'm doing good with my eating again. Yay, long may it last!!

    Bad news is that I'm going to be working fulltime again, and I don't know for how long ... the teacher I was covering for has a grown up son who is working in the UK. He was admitted to hospital with suspected lymphoma, so she's flown off to the UK. I'll be covering for her until she's back. I'm happy to be supporting her. She's been so good to me, it's thanks to her that I have my fab jobsharing job. I hope her son is ok, but do feel a little stressed about working fulltime!! At least I know the issues I had with it, and with a bit of planning ahead I can hopefully keep on top of it better this time!! Anyway, it may only be for a week ...
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi Rach... I think if you're finding level 1 a breeze then try level 2... I think the unwritten rule is like you say - 10 days level 1, 10 days level 2, 10 days level 3 but I think that's to ease you into it a bit... You could try skipping level 1 altogether? or doing level 1 and then level 2 straight after? Play around and do what works for you...

    I used 2lb weights with mine but that's because that's all i had.... Still killed my arms though!

    Hope you manage to plan around working full time - I bet it's a bit of a shock to have to go from pt to ft just like that.... You can do it though!

    I had a really crappy day yesterday.... At the moment I don't work due to depression and anxiety and as such I claim benefit. But (I don't know how many of you follow british politics!) since the election gave us a new PM and a new governing party they've shaken up the whole way of benefits because they're in debt so they're trying to save money.. (hope that makes sense!)
    Anyhoo, they're hitting people with mental health issues first from what I can tell and have called me to go for a medical review so assess whether I should be allowed to continue with my claim or if I should go back to work... I'm terrified! I've had to have medical reviews before but this time it feels different... like they're just trying to get everyone off benefits and into jobs that don't even exsist! So I'm panicing about that now... Sleep has gone out the window. Got to try REALLY hard not to eat crap as my emotional crutch.
    Guess all this sounds silly to you peeps... "just get a bloody job" etc but it's not that easy! I wish it was! Aggghhhhh

    Sorry for babbling! Trying hard not to fall into a pit of despair again.....
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Claire - Don't feel pressured by the media's spin on the situation. I don't know, as I'm not there, but I remember what the media in the UK is like. They can't force you to work if you're not up to it, who will that benefit? No-one. Try not to stress yourself even more. Is there an organisation you can talk to? My mum works at supporting people with mental health issues to ensure that they get all the benefits that they're entitled to. I'm not sure what her organisation is called, brain something ... but it may be reassuring to talk to someone, so as not to feel like someone is trying to turn your world upside down. Big hugs, when's your review?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm home, extremely tired as usual. Gee the city exhausts me. I ate a lot better this time. No binges, no Hungry Jacks, Chips, or anything like that. But I do always have to guess calories, so hopefully my quick cals covered it. i had things like tufu stirfrys, mini quiche from the chef, oh and a glass of skim milk instead of a flavoured milk, (Samara always has a flavoured milk thurs night treat and I had started too, this week I resisted.) Had a beautiful long walk in the Botanical Gardens today. It was a perfect sunny day, Samara had gone to dance class and then on a motor bike ride with a friend. Ditching our mother daughter lunch, to ride on the back of a bike with a very handsome guy. I don't get it. So rather than sulk I went for a beautiful walk and then I had a massage.

    Not sure I want to weigh in or measure in. :noway: :noway: :noway: Might have to wait till Monday. Family arriving tonight (1am)now instead of tomorrow night. So morning may not be my usual quiet calm start. Monday may not be good after a stressful family weekend. I do not need alcohol to get through this. I do not need alcohol to get through this. Well maybe just one. :blushing:

    Rach, I love 30DS. have done it a couple of times now even though I take way more than 30 days to do 30 days. I always start out with good intentions of doing it in at least 33 days. Giving myself a couple of rest days. Sometimes others have done level 1 & 2 together. I found level 2 the hardest, or just the lease enjoyable. I cant say that I get the results others do probably because I take 50 days to do 30. But I love the way it makes me feel. Was actually thinking of starting it again soon.

    Happy to back home in Loserville :heart:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    It's recipie day Here is another favorite Rachael Ray Recipes

    Zucchini and Bow Ties from Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats

    Coarse Salt
    1 pound bow-tie pasta
    1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
    6 garlic cloves, minced
    2 medium zucchini, cut into matchsticks
    Coarse black pepper
    1 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
    1 cup fresh basil leaves, torn or shredded (20 leaves)

    (I added 2 chicken breasts, cooked and diced or shrimp)

    Bring a large pot of water to a boil and salt it. Cook the bow ties al dente, with a bite. Heads up: You will need a couple of ladles of starchy cooking water.

    Heat a large, deep skillet over medium heat. Add the EVOO and the garlic. Cook for 2 minutes, then add the zucchini. Cook gently for 8 to 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and add a couple of ladles of cooking water. Drain the pasta and add to the zucchini. Toss with the cheese and turn off the heat. Toss for 2 minutes, until the liquids are absorbed. Serve in shallow bowls with lots of shredded basil on top.