Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    My "now" photos... Hope to look a bit different in 10 weeks time!

  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    I may have started with a little too much enthusiasm. I've done 20 mins of 30DS, 45 mins of Zumba, 30 mins of walking and an hour of pretty vigorus (and it really was vigorus) cleaning. MFP is telling me I've burned 1089 calories. I know that the MFP calories is a bit generous with it's calories, so I'm knocking a third off that to be safe. That still leaves me with 726 extra calories to eat. I don't think that's going to be happening tonight on top of what I already have left.

    I think tomorrow, may be a tad slower lol.

    How's everyone else's day been?

  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I may have started with a little too much enthusiasm. I've done 20 mins of 30DS, 45 mins of Zumba, 30 mins of walking and an hour of pretty vigorus (and it really was vigorus) cleaning. MFP is telling me I've burned 1089 calories. I know that the MFP calories is a bit generous with it's calories, so I'm knocking a third off that to be safe. That still leaves me with 726 extra calories to eat. I don't think that's going to be happening tonight on top of what I already have left.

    I think tomorrow, may be a tad slower lol.

    How's everyone else's day been?


    That is a lot of exercise...and I cut of the cal burn estimates from MFP for some activites too. I'm doing great. About to g sneek in a 10 to 15 minute walk.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    My day has been fine so far. Went for a bad session of C25K this morning. had to walk a little in the last interval. And in the afternoon me and my friend took a long walk for about 2h...
    Tomorrow we will walk some more but first thing tomorrow morning is to build some muscle. My first dumbbell routine. Lets see how it turns out!

    So the before pics.... not flattering!


  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I need to get some before pics but I don't really want pics on a public site, so i might just post them on my profile when i do.

    CW: 262 lbs
    GW for challenge: 240 lbs


    Chest: 112 cm (we did do under bust, right?)
    Neck: 38 cm
    Hips: 130 cm
    Waist: 117 cm
    Arm: 44 cm
    Thigh: 63 cm

    Going on my last MFP measurements i have lost good inches, ESP on my thighs, woo hoo!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Oh and my 1,2,3,4 challenge:

    1 home workout session per day
    2 hours swimming
    3 gym sessions
    4 hours walking
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    This is my first time posting my measurements so am a bit hesitant about doing so...especially since I am the biggest girl in the group, but I figure I have been posting my weight so may as well buck up and do this too. And I know I am loved so I guess no harm will come of it.

    SW: 327.8 pounds
    GW: 300

    neck: 14.5 in / 37.3 cm
    chest: 44 in / 112.1 cm
    waist: 47 in / 119.8 cm
    hips: 69 in / 175.6 cm
    rt thigh: 31 in / 79.2 cm
    rt arm: 15 in / 38.6 cm

    I will get my now pics posted probably tomorrow. They will definitely NOT be in shorts and sports bra.....that would chase everyone away!! But I will do in a dress, in pants and blouse, and possibly shorts & tank top (not sure on that one yet). How do I post them on here?

    1,2,3,4 challenge:

    1 gal water/tea daily
    2 gym workouts
    3 walks (min 1 mi each)
    4 hrs wii sports
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I measured my bust, not under - will modify my number if I measured at the wrong place...
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hanna, I measured my bust, not under also.

    Rach, I know how you feel about working and day care balance. Its a tough one. Hopefully your daughter will enjoy the 4 weeks in day care. And how wonderful to be so close to your goal. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then you can decide if you want to go further or not. I have put my goal weight as 75kg. Some charts say 65kg. When I was a dancer my weight was between 59 and 61kg. I don't think that thin would suit me now.

    Tami, we love you know matter what the numbers are. Photo's are the scariest. I think we need to workshop loving ourselves in photos. :heart:
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Rach - I personally loved day care. I hope she will do so as well.

