Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Jenni - You will soon be at the same as I am now. Only 0.2kg to be in the 80's is even bigger than have been given the key to the gates of Onederland. It was at least 7 years ago I was this "thin"... Worth celebrating ;)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello Ladies! Still no computer at home. Blah! But I had a wonderful weekend with Harry Potter and Hanging with my dad. It's great to see so many sucesses last week.

    Tami i love your keep meovign day. I shoudl do that this weekend and geta ll my fileing done and clean al lteh bathrooms in my house :)

    Glad to see Hanna and trach remotovated. Go Onderland Hanna

    Jenni you are so close to Onederland and I am chaseing behind you best of luck.

    To catch up I sucessful worked out at least 30min a day 5 days last week but my burn was low b/c most of it was walking. I did have a 0.2lb loss last week but I am up todayI think TOM is coming early again this month TOM has been out of whack for the last 3 months. I missed the 10X 10 last week again no push ups or skipping and I was 5 planks short.

    Are we having a challenge this week?

    My persoanl goals for this week are:

    Burn more calories than last week 1800 + would be good.
    finally complete the 10X10

    Oh and i helped to clen out my granda parents house a bit teh weekend and scored amunual treadmill no I can work out whil eI torture myself with food network.

    Have a great week ladies.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am at 323.4 so only down .2 pounds this week, but I will take it. Yesterday I was up 5 pounds from last week so I am definitely happy with being .2 less than last week. I am again fluctuating with that nasty 5 pounds that just does not want to leave me alone, but slowly it is inching it's way down. I had a 5 pound loss last week so I knew this week would be less. So long as I don't go back up I am happy!!

    Tomorrow I celebrate 6 months on this journey. This is the LONGEST that I have EVER stuck with losing weight. All of my family and friends are shocked because I normally give up once I hit a plateau or lost 30ish pounds. It is such an amazing feeling to be able to say that I have lost 51.6 pounds and lasted through 4 trying plateaus and am still going. I feel better than I have in years!

    Now if I could just release another 6.4 pounds I would be the weight I was in 1995 when my daughter was born. UGH, why can't I seem to get to that number?!? I think it is a head thing that I need to work through. In fact, that will be my goal for this week ~~ To figure out what the emotional connection is to these 6.4 pounds, work through it, and release them.

    Gotta go for now...have to work in 20 minutes. And Merry Making Movement Memorable Monday to ya'll.

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies, Its Tuesday, Our "O" day. Open day.

    Oh wow, its that day again, the gets you thinking day. What to write about. Its rolling back another layer of ourself. Ummm....
    Well I guess I will share with you my visit to the doc last week. But I have to go back a bit first. For about 3 years I have been experiencing chest pain. Well in the left boob actually. Didn't share this with anyone except my doctor. I have been for breast screens etc (breast cancer is in my family), but all my tests came back clear, and because the pain would come and go and i would rather put my head in the sand I didn't always tell my doctor. But then about 10 days ago it came and it was worse and stayed with me. So after much discussion and examination it has been diagnosed as arthritis. Thats right I have arthritis in the boob, well not really in the boob, but it sounds funny that way. Its in the little joint i guess of my rib area. I think its funny, as those who really know me, know that in my younger years, I was a showgirl. I was a principal dancer and danced topless with large feathered harnesses/backpacks. So now we all laugh and say it was from dancing topless, or was it the heavy feathers. maybe?
    Presently no pain at all. it just comes and goes. My hands however (haven't told the doctor) are very painful, I'm sure thats arthritis. Now as a dancer, pointe work and dancing in high heels, I expected arthiris in the feet. Thankfully not yet.

