Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Oh and love the hair Hanna! Going lighter myself, my sister is going to do it for me this weekend (she used to be a hairdresser, she works in a kids care home now)
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Oh darlings! Thanks!!! :D I totally love it. And Claire, is it possible to be too foxy haha ;)

    Todays burn I have no clue of, but I hope I can get some serious workout in soon enough. Is Taking a long walk tomorrow at least. Might try some running, but don't know how that'll turn out. Somehow a pack of smokes is in my pocket as I write... I have certainly not been an angel. Now I'm off to bed.

    Ta ta
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Forgot to weigh before breakfast.... In fact I'm not going to weigh until the next weigh in... I can't do it! I know it'll be bad and I don't want to knock myself before I get back into the swing of things!! Hope you ladies don't mind!

    Thanks for the welcome back Tami - so sorry to hear you're having a rough time... TOM doesn't help at all.... Is your husband getting some kind of help for his nightmares?

    TOM will be calling on me shortly too... I can already feel myself getting a but PMS-y!

    I know it's a but naughty but I'm going to go on some meal replacement shakes for a week or two from tomorrow.... Just got to get back into the habit of having less calories and shakes should do that... I'm just going to replace my lunch with the shake as I'm pretty good with my breakfast... I just need to not have to think about it and try and get the weight shifting again. I know I've put on after my holiday but even before then I was just hovering around the same 4-5lbs and it was getting on my nerves! Anyway - maybe this will kick it into touch...
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey ladies

    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. Been all over the show for some reason. I'm totally up for the new challenge. I shall start keeping a running total.

    Hope you're all well. Well done to those of you who have lost weight :) and for those that haven't (myself included this week), let's make this week a better one.

    Big love and hugs to you all.

  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Claire I feel your pain, I've hit the same plateu and was thinking of doing the Sacred Heart diet (soup diet) for a week to give me a kick start again.

    Noo remember muscle is denser than fat and if you have upped your exercise then maybe you still have lost inches!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Claire I feel your pain, I've hit the same plateu and was thinking of doing the Sacred Heart diet (soup diet) for a week to give me a kick start again.

    Noo remember muscle is denser than fat and if you have upped your exercise then maybe you still have lost inches!

    Is that the cabbage soup diet? sounds ummmm windy to me!! but let me know how it goes if you do do it! I was going to do the biggest loser replacement shakes and soups but since reading that the soups are like emulsion I've opted for the much cheaper asda version... Get my delivery tomorrow so will see how that goes... Ordered enough for a couple of weeks...

    I'm fancying making some soup soon - the weather has turned a little chilly (just AFTER our hols thank god!) I do a yummy carrot and butterbean... Just got to hold off on the garlic cream!!!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello All! I missed you tons!

    It looks like I wasn't the only one MIA last week. I had a wonderful vacation. i ate too much but wasn't horrible. I expect the couple of extra pounds to fall back off when I get back to drinking water and not soda and eating regularly. I did fit in some exercie over vacation climbing Stone Mountain in Georgia! It's only a 1.3 mile hike but it's tough. We had a blast doing it.

    I did not complete my 10X10 last week so I plan to do it this week. I'm not sure i will be a contender in the the most calories burned challenge. I find moderate burns and good eating works best for me. But I am thrilled to be getting back to the gym this week and Iwill keep a running total with the rest of you. Swimming planned ofr tonight :)

    Hanna - I like your new hair cut
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I very much doubt I'll be a big contender for the most cals burnt this week wither Courtney! Though today I've done 894 as I did the gym and then did an evening kettlehell class as I have to miss it tomorrow morning for a dentist appointment... ick...

    So tomorrow is a bit of walking to and from the dentist (down a hill there and up a hill back - bloody Wales!) and I'll also try and get some dvd or wii sesh in I think....

    Got over 1000 calories to eat now before bed - Think I'll have a steak!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Not sure I'll be a great contender for the biggest burn either ... I'm doing the same exercise, but not burning nearly as much ... I suppose I need to up my game ...

    Yesterday: 294 (honestly, I worked so hard for those calories, doing hill sprints at Bootcamp, I was so disappointed when I looked at my HRM and saw that number!!!)
    Today (Wed): 431 (that's estimated from swimming, but is probably less ...!)
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    What has happened to this little group of ours? I don't feel like a 100% either.... Think I might have the flue knocking on the door. Which is not welcome at all since I just recently got my normal social life back. I won't push my exercise this week, but I will try my best to stay under... Not going to be too hard since I feel constant nausea. Eating just ain't my thing any more.