    Tami - I had to do some thinking whether to post in sports bra nd shorts, but i figured that it's only you guys and that is how i've been dressed in my pics since January. Definitely not how I am dressed while working out. You are loved no matter what size or shape you are.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks for all the measurements etc.... And for being brave and posting photos... I measured under the bust where the bra strap goes - it's up to you if you want to change it - you don't have to as long as you measure in the same place at the end of the 10 weeks x
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I measured my bust, not under, but I'll stick with that.

    Just been to a nutrition seminar as organised by the lady who runs our boot camp. It was good, but scary ... no sugar, no bread ... I'll start working towards those, but I know both will be a struggle for me!

    Right I'm off to skip!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Have had a lovely afternoon and evening with Samara for her birthday. Over ate and I don't care. My husbands birthday tomorrow hope to keep within a better calorie range. I did manage to do my 10 sit ups and Jillian Michaels before I went out today. Zumba tomorrow Urggh I feel so gluggy after tonights food.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hello! It's my dad's birthday today too! So I've had a lovely piece of triple layer strawberry and champagne cake to celebrate... I also had a snickers (shhhhh!) so all being done I'm under calories today with no exercise! BUT WAIT! I'm going to do 30ds once I've got the kids in bed and my 50 crunches... and I'm pretty much up to speed on my water intake today..

    Bit gutted though cos my boxercise class has been cancelled (again) this Friday as our instructor Nikki has been asked to go and help out on her son's school trip... But I've managed to get on the zumba class instead so will be doing that on Friday... I know she wouldn't cancel the class if there were more of us doing it but I think this week there was only going to be 2 of us so I can't be too cross... I do love boxercise though!

    I'll update later when I've done my workout..

    Jenni - hope you had a wonderful day of celebrating your daughter's birthday and have a fab day with your husband tomorrow....

    I also hope that by the end of this 10 week challenge we'll ALL feel happy to put our photos on the thread!

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    As promised - 30ds done... 2 litres of water done... 50 crunches done... 50 oblique crunches (25 each side) done...

    Kettlehell tomorrow... :grumble: :ohwell: :frown: :laugh:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    CW: 214
    GW for challenge: 196

    Neck : 38cm (15in)
    Chest: 110.5 (43.5 in)..bust...under is 38in
    Waist : 103cm (40.5in)
    Hips: 110.5cm (47in)
    Thighs: 71cm (28in)
    Upper arm: 42.5cm (16.75in)

    Modifying my 3 for the 1, 2, 3,4 to 3 exercise session other than the yoga and walking already planned insted of 3 trips to teh gym. Still thaving a hard time getting to the gym still cleaning out the old apartment but I do have a softball game tomorrow and I can shred at home if i can't get to the gym. so no less work outs just an optional change of venue.

    Pictures coming soon
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Sooo.... I did some weight lifting this evening. 15 minutes. That is too short but I have to find a good routine. Tonight I was just improvising... Need to drink some more water before bed today and tomorrow I'll go for a 25 minute run. Which I am not at all looking forward too since the last one did go extremely crappy. Well well, that is life!

    have a great Wednesday my lovely losers!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    30DS done. 30 minute walk done. 2 litres of water down the hatch. Good day in all.

    How's everyone doing?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm doing good on my 10 mins skipping a day, terrible at getting to bed before 10pm. I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm so tired, yet I stay up late ... ah well, boot camp tomorrow, so tonight I WILL be in bed by 10pm. I'm going to make some 'protein' muffins, that we were given a recipe for last night, and I'm going to plan something more interesting for tomorrow's dinner ... then that will be my 2 recipes trialled!

    Right I'm off to tidy the house up before I have to pick up Bill from school ...
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    1. 100 sit ups 10,10,10
    2. Zumba 1 and 2 DONE
    3. Walk Min 30 min walk
    4. Jillian Michaels 1 2 3

    Right been to Zumba, done jillian and 10 sit ups, Having a quick healthy lunch, then have to shop for hubby's birthday dinner. Samara has been and picked up my mum and bringing her out here for the night as well. Will be stayinng in with Samara thurs fri and sat this week as I have work Saturday with her. Yeah. Love the money. Really have to work hard on keeping under my calories when with her.