    But now on a different line of Openness. It really bugs me to see people eating poorly. Now and then is ok. But always and to wonder why they aren't losing weight. I don't care if they are keeping within their calories. I believe we are on this weight loss journey not just to look good but to be healthier. We are not getting healthier if we are putting poor calories into our bodies. Give ourselves good quality fuel to work from. How can you do a good workout and get the benefit from it if you have put over processed junk into your body. Think, fresh, wholegrains, protein, the least processed foods. Think of the food pryamid, I assume this is across the world. Make sure you have your dairy, fresh fruit & vege, protein, wholegrains, and plenty of water. There is a lot of information out there, and it is hard to go through it all. But we can share it here. I know I have long held habits to break if I want to lose this weight and keep it off. I can't just lose it, without changing habits or i will go straight back to where I started. I would rather lose slowly and learn as I go. I know my metabalism needs work on and its gettting better. I have learnt that eating regularly through out the day kick starts your metabalism, exercise helps and Green tea. I quite enjoy a cup of green tea, and it has so many other good properties, so I am changing my habits of always having black tea, to include a cup or 2 of green tea each day. It was either whizzy or Beccy who reminded us of the benefits of green tea. Don't get me wrong, I will still eat what we call a treat but i hope its less and less. Which speaking of why do we call it a treat. Shouldn't a treat be something that is good for us. When we treat our cars we give it premium fuel or high grade oil. Yet for us, a treat is often, high in fat or high in sodium. Food for thought. And now I shall step down from my soap box.

    Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

    I know its not sharing day, but I couldn't pass this up. A good read.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok I'm starting to feel very lonely is this village of ours. Where is everyone? I miss you all. And I will be going into the city for 2 nights this week and wont have contact with you then till I get home friday night. Will try and log in and leave you messages tomorrow before I leave home. :cry: Missing you.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenni I'm here. i love your srthritis of the boob story that is too funny. But I seriously hope that now that you know what it is you can prevent the pain. as far as eatign right it is so hard. but I really do try with teh fruits nad veggies it's definatly a process. i so pround I have almost completely cut out boxes mac and cheese.

    Open up Tuesday:

    Not MFP related at all. but I hate when the girls I work with go and visit each others cubes for like 30min or more....don't they have work to do? I know I'm on MFP but at least I'm not giggling and telling stories and disturbing other people. it's so annoying.

    Nothing weight loss related is really coming to my mind today except that I really miss yoga classes. I have been so lazy since my step son went to fl. to see his mom. I feel like I need to figure out how to make teh gym a priority again but all I feel like doing ins siting on my couch. I even abandoned my file cabinet clean out mid project. There are about 50 green file folders in alphabetical order on the floor of my living room. I'm so unmotivated these day. Definatly need some help staying motovated.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I'm here! So... Open up Tuesday...

    I don't really know what to type this week to be honest. I guess I can tell you about my week so far. It's been doctors and more doctors for me this week. Yesterday I had physiotherapy, today I had to go and see a doctor about my right ear constantly ringing and tomorrow I'm going to the hospital again to have some injections into my calves.

    My physiotherapy is for a whiplash injury I sustained on New Year's Eve. My friend and I were on our way to Beccy's place for a party and our taxi was hit from behind by a right numpty who wasn't watching what he was doing.

    My ear ringing seems to be an after effect of the accident. My doctor thinks that the trauma dislodged what I guess would normally be perfectly typical ear wax (sorry for the gross out) and it's got stuck over my ear drum. He's given me drops for it which should help. With any luck the ringing should go. I'm certianly keeping my fingers crossed on that one. My Grandfather had Tinnitus and I know how much he suffered with it.

    My injections tomorrow are for a vein that was damaged when I hit my leg really badly on a chest of drawers. I believe they are going to treat it in the same way they would a varicose vein, even though it's not varicose. The only down side of it is that I have to have it bandaged for 3 weeks! Fingers crossed it'll be worth it though.

    So pretty much that's my week of ailments so far. On the plus side though, I did get to go and see Harry Potter so that kind of makes up for all the doctor visits, even though I did cry like a baby.

    @Jenni I love that you were a dancer. I'd love to hear more about that.