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    We are in a rut aren't we!

    I weighed this morning and the result was..... 265.4lbs.... Not as bad as I thought it would be tbh...

    My asda delivery came this morning with my meal replacement shakes... Will just be replacing my lunch with a shake for the time being... Also bought something called "now slim hunger strips"... Little strips that you dissolve on your tongue which are meant to curb hunger pangs... Will see if they work!

    So... I'm now 1.4lbs heavier than when we started the challenge - hopefully TOM has something to do with that as well as overeating last week so hopefully can get back on track asap and on target for the rest of the challenge....

    We all need a proverbial kick I think!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hanna sorry you don't feel well. I feel very the same way. I have a headache and stomach ache all I want is a coke or sprite.

    My first day back a the gym went well yesterday. 485 cals burned swimming. I was also under my cals.

    Have a wondeful day ladies and feel better. I'm goign to break down and get teh soda and hope it settles my stomach a little.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Well I have been out and about and to make a long story short I am happy TOM visited today. That might be just a little bit too much info, but that's my NSV for the week LOL Still have to deal with the nausea for no reason what so ever. Probably some higher power thinks I deserve it.

    Been a good girl food wise today. not happy I'm back on the cigarette train, and I so need to quit again. Need to get some real exercise in as well, but with a free two-day festival and a birthday party to attend this weekend I'm gonna be happy to stay under my cals.

    have a nice day/night ladies...
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My calorie burn so far this week:

    Mon 0
    Tue 2,349
    Wed 1,429 - not done burning calories yet today....hubby and I are either going to shoot some pool or go bowling...will update when done :).
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    A quick check in. Am at work still between sessions just finished looking after 50 little darlings and have 45mins before I start my shift as monitor on the adult dance classes. Noticed we are doing a most calore burn challenge this week, damm if only I had had the energy to stick with my original plan. Because I am in here all week, was going to attend class each night, but boy looking after kids is exhausting, have gone home early each day at least I walked home, and I have walked heaps around the studio. Started the week well with food, filled the fridge here with healthy choices but now I am hitting the bad stuff its that or alcohol. Kids do send you to drink especially when they are not yours. I don't know how teachers do it. I have only had my ipod to log in with, but am now on a work computer. Hope to be home Saturday for at least a few days. Have missed living in Loserville.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Well TOM turned up early! Took me a little by surprise but hey ho!

    Hayfever is playing merry hell with my asthma and I have a wonderful chesty cough and snotty nose to contend with....

    Ah well! Gym later methinks...
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    It appears we are all having a rough week.

    Hanna - if your happy about TOM that's great. Sorry your having a rought tiem with cigiretts but we are all here to support you!

    Tami - Awesome burn. It;s so awesome you and hubby are workign together.

    Jenni - I use to work in a day care. The kids made me crazy. i perfered carrying for baby'cs crying was beter than an attitude I coudld do nothing about. I bet your burning tons of calories looking after them.

    Clair - hope the hayfever gets better.

    no exercise yesterday. I have my gym clothed in teh car for today will probably just do some treadmill intervals. Still tryign to get back into a routine.

    have a lovely day ladies!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Today did not go well...

    My mum picked me up to go to the gym and on the way we stopped to puck up my AD prescription from the pharmacy. It was supposed to have been there on Tuesday but they'd had trouble getting them. And they still hadn't got them... I was cross and then had a bit of a panic attack as I'd run out of tablets on Tuesday! So I has to go to the doctors surgery to try and get another prescription but that wouldn't be ready until 5pm! I freaked Out majorly... Went and had a custard slice and a coffee to try and calm down and then did a really crap gym session...
    Got home and had the shakes really bad so have been chillin in bed all afternoon watching ace of cakes and dc cupcakes... Still feel awful and dizzy... Probably like withdrawal symptoms from my ADs...

  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Oh Claire I'm sorry to hear that! I bet you have the meds in no time and don't beat yourself up over the gym session. You are doing really good. One day is No day, darling!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks Hanna.... My mum dropped my meds off at about 5pm so I've taken them and starting to feel a little more "balanced"! Had some supper too so with any luck normal service will resume tomorrow!

    Went over a little tonight but think I probably needed it... Wasn't vast so I'm quite happy really - could have been much much worse - well if this had happened last year I would have stuffed myself with food to try and dull the anxiety so being only 128 over is such an achievement....

    Tomorrow is another day and it's boxercise day - hurray!