Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm really loving Open Tuesdays.... It's such a great idea and fab to get to know each other better!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I'm really loving Open Tuesdays.... It's such a great idea and fab to get to know each other better!

    Totally agree!!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Oh, what a joy! My prom dress fits again!!!!!!! :D Now I only need someone to dance with :laugh:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    WOW!! I just read each post and sat and cried as reading each one. Some were tears of sadness and some tears of joy. Sadness because I can feel the pain each of you are going through as I have either been there in the past or are there now. It was honestly like reading my own story. And tears of happiness because I know that vulnerability brings about healing. I know that through Open Tuesday we will see many positive changes come about in each of us.......and now to my own vulnerability and openness.....

    I struggle with situational depression and have Borderline Personality Disorder. For those of you who may not know what that is....it is one step below Bipolar Disorder. I deal with intense moods swings at the drop of a hat and they are completely uncontrollable. And the hardest part of it for me is that I live entirely by emotions that I cannot control. I can one second be extremely happy and high on life, and the next drop into severe depression for absolutely no explainable reason. We have tried medications that only caused more depression and suicidal thoughts along with making me a zombie and unfunctional (is that even a word?). I told my doctor I would rather live with the erratic emotions than be a zombie and lose my job. This mixed with my husband suffering from PTSD from having fought in Iraq as a sniper makes for a hard time at trying to make marriage work. And then to top it off I have a major hormone imbalance (I do not produce Progesterone 2 weeks of the month) that causes even more intense emotional roller coasters.

    @ Rach - I do not take compliments well from the outside world, yet at the same time I get upset that those closest to me do not comment about my weight loss. You are very fortunate (as am I) to have a husband who supports you and encourages you. I agree with him, don't give up. Mind over matter!! You are alert to the old behaviors and that is key!!

    @ Hanna - I too have an addictive personality and though it has never been drugs or alcohol there has been some harmful ones such as sex addiction. Though it was a fun addiction, it was very demeaning and dangerous to my body. I also switch my addiction often. Right now it is housework to the point of being OCD and driving my husband crazy with it.

    @ Fuhrmeister - We are also trying to get pregnant and have been for 17 months. We (the doctors included) do not know if it is weight related or hormone related that it has not happened. I so feel your pain Fuhrmeister in the desire to have a child. I have a 16 yr old; however she has not lived with me since she was 7 and my husband has never had children and really wants one.

    @ Nikki - hang in there girl.....it will get better! And you will reach your goal and will one day swim with the Great White! My goal is skydiving. I am scared to death of flying and heights, but that is what I want to do once this excess poundage is gone. I think it is important to set a high reward for ourselves in this journey. We all deserve it!!

    @ Claire - you will overcome this plateau and the will see the numbers dropping again! I was fluctuating with 5 pounds for just over 2 months. I know the frustration that comes with it and thoughts of why bother, but as you already know it is so worth the struggle!! You have come too far to throw in the towel now!

    @ Jenni - open is one of the hardest things to be, yet here we are all successful at it. Thank you so much for the suggestion!! I had no idea what I was going to say. I dreamed several scenarios and threw them all aside when I woke up. I don't like to let people get too deep inside me and too personal because of fear of judgment and rejection. Yet with all of you ladies, I feel completely comfortable to open up and not only be myself, but to allow the healing of vulnerability to take place. And as far as a messy house -- anyone who judges you for it should be ashamed.....if they love you they will accept you for you, not for what your housekeeping is like. They should be ashamed if they do judge you because they too have some secret they don't want the world to know....we all do.

    I love you all and I hope I have not missed anyone!

    tami :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Morning Beautiful Ladies.
    Wow yesterday was amazing and has helped all of us on this wonderful journey. We can learn from and help each other. I too shed tears of joy and sadness. The openess that we all expressed was pure and healthy for our soles. We may not be able to pop over to each others homes and hug and have a cuppa but it feels like each and everyone of you did visit me, and I felt your warmth and love. I give you all a big hug, hope you can feel it. :heart:

    Well today is Wednesday. Share a Health tip day.