    @Tami Congratulations on hitting your 6 month marker. You should be so proud of yourself. :) *big hugs*

    Keep up the good work ladies. Love and hugs, Nicki xxx
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay y'all so this Open Tuesday is me grieving my body and the years I've missed. I've been doing some hard thinking over what I have done to my self over the years. I am totally grossed out over how my portion sizes looked like before. The way I ate, what I put in my mouth, the way I wasn't thinking and reflecting and how I (and I did and still do consider myself an intelligent being) started and continued making all those bad choices.
    I have stretch marks all over my belly, boobs, thighs, upper arms and even on my knees. My body looks like it has been through a full scale war. If that would have been the case I guess I'd treasure my scars. Being lucky I survived and living life to the fullest. That is not the case. I did go to war on my own body and along with the body, my mind.
    All fat people are always smiling, right? I know I did - and I was the centre of attention at all times. I tried to make people forget I was the fat girl by buying shoes, having a million eye shadows, getting my hair done well you get the picture I hope... I tried to control the little piece of femininity I had left. Now, looking back, I can see how silly that was.

    I am grieving the years that went by without me daring or being able to participate out of fear or shame. I am so sorry I missed out on being a normal girl during my years at the university. I am sorry I have held myself back, beaten my body inside and out, listened to others more than myself but most sorry I am for not acknowledging my problems before. This is the time for me to claim my body and find myself again.

    I have no clue if any of this made any sense to you guys, but I felt I needed to get my thoughts out there. I have never felt this safe in a group ever and I do cherish and love each and every one of you.

    All my love!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    @Hanna What you said made perfect sense. I sometimes feel the same exact way. You're right, we have waged a war against our own bodies, but the important thing is that now we've decided to win the war. Granted, we may not have had the bodies that we wanted in earlier years but remember that when you get to your target weight, not only will you have won, you will have also shown true grit, strength and determination.

    Regardless of how we all got to where we are, we're heading somewhere so much better. Thank you so much for sharing that with us all. I know sometimes it's hard to be able to open up and say things like that. From what I've known of you via MFP, I think you are a wonderful person and I hope you can find peace with your grief of the past.

    Much love. xxx
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Just here to check in real quick! Have to go get my hubby in a sec. I have made it 6 months on this journey -- never thought I would make it this far. And in that time I have lost 51.6 pounds. I feel like a completely different person, though I am still fat and have way more to lose than most people start out needing too. But emotionally and physically I am in a place I did not think was possible to get back too!

    tami :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hanna, you have expressed not just yours but I think all our feelings well. I have spent the 20 years of my daughters life in my worst shape ever. I too regret the choices I made I knew better. I missed out on photos with her, and activites that I just couldn't do. Sure I covered up by being the helpful mum always there. Helping out at school, with reading, craft, canteen etc. Yes I live with many regrets, but I push it to the back I can't let that take over what I can give her and more importantly myself now. It's probably why I sometimes give you girls tough love, make your changes now don't wait till you are my age. It is now time to rejoice and embrace our health. Love your past it is what has made you the beautiful person you are.

    Whizzy, its good that you are taking care of your health issues. Fixing your ailments will help you stay on the path to good health.

    Tami, 6months and 51.6 pounds. It has taken me about 15 months to do that. You are Super Woman.

    Courtney, a change in your sorrounds ie, son away, can really effect your routine. My husband has been home for 10 days now recovering for surgery on his elbow. My routine is completely out. I have been sleeping in, sitting around watching movies. Can't wait for him to go back to work. Plus side is I have finally caught up on the Harry Potter DVD's so now I can go and watch the final movie.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wednesday. Share a Health Tip.

    Grain food.
    Grains are our friends whole grains can shrink stomach fat..

    Reported in a study in The American Journal of Clinical Niutrition. One group ate an average of five daily servings of refined grains, like white rice, bread and pasta, for 12 weeks; another group ate a similar number of servings of whole grains for the same period. All subjects cut 500 calories from their daily diets. Participants lost an average of 3.6 to 5kg, but refined grain eaters lost less than one per cent of their ab fat, while whole-grain grazers lost 2.2 per cent - just another reason to go the whole way. (copied from Australians Womens Health magazine).

