Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    1 - x 50 crunches per day = 350
    2 - litres of water a day
    3 - hours at the gym - 2 hour classes and 1 hour gym session
    4 - 30 Day Shred sessions

    Monday - 50 crunches, 49 minutes at the gym, 2 litres of water.
    Tuesday - 100 crunches, 1 30ds session, 2 litres of water

    So far so good!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Have had a lovely evening just Tony, Samara, my mum and me. Baked 18 different vegies with vegie schnitzel a family favourite. Enough left over to have for meals over the next couple of days. Samara made a lovely birthday cake. I am now extremely tired probably from the sugar content of the cake. :laugh: So I have gotten through the 2 birthdays now to get through the 3 days in the city. Saturday Tony and Samara want to go to Guylian chocolate cafe when we finish work. :grumble: Nice but going to be tough for me.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member

    1 - x 50 crunches per day = 350
    2 - litres of water a day
    3 - hours at the gym - 2 hour classes and 1 hour gym session
    4 - 30 Day Shred sessions

    Monday - 50 crunches, 49 minutes at the gym, 2 litres of water.
    Tuesday - 100 crunches, 1 30ds session, 2 litres of water
    Wednesday - kettlehell, 50 crunches, 24 minutes at the gym, 2 litres of water...

    So far I'm on track... I've done 2 hours and 13 minutes at the gym... Have a zumba class on friday instead of my boxercise which will take me over my 3 hours...
    200 crunches done so far....

    I have to go to a funeral tomorrow so will try and get a 30ds session in when I get home, along with my 50 crunches...

    Feeling good today, It's not the usual thing for me to go and do 20 mins on the arctrainer in the gym after a big kettlehell class but I was waiting for my mum to finish so I could get a lift to Morrisons to get a few bits of shopping I'd forgotten...

    Hope everyone's having a good Hump Day!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    wow! it looks like everyone is doing great and well on their way to completeing their 1, 2, 3, 4. Is the last day for this Sunday? I just want to make sure I get all mine in.

    Jenni and Clair i hope you have fun with your birthday celebrations.

    1 100 crunches - 25 down
    2 yoga sessions
    3 exercise session other than yoga and walking
    4 walks - 2 walks down

    softball planned for today and maybe a walk.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    yup - sunday is the last day....

    fuhrmeister - I don't know what your "real" name is sorry!

    I'm on holiday from Monday next week... Will try to make good food choices (we're going half board to Butlins) and have asked my kettlehell instructor to give me a little routine I can do 3 times in the week (sucker for punishment!) I'm going to take 30ds with me too I think so will try and get a couple of sessions of that in aswell if I can but there's going to be lots of activities to do and swimming too so hopefully it won't be too tragic! It also means I won't be able to weigh in next friday but ho hum!
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay here in Sweden the 1,2,3,4 challenge is not going very well....

    1hundred crunches
    2 litres of water per day (even though it is summer I have a hard time drinking enough)
    3 x Dumbbell Strength Routine
    4 x C25K workouts

    1. - 0 done so far... will do some (hopefully half) before bed
    2. - Have not been good so far. Will try to better myself
    3. - done 1
    4. - done 1, still thinking about if I should get out tonight....

    Been on my feet all day walking. A horrible weather (the rain drops were more like footballs) when I just had dried, the second rain came... Had no choice but being outside since I was on my way home from my friend. I think I will do C25K tomorrow and the day after instead of doing it today. My feet can't take any more after this day.... I will drink and crunch though! ;)

    Have a nice day ladies!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hanna, I feel you are a bit down at the moment and what will make you feel good are accomplishments. If i was there I would be over doing crunches with you or at least counting them for you, and walking/ running (behind) you. So the next best thing I can do is maybe give you a tip to get moving. I wrote myself a plan at the beginning of the week. To help me try and reach my goals. Already i have had to adjust it. Didn't get my walk in tuesday, so will have to try friday, and I'm now working saturday so unless I can do Jillian friday will have to wait till Sunday.