    I imagined I would pour my wealth of healthy eating knowledge out to you. About the benefits of herbs, greens, lentils etc. But this morning while laying in bed and watching TV. Was too cold to get out, there was a segment about wealth loss. And from it I want to share a tip to help with late night binging/snacking. Have a manicure, grab your handcream and start lathering up. Paint your nails. Can't eat with wet nails or lathered in cream and you will have beautiful hands to enjoy. I think its really about changing the habit, so late at night when we probably aren't really hungry but from habit will grab a biscuit grab the hand cream instead and make it a time to treat yourself.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Even though is not yet Wednesday on my side of the world (about 3 hrs 45 min to go), I will post my Wednesday Share a Health Tip now as my hubby and I are leaving in the wee hrs of the morning to go on a fishing adventure. I should burn LOTS of calories as I always do on our day trips.

    My health tip is: don't skip breakfast. It has been proven that eating a healthy breakfast keeps you full longer and in the long-run results in eating fewer calories during the rest of the day. And according to a study done by the Mayo Clinic, eating eggs in the morning helps even more with remaining full due to the protein content.

    Have a great Wednesday and I look forward to my return from my day out with the husband to read all of your health tips.

    tami :heart:
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    I have lovely news, tonight i met up with orangejellybean (Katie), she will come back to us soon. She has moved to Sydney, quite close to me. We have had a lovely evening, even had dinner out and stayed within our calorie range, so nice eating out with a fellow MFPer. We talked and talked and one thing that came out was our concern is this just a fad and would we give up. I am a bit like you Hanna, 2 years ago all my waking moments and energy went into my garden, that was my addiction. It saddens me to look out my kitchen window and see the weed patch it has become.

    And oh my, I just realised that on our O day I met up with Orangejellybean. Get it another O :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Awwwwwwwwwwww Jenni it was so lovely to meet you and just chat about everything! I am really looking to spending more time with you and having the support i will need close by! So looking forward to Zumba too!

    To everyone else, hello again, i have been a message board slacker of late and i am sorry to have left the group, i was really enjoying getting to know everyone and having the support here when i needed it. So hopefully you might welcome me back? :flowerforyou:

    As Jenni mentioned i have just moved to Sydney and am LOVING IT!! I have joined a gym and am so much happier for it! So hopefully having the gym like a block from my new office will be a good thing for me.
    Sorry to cut this short, as i really need to get out of here and head to the gym... but Jenni sent me this link and i thought i would quickly say hello before the day finished!

    Hope everyone is doing fantastic and i am looking forward to catching up on all your weight loss news soon!

  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Ok, so I missed Open Tuesday so this is day late but felt so moved reading everyone’s stories I had to join in. I have already touched on this but I have binge eating disorder. It was only properly diagnosed just over a couple of years ago and this time last year I was in therapy for it. I asked my doctor for a gastric band / bypass surgery and part of the process was a psychiatric assessment. To begin with, the process was horrible. The first (male) doctor I saw who did all my bloods /thyroid tests was horrible, he asked if I ate ‘a lot of chips’ (I hate chips) and pointed out I have a lot of stretch marks when he examined me and asked if I had had children. I was horrible, humiliating and even know it upsets me to think about. Looking back, I should have made a complaint against him. But yeah, I came out of the room in floods of tears and a lovely nurse calmed me down, but I still went home and cried and cried. I just felt like the only thing people ever saw about me was my weight and his actions cemented that fact, coupled with the fact I had been called names in the street etc. I don’t know where people get off thinking they can make other people feel like crap for no reason other than their appearance, but there you go. I nearly gave up on the process there and then, but am glad I didn’t, because the psych assessment brought about the help I needed.