    Health Tips Summary
    1. Indulge in hand cream instead of late night snacking.
    2. Eat a good healthy breakfast for a great start to your day, including protein.
    3. Do not deny yourself. Allow yourself to eat all foods in moderation.
    4. High protein, Low carbs. Protein will keep you fuller for longer.
    5. Be happy. Smile and the world smiles with you.
    6. Drink green tea proven to boost your metabolism.
    7. Encourage support from family and friends.
    8. Water, water, water.
    9. Eat wholegrains
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    @Jenni Great tip :)

    Mine is something I've started to do to stop the grazing. Brush your teeth earlier than just before bed. Once I've brushed, I'm less inclined to want to ruin it by eating again.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Just remembered that I have to do my E day today. As I will be away from the computer for the next couple of days.
    E is for exercise. I love exercise .... sometimes.....

    MOTIVATION or lack of seems to pop up on the notice boards often and in my life as well. So I am going to start telling myself.
    JUST DO IT. Put on those shoes, get off the couch, get out there and do it. Put on those leggings, drive to that class and do it. Don't think about it JUST DO IT.

  • Hannastyrbjorn
    So today we are sharing. I had no clue on what to write here today until I went grocery shopping with a man at work. Think locally and seasonal. The better food you will get home with you. You support not only your own body with great foods, but also the farmers around you and the global environment. And also if you shop with the shifting seasons in mind you might end up trying something you've never had before.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hellow Ladies. TOM came last night. So not pregnant once again, my legs ache and all I want is chocolate and soda.

    Hanna - I think we all have fel at lesat soem of what you expressed. i am so tried of looking at the mirror and seeing my big belly espically since I kept telling myself at least ti don't weight 225 or at least I don't weigh 250. I should have stopped tha gain a long tiem ago. But I agree with Jenni we should all look at how far we have come and be pround of how much better we are treating ourselves. I am right with you on teh shoes and purses to ratain the feminity. I have definatly been there.

    Nikki _ that is a lot of dr. visits ! i hope the ringing clears up soon.

    As for Harry Potter I am obsessed. i saw teh move Saturday and cried as well. i hope to see it again when my step son gets home.

    Healthy tip: fresh herbs - you burn calories tending them if you grown you own. They are also a great way to add flovor to your food w/o adding calories. They are so low cal i don't even log them. I burned teh 2-8 cals picking or cuttign htem up. My favorites are basil, rosemerry and cilantro.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hello! I'm back from my little road trip to Kent! Had a fab time catching up with my cousin and meeting her son and daughter and her OH...

    Am back on the wagon as of tomorrow!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Just popping in ... all go here, we're hoping to buy a house this weekend, so everything has been very full on, and quite stressful as most of our savings are still in the UK and the exchange rate is so rubbish that we want to leave it there ... so we'll need to spend just about every cent we have in NZ to buy this place!!

    Anyway .... I need to do Open Tuesday, Sharing Wed and Exercise thursday ... will be back later!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Open Tuesday - Gosh Hanna, I'm totally with you there, except I didn't try to jazz myself up with make-up, shoes etc. I tried to tone myself down, tried to not be noticed, that way no-one will see how fat I am! And if they do look, just smile nicely! Sometimes I feel like I've lost part of me in trying to hide from any attention, like I've forgotten how to be part of something, and enjoy being part of it without any consideration of how people may view me. Weight induced paranoia! I'm OK with the people I love and trust, but I know I must come across as shy, maybe, to those who don't know me, quiet definitely. Which does seem odd to me, I was never quiet as a teenager, I honestly believe that it all came about because of my weight. But then there are aspects of that that I liked also. I liked hiding behind my weight, I liked NOT getting attention, not having to deal with attention I didn't want!

    Share a healthy tip - Plan ahead, this is my biggest downfall. Know what's for dinner in advance, so that you don't munch whilst you decide!!

    Exercise Thursday - Find someone to exercise with, for some reason your bed doesn't feel like it needs you to stay there when you know someone is waiting for you in the park with their trainers on in the cold!!