    1234 Plan
    Monday – Zumba, JM, 10 sit ups
    Tuesday – samara birthday JM, and walk 10 sit ups
    Wednesday – Tony Birthday Zumba, JM, 10 sit ups
    Thursday – Walk , 10 sit ups am and 10 sit ups pm
    Friday – ( walk if not done Tuesday) 10 sit ups am and 10 sit ups pm
    Saturday JM, 10 sit ups am and 10 sit ups pm
    Sunday - 7km walk 3 (1 hour) 10 sit ups.

    For You how about this.
    Thursday - am 15 crunches, c25k, pm 10 crunches
    Friday - am 15 crunches, dumbell workout, pm 10 crunches
    Saturday - am 15 crunches, c25k, pm 10 crunches.
    Sunday - BIG DAY, Last chance workout, am 15 crunches, c25k, dumbell workout, pm 10 crunches.

    At the start of each day measure out your 2 litres of water. On waking drink 250ml, and after each exercise session another 250ml.

    Hope I'm not poking my nose in where its not wanted.

    Good Luck. You can do this.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    1234 UPDATE
    1. 100 sit ups 10,10,10,10,
    2. Zumba 1 and 2 DONE
    3. Walk Min 30 min walk – 1
    4. Jillian Michaels 1 2 3 4 DONE
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I had to post my weight after 2 days of drinking a gallon each day of tea. I think this is what it took to overcome the month and half plateau (keeping my fingers crossed that I truly am over it now). In just two days I have lost over 4 pounds (doing a happy dance!!). I weigh everyday, but normally only post the results once a week, but this was too exciting to not post!

    So far for this weeks 1,2,3,4 challenge:

    1,2,3,4 challenge:

    1 gal water/tea daily --- have been doing successfully each day so far
    2 gym workouts --- 0 been too busy doing other forms of exercise to get there yet
    3 walks (min 1 mi each) --- walked yesterday and today both so only 1 more to go
    4 hrs wii sports --- 0 so far have been out enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having

    In addition to this I have also done low-impact aerobics, step aerobics, playing billiards, playing outside with my dogs. Yesterday I logged 97 min of exercise for a 735 calorie burn and today I have burned a lot so far, but the evening is still young and I have a lot more calorie burning to do before ending my day :).

    Jenni you are kicking butt getting your 1,2,3,4 done! Hanna hang in there and just do what you can. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. We all try to be super woman at times, but sometimes we have to stop for a moment to take a deep breath :) Claire don't stress over your holiday. Even if you do over on calories enjoy and then hit it when you get back. But all in all I have faith in you and know that you will be okay.

    Hope everyone has a great evening (or morning if it is such in your part of the world). Thank you all for your love and support in this group. And for reminding me that I am loved no matter what my size, weight, and measurements. It means a lot!! You ladies are the best!

    Tami :heart:
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Tami - Congrats! You are deserving every pound you lose!

    Jenni - Yeah you are right, I am a bit down at the moment... I did 40 crunches yesterday and I really hope the rain will stop so that I can get out for a run. I know my body need those endorphins. I will try to stick to that schedule.. Thank you very much! Have to go for a 20-30 min walk though. Going to meet up with my dad. Might just do a DVD today when I get back so I feel I have accomplished something. Have a super day all of you!

    1. 100 sit ups -40 done
    2. litres of water :noway: :noway: :frown:
    3. x weight training - 1 done
    4. x C25K - 1 done
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Okay, now I feel a bit better. Might have to do with me doing some exercise, might have to do with me just feeling better. Did some jogging today. My mind told me I couldn't jog for a consecutive 25 minutes- I unfortunately listened. Took 2 minutes longer this time, but I did get up and out and actually did something instead of just sitting on my fat *** doing nothing. That is a victory in itself.

    My challenge for this week looks like this now:

    1. 100 sit ups -70 done
    2. litres of water - not so good up till today, but I am now on my ninth glass for the day :happy:
    3. x weight training - 1 done
    4. x C25K - 2 done
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Clair - my first name is Courtney

    Hanna - glad to see your 1, 2, 3, 4, is picking up a bit. i know you can finish it!