    To begin with, we explored my past and it is pretty obvious my issues with food were triggered by a traumatic experience from my late childhood and the way that was subsequently handled. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing CBT is and how it can really help you change your patterns. After about 8 months, in March last year, I moved into group therapy, which ran until September. Group therapy really was the best thing that ever happened to me. I really wish that our NHS would spend more money on this kind of treatment for people. Anyway, they tell you not to diet at all while in the treatment and I was in a group of six other women. One had actually had gastric surgery a couple of years before, but obviously that doesn’t fix the mental issues behind overeating. (Hence it’s now part of the process when considering surgery) I think the problem was, I thought if I was thin, then all my problems would be solved. But the therapy made me realise that wasn’t the case. Around this time I also got involved in Fat Activism and Acceptance on various blogs and the internet. I really opened my eyes to a world I didn’t know existed, women who were proud of their bodies at any size and also blogs dedicated to fat fashion etc. It made me love myself a lot more, made me realise that being fat doesn’t define who I am as a person and also, being skinny doesn’t equal happiness. Self worth absolutely should not be associated with your weight. I started dressing differently, embracing certain things and working what I had. This new self confidence made my eating issues easier. I managed to maintain my weight for almost a whole year, so this year I was able to concentrate on losing weight. But this time, it was for me, because I want to ensure I don’t develop health problems related to obesity and because I’m 31, I want to think about having children in the next few years and want to set a good example to them. So it just clicked, this year has been such a massive year of change, I’m losing weight, I’ve got a new job, I’ve met a wonderful guy. I’ve got my self confidence back! Nicki will tell you how far I have come, as she has known me for over three years now(and been such an amazing friend, seriously, I can’t begin to tell you how much that girl has had my back, through the bad and the good, she has always been there on the end of the phone for me, love her!) will tell you. And now I am sharing my journey with all you lovely ladies. I really can’t emphasis enough how much your support has helped and means to me. I really couldn’t have done all of this without you!

    Ok, emo moment over! My Wednesday health tip is GREEN TEA! It is full of anti-oxidants and you can get it in several different varieties and it is proven to boost your metabolism. I have my morning caffeine fix with a latte in the morning and then it’s green tea all day for me! Plus, each cup counts to ½ of your water allowance. Oh yes!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Katie, welcome back! And I hope that having the gym close by will help you loads.

    So my Wednesday sharing you might think is the tip from hell. Don't ever cut things out from your "diet", sure moderation is a good thing but excluding (well now I'm not saying vegetarians need to eat meat and diabetics should eat loads of sweet) foods at least for me will only make me want it more. Have faith in your own ability to take one portion, one cookie and so forth. I am not a perfect being and there are no short cuts to a healthy life style, but if you are allowing yourself to "sin" (I personally do not believe in sin) once in a while you'll end up with a normal eating pattern. The world will not cease to exist, you will not miraculously gain 30 pounds over night and there is no one that will beat you with a stick over it.

    Now I will get a very very late breakfast!:heart:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi ladies

    It's my birthday!! Woohooo! Had a fabulous day, out for dinner with hubby, which was just lovely. My friend made me a cake and came over, which was also lovely! Feeling really special even if I have eaten for too much food and done no exercise!!

    Jen - I love the hand cream top tip, distraction eh?! I'm going to give that one a go, as it's the late night munching that has been getting to me recently!

    My top health tip is high protein and low carbs; I've changed my settings so that 30% of my calories come from protein and 40% come from carbs. I aim to stay below the carbs and hit the protein target. I usually manage the below the carbs, but the protein target is tough for me. I find I feel fuller for longer on more protein.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Katie! Welcome back! Hope you're doing good! If you could send me your starting weight and measurements that would be awesome... and also get some photos of yourself as we'll be doing measurements and photos again at the end of the challenge so we can see the difference in our before and after...

    Really liked reading your Open Tuesday post Becci - It's amazing what happens to us when we're kinda not looking for it - you've grown in confidence and as a result have found a fab man!!

    Happy birthday Rach! Hope you have a wonderful day today!

    Loving the tips! My tip is BE HAPPY!! Stress and sadness can cause us to not lose weight even if we eat right and exercise... So being happy is a sure fire way to weight loss! Plus - smiling is contagious so not only are you doing yourself a favour but someone else too!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Grattis på födelsedagen Rach!!!! (That's Swedish for Happy B-day - but I guess you figured that one out :wink: )

    Yeah, eating a lot when your on a high protein diet is hard.... but give it your best.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Happy birthday Rach!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Dearrrrr Rachellllllllll
    Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuooooo.

