Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Good to hear you feel better now Claire! And 128 over is nothing...

    Yes tomorrow is another day... I will check in on you guys, but I probably won't log my food this week end. Two days of good music, friends and booze and 1 birthday party! Will try to behave though!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Good to hear you feel better now Claire! And 128 over is nothing...

    Yes tomorrow is another day... I will check in on you guys, but I probably won't log my food this week end. Two days of good music, friends and booze and 1 birthday party! Will try to behave though!

    Sounds fun! Enjoy!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Weighed myself this morning - I'm a happy lady! Down to 262.6lbs! Definitely thinking that most of the gain was TOM now....

    Feeling in a much better place than I was yesterday - no more heart palpitations and dizziness...

    Boxercise this morning... Woop!

    Hope you all have a fab friday!

    (Where IS everyone?!)
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I am here, but not for long though! Just checking in... Still having trouble with not wanting to eat food...

    Well have a marvellous weekend ladies!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Another quick check in. Home at last extremely tired. The holiday workshop is over. Today was the last day with a performance of the dances they had learnt. All went very well. Now about 3 months till the next one but then its only a 2 day workshop. Much easier although not as much fun. How funny though as the director thanked everyone involved the teachers and Samara Kennedy (she looks after the 11 and 12 yr Olds) and Jenni Kennedy, my girls turned to us and said are you sisters. I was thrilled, don't think my 20 yr old daughter was thrilled. Was given free tickets to the circus, we had the owners children with us. Husband now spending night in hospital after day surgery, not worried thats usual for him, he is not good with pain. Well to bed for me. Dreading weighing myself.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Good to hear from you Jenni! Take some time to relax a bit - you need sleep for weight loss too!

    Today I had a fabby day! Had a really good boxercise session this morning - did some boxing circuits which was fun! Making a curry for tea tonight yum yum! Might be able to have some peanut M&Ms later - damn i love those!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Claire - glad you are feeling better adn glad you enjoyed boxercise class

    Hanna sounds liek a fun weeken dI hope you haev a blast.

    Jenni - glda you can relax now that your workshop is over

    i was a littl eover yeasterday. i shoudl have walked more. Still having a ahrd tiem fitting ym into my routine. But I will get there. lots of home projects this weekend to keep my calorie burn up and almost halfway throught teh 10X10 that i was unable to complete last week. Planks aer awesome.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm home and need help, once again. I feel that I am not only off the wagon can't even see the dust from it. So I have to work hard on getting my head into the right space again and then hopefully my body will follow. Now weigh 97.7kg. This is not good at all. I gave myself too many food comforts last week. Sure I did a lot of walking but it shows it wasn't enough for what I ate. I have to teach myself not to reward or comfort with food. I will constantly remind myself how good it felt to be lighter and to see a lower number on the scale. This life style must be come a constant in my life not a constant struggle.
    Todays goal is to stay under my calories.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I'm home and need help, once again. I feel that I am not only off the wagon can't even see the dust from it. So I have to work hard on getting my head into the right space again and then hopefully my body will follow. Now weigh 97.7kg. This is not good at all. I gave myself too many food comforts last week. Sure I did a lot of walking but it shows it wasn't enough for what I ate. I have to teach myself not to reward or comfort with food. I will constantly remind myself how good it felt to be lighter and to see a lower number on the scale. This life style must be come a constant in my life not a constant struggle.
    Todays goal is to stay under my calories.

    Oh Jen... Be strong chick - seems like you're having a tough old time of it.... It's hard when you're head seems to jump off the page that your heart wants to be on... I find it hard to make good food choices when I'm not at home too... It's so unfair that it takes forever to get the weight off but only a couple of bad food choices to put it back on again and undo good work - sometimes that is so disheartening...

    You've always been such a motivator to us all so I guess now it's our turn to return the favour! Try and remember why you started on the journey in the first place... You need to find your motivation again...

    Jillian Michaels on 30ds says something like it's misinformation to think that you can lose weight just by walking or taking the stairs - it's not going to happen... You need to get that heart rate going to burn the fat...