    Jenni - you rock! Keep up teh good work.

    Tami - your loss is great. I hope this week truly gets you through the plateau.

    i am slowly but surely working on my 1, 2, 3, 4

    1. 100 sit ups...25 down (more planned for tonight)
    2. yoga none yet I'm thinking tomorrow ans sunday
    3. additonal work outs 1 down with softball last night (planinng on swimming or 30DS tonight and swilmming with teh kids tomorrow and Sunday)
    4. walks 2 down (my sneek one in at lunch)

    TOM came early and my legs hurt so bad and feel like jello I jsut want to go home and go to bed but I'm tryign to push through.

    Week long Vacation next week :) almost ready to begin counting the hours until 4:30pm Friday.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am proper down in the dumps this week, I don't really know why.


    Eating is not too bad despite my binge on Monday, but cannot find any motivation to exercise. Woe.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I am proper down in the dumps this week, I don't really know why.


    Eating is not too bad despite my binge on Monday, but cannot find any motivation to exercise. Woe.

    Never fun, but things change quickly. I hope you feel better soon!

    Girls, I've got a confession to make. I ate at Mc Donald's today. It was okay, but I don't know if I wanna know how my stomach feels tomorrow. Still got some calories left from todays workout to spend if i get hungry later on... or feel for a beer :D

    Tomorrow is midsummer's eve - which is huge is Sweden. We are going to the little house at the country side fo a BBQ, games, alcohol and sleepover. Is gonna be so nice, but I don't know if I'll bother to log anything tomorrow. Will not have the time to workout after lunch either. I might go for a run and a 6k walk just to make up for the sins I am about to commit...

    have a lovely evening ladies!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Went to my friend's husband's funeral today... Have gone over my calories... Should do 30ds but I'm soooo tired! Think I'll do my crunches today and then do 30ds tomorrow, saturday and sunday....

    Got zumba tomorrow morning.

    Have, however, drunk my 2 litres of water today so that's a good thing...

    S'up Becci? Just having a down week? I get those sometimes... Hope you feel better soon hun...

    Hello Courtney! *waves*

    Well done on your loss Tami... I'm going to weigh on Monday as usual for this week - then I'm on holiday until the following monday so I'll be able to gage the damage!!

    Big love to all xxx

    Just done my 50 crunches... 30ds can wait till tomorrow... Early night for me xx
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    claire, i hope you and your friend had a nice day and that it was a beautiful funeral. over eating on a day like that is not a problem.

    For me I have been drinking a lot of water today.
    2xC25K is done - 2 more to go
    2x weoght training is done - one more to go
    70 crunches is done - 30 more to go.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks Hanna - it was a lovely service...

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hanna - Enjoy your BBQ sound slike tons of fun!

    Becci - sorry you arte feeling down Maybe try a wlak outside if the weathe ris nice. that uasually perks me up.

    Clair- glasd teh service was nice and i wouldn't worry abou tteh cals i know you had other things on your mind.

    TOM hit hard for me didn't feel like I oculd stay a float in the pool so i took a walk and did some yoga at home. so I have 75 crunchs, 1 yoga sesson, 1 walk and 2 additional exercise sessions left for teh week. Planning ot swim with myboys this evening not exactally laps but I think if we are chasing each other a d plaing pool volley ball I can count it as exercise. We'll probably walk to and from the pool today and ove eh weeken das well so that takes care of walking so just some crunches and yoga to think about.

    Vacation begins in just under 8 hours. I hope to log in most of the time on vcation next week since i will mostly be at my mom's house. Happy Friday All!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Oh and I'm down 0.2lbs this morning. not much but I will take any loss durring TOM!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am still feel super un-motivated but I lost 1.5 lb this week so I will take that - esp with my binge on Monday and that was soley in five days as I weighed on Monday for the challenge, but my usual weigh day is a Friday.

    I think I miss my boyfriend. Ye gods, how lame am I?