    Be very thankful I typed it and you could not actually hear me sing

    And A special birthday message for you, from one of my many positive books, I just let the page fall open and this is what it opened to for you.

    "Pursue inner peace. It's the deepest of all blessings." :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Great health tips everyone I've done a little summary that we can quickly refer to and also add to.

    Health Tips Summary
    1. Indulge in hand cream instead of late night snacking.
    2. Eat a good healthy breakfast for a great start to your day, including protein.
    3. Do not deny yourself. Allow yourself to eat all foods in moderation.
    4. High protein, Low carbs. Protein will keep you fuller for longer.
    5. Be happy. Smile and the world smiles with you.
    6. Drink green tea proven to boost your metabolism.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Just wanted to nip in and say I :heart: you guys!!! This has got to be the BEST group on mfp!!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Tami - I wish you luck and love with trying to concieve. It can be the worst let down every month with TOM comes. Also, it sounds like you go through so much day today. I'm so glad you have found some help with in this group

    katie- welcoem back

    rach - happy Birthday

    Becci - thank you for shareign your story. i'm sol glad you have found teh help you need and I'm so glad this group can be a part of it.

    As for my healthy tip my favorite high protein was taken. So i guess I will say make sure your family and freinds are on board. it's so nice that I don't have to argue with hubby or my step son over the grocery list or dinner plans. This way i can keep most of the junk out of the house and we can all share healthy meals.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Katie! Welcome back! Hope you're doing good! If you could send me your starting weight and measurements that would be awesome... and also get some photos of yourself as we'll be doing measurements and photos again at the end of the challenge so we can see the difference in our before and after...

    Chiliflea... no worries, I will try and find my measuring tape tonight to take measurements in the morning (cause i haven't measured for months and months). Did you want my starting from tomorrow morning or when i started doing this again seriously??
    Photos?? Hmmmmm i have some probably from my last trip to NZ, but i am not sure if they are full bodied ones or ones on my own that show my size. I will get on facebook and see what i can find for you...

    Thank you everyone for welcoming me back :D
    I was so annoyed, i had a pretty stressful day yesterday and was planning on heading to the gym after work. I got there, parked the car and went to the back seat to where i had put all my gym gear only to realise i didn't pack my shoes!! Grrrrr!! And to go home, get them and come back to the gym would have taken around an hour and it was super late already, so i had to just suck it up and go home.
    I have my first PT session with the trainer at the gym tonight though so i am super excited about that and i double, and triple checked that my shoes were in the car this morning haha!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Health Tips Summary
    1. Indulge in hand cream instead of late night snacking.
    2. Eat a good healthy breakfast for a great start to your day, including protein.
    3. Do not deny yourself. Allow yourself to eat all foods in moderation.
    4. High protein, Low carbs. Protein will keep you fuller for longer.
    5. Be happy. Smile and the world smiles with you.
    6. Drink green tea proven to boost your metabolism.
    7. Encourage support from family and friends.

    MONDAY ....’L’ .... is for LOSERS DAY TO REPORT IN.
    WEDNESDAY ...’S’ .... is for SHARE A HEALTH TIP
    SATURDAY ...’S’....is for SWOPPING, MAKE A SWOP TODAY. Eg. Walk instead of a movie.

    Katie, this week we started on a theme for each day. Just join on in.

    :flowerforyou: Today Thursday is bought to you by the letter 'E' . E for Excercise. Feel free to discuss likes, dislikes, struggles, achievements, suggestions, plans etc.

    For me last night I got home from going to visit my mum and had dinner at her RSL Club. Ate over my allowance by 600 calories, actually after weighing this morning think it was more. I'm up 700gms today, thats 1 1/2 pounds. So not fair. Anyway I hopped on to my bike and pedalled for 70mins. Was this EXERCISE benefical? Was it too late ? I did sleep well as mentally i was happy for doing it and I was also exhausted. The best thing I like about exercise is the feeling of accomplishment and also being able to eat a bit more. :blushing:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Heading into the city now, may not be home till late tomorrow. So can someone else put up the reminder for Recipe day. Can even just be a food idea. Love you all.
    cheers Jen