    Looking at your profile page I see you've lost 18kg! That's fantastic! and you're almost half way on your ticker to your goal - you should take pride in that Jen! I'm proud of you! and if you need some time to get back into the grove - take it... You'll be fighting a losing battle if you carry on half hearted... I'm not saying stop - NO WAY! I'm just saying maybe you need to take some time to re-evaluate.. Keep eating healthy, stay under calories where you can and find that mojo... You've had a lot of upheaval in your life recently and I think you need to adjust to it all...

    I love you muchly Jen - need you here on the Loserville train with us..

    Hope some of this made sense xxxxx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Yep, thanks Claire.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Have done a lot of thinking today trying to get myself out of this slump. Thought it might be nice to do not only a challenge but perhaps also a daily acknowledgement to each other. Maybe acknowledgement isn't the right word or spelt correctly even but I hope you get what I mean.


    MONDAY ....’L’ .... is for LOSERS DAY TO REPORT IN.
    WEDNESDAY ...’S’ .... is for SHARE A HEALTH TIP
    SATURDAY ...’S’....is for SWOPPING, MAKE A SWOP TODAY. Eg. Walk instead of a movie. Yoghurt instead of ice cream.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Jenny I love it! I'll have to write it on a post it at my desk so I can remember it though :)

    Since it is very early sunday here I can be teh first to enter my Sucesses

    I have logged the whole week for the first item in ages.
    I have made it back to teh gym (though not as much as I had hoped)
    I have had enough water all week.
    I hope to complete the 10X10 from last week by the end of the day.

    Happy sunday ladies. I look forward to reading your sucesses on Monday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Courtney, they are great successes you have had this week.:flowerforyou:

    My successes. I think Monday and Tuesday and yesterday were good days with calories. Yesterday I did day 1 of week 1 of C25K. I did have to reduce the running to 45seconds, didn't manage the minute, but felt good giving it a go. I managed to tidy up a small portion of Samara's room. She has 19 bras, not including the ones she has in the city with her. Who needs 19 bras? (Lady Gaga). And I think i have successfully got back on the wagon. :tongue:
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Have done a lot of thinking today trying to get myself out of this slump. Thought it might be nice to do not only a challenge but perhaps also a daily acknowledgement to each other. Maybe acknowledgement isn't the right word or spelt correctly even but I hope you get what I mean.


    MONDAY ....’L’ .... is for LOSERS DAY TO REPORT IN.
    WEDNESDAY ...’S’ .... is for SHARE A HEALTH TIP
    SATURDAY ...’S’....is for SWOPPING, MAKE A SWOP TODAY. Eg. Walk instead of a movie. Yoghurt instead of ice cream.

    This is a fantastic idea! I'm going to write it onto the whiteboard of my fridge along with the H.A.L.T. thing you put in a wall post...

    Sooooooo today is Sunday.... Success day.... this week has been great actually - got back into the habit of counting calories and went to a kettlehell class on a different day as I couldn't make my normal slot. I also had a few comments from people saying they could tell I'd lost weight which was really nice and encouraging!

    Think the best thing was yesterday - buying a size 14 top! Clearly on a size 14 person it would be more "billowy" but the main thing was it fit!!! AND it looks good! Oh and I'm currently wearing a size 18-20 pyjama bottoms and could fit into a pair of size 20 trousers yesterday (didn't buy them though as they looked awful!!)

    Courtney and Jenni - great successes this week for you both! Looking forward to hearing the rest of the groups stories....

    Jenni - will you be in charge of reminding us each day of what letter we should be doing? xxx
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi all

    My success has to be my 10km race I did this morning. My aim was to run faster than the last one (1hour 9 mins), I crossed the line in 1 hour 2 mins, and could have done the whole thing faster, but it's hard to know how much energy you'll have left, and I didn't want to run so fast that I'd feel like I needed to walk! So next time I'll set my pace a little faster, and next time I'll definitely be under an hour, which is just mind blowing really! Feeling really pleased with myself about that. I've done really well with my exercise all week, my eating has not been good, but I'm tired from working full time and I'm not going to beat myself up about that until my life is back to normal.

    Happy successful Sunday everyone x
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Claire, well done on your successes. A size 14 top that is exciting. Getting back into class is great and even going on a different day.

    Rach, a great success. I was thinking how would it feel to be able to run like you. I have decided to stop saying that I can't do that. Who knows maybe one day I will run. No rule against a 51 yr old learning to run.

    I am attempting to do the 21 day no binge challenge I found on here. (or for me mindless eating, today cleaning Samara's room I found chocolate and ate it without thinking, ugh).

    My personal challenge this week is to be under my calories EVERYDAY this week, and to do 30 min exercise at least 5 days this week. What are we doing as a group challenge?
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    another success thing for me is I've gone from having 2 sugars in tea to having 1 sweetener to now having nothing but milk! I never used to have sugar in tea until i got pregnant and haven't been able to get myself off it until now so I'm pretty chuffed with that!

    How would everyone feel about a 10x10 challenge again?

    Where is everyone? Haven't heard from Becci in a while... or Nikki? Things seem really quiet on the thread....
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Haven't been checking in lately, but I am still here ... :laugh:

    Jenni I think the LOSERS daily check in idea is great!! It will keep us not only checking in, but accountable as well. Thanks for the idea!

    I have been doing well this week. TOM had me up 5 pounds and the scale is once again going downward so I am a happy gal. Hopefully it continues that way so I can get past the 5 pound fluctuation of the last 1 1/2 months.

    It is Sunday in my part of the world so .... my success for this week has been that I increased calories. That may sound funny to people on this journey, but I honestly think I was eating too few calories for what my body wanted/needed. I struggle with eating calories when trying to lose weight, but decided I needed to try anything and everything to get beyond this stupid plateau and it worked! And I have the cleanest apartment in town. I have been so overfull of energy that for the last 3 days I have not been able to sit still. My hubby asked me what I was on and said he wanted some. The funny thing is....absolutely nothing! Just high on life I guess and happy to be losing weight again. But I was super energized and it shows in my apt. It is the cleanest and most dust free it has ever been in the 7 1/2 years I have lived in it. He called all his friends and said, "You have got to come over and see this place. Your kids can eat off the floor and the place doesn't even look lived in now". He is too funny, but I love him!! I have always kept a tidy house, but now it sparkles!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Checking in. I'm a bit in shock, gained 1.9kg this week ... got on and off the scales about 20 times, no different! How can I have gained so much in just one week ... I know I haven't been eating well, but I've still stayed under my 'maintenance' calories, and have been doing plenty of exercise, so I would have thought that would be OK. I can't wait to finish working full time, so that I can get my life back into control. Hubby was out at the gym this morning so I got up early to skip, did 5 mins skipping, then push ups, then 5 mins skipping then situps ... then I fell asleep!!! How hilarious is that, I was just 'relaxing' after my situps and the next thing I knew my little girl was saying "Mummy, what are you doing??" ... oh, just sleeping on the floor?!? Anyway, I'm with you Jen, my aim this week is to stay within my calories, if I go over I have to exercise them back. NO excuses! I was doing so well and feel like I'm losing my mojo ...

    Happy checking in losers x

    Tami - that's a great success. Maybe I should do that ... I keep thinking about it ...

    Claire - I'd be up for doing the 10x10 again, but maybe our main challenge should be a personal one? I need to reign my eating back in. Nice one on the size 14 top, and the tea, it's funny what pregnancy does to us eh!?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good Morning All. Monday is bought to you by the letter 'L'. LOSERS CHECK IN DAY.

    I'm happy to report a loss at last. Now weigh 95.8kg. My reward at 95 is new undies. I really need to give up my comfy bombay bloomers.

    Rach, sorry to hear about your weight gain but I have a little theory. I have noticed that often after a big day of exercise we are heavier. My theory is that our body is still a bit 'swollen' from what it has been through. As if fluid rushes to protect certain parts, joints etc. After a bit of rest and care it all balances out again and you will have a big weight loss. Try having a soak in the bath each night this week with some muscle relief in it. eg. Radox. This is not a scientific study and should not be taken without medical advice. :laugh: But it wouldn't hurt to give it a go. PS. funny about you falling asleep on the floor.

    Tami, I wish I was just a little bit like you. I am the worse house keeper. Keeping my house done is always a battle. Not dirty but untidy. Doesnt help being a hoarder. Must get rid of the excess as I remove the excess weight from my body.

    Claire, cutting out sugar in tea is a big saving in calories. I am trying to drink more green tea, but I do love my black tea with milk.

    I am up for the 10 x 10. Rach had to do mine last time, so will aim to do that this week. Have to find the skipping rope. I know we have one some where.