Loserville Challenge 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I am still feel super un-motivated but I lost 1.5 lb this week so I will take that - esp with my binge on Monday and that was soley in five days as I weighed on Monday for the challenge, but my usual weigh day is a Friday.

    I think I miss my boyfriend. Ye gods, how lame am I?

    Ahhhh that's sweet! I remember feeling like that about Shaun! Well done on your loss though! That's fab for an unmotivated 5 day week! Hope I get something like that on Monday...

    Yes, this week and next I'll weigh in on Monday - makes sense as I'm on holiday Monday to Monday - I don't have to drag the scales along with me! I'm hoping to be good next week - I'm going to try really hard - but I'm a bit deflated at the moment too - seem to be doing everything (mostly) right and the scale doesn't seem to want to budge... Just want to clear the 260 mark and it's just not happening...

    AND I missed Zumba this morning... They told me the wrong time on the phone when I booked so I turned up and hour early! But I'd arranged to meet a friend at the time zumba was actually on so I couldn't go... Went to my gym instead and did a quick 10 mins on the arctrainer but I think it means I won't meat my 1234 challenge... Have done about 1 litre of water today... Don't think I'll get a chance to do 30ds so unless I do 3 sessions this weekend I won't meet that either! And the week started out so goooood!!!

    Ate too much meringue and cream at mum's birthday tea and feel sick now too. And I have a hacking cough and my asthma's playing up! God how moany do I sound!! Lol I need a holiday!!

    xxx Claire x
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Becci and Clair - sorry you both ar ehaiving a rough time. I get down when i miss my hubby so no lameness on your part Becci and Clair just fillin your 1, 2,3 4, the best you can. I am a bit behind too but the stricing to meet our goals is doin gus a world of good even if we fall a little short.

    have a great weekend and forgive me for less commnets next week while I'm on vaction.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hope you have a great time away Courtney... I too will be about less from Monday - will try and keep up as I think there is a wifi hotspot.. xx
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    My personal NSV ~~ I moved the drivers seat in my car ahead 4" and can for the first time drive with the tilt steering wheel down and I can get in and out of the car without moving back up into the highest position -- I am ECSTATIC!!

    Becci I am right there with you in your exercise funk ....

    Haven't exercised for a couple of days and have eaten WAY too much!! I know it's a self sabotage thing because of how well I have been doing. I still do not completely believe that I deserve this and I still panic at certain numbers lost and certain numbers on the scale. I thought I was over that until 3 days ago. When the scale started moving again after a month and a half plateau I without realizing I began eating non-stop and eating things I have not eaten in 5 months. I HAVE to get this back under control or I will gain back all the weight I have lost again which I DO NOT want to do. So I am struggling right now. I am so close to my June calorie burn goal, yet no longer motivated to do it.

    Hoping this feeling will pass SOON!! I can't afford for it to last for too much longer
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    TMI ALERT!!!

    I think I must be "bunged up"... I have a blockage.... I have stomach ache that feels like I've got a bag of stones in my gut. It's not nice... Think I'll be taking a special pill this evening!

    On a brighter note - I did a sneaky weigh in this morning and I'm sitting on 262 today... Which is 2lbs down from Monday... This excites me... It also makes me think I may be a little less tomorrow after my special pill!

    Am going to do my 30ds later... Will have to ask Shaun to entertain the kids while I do it... I might even do it twice, or do a level 1 and then a level 2 to make up for not doing it yesterday...

    Tami = Woo hoo on the NSV! It's things like that that makes it worth it! I hear you on the self sabotage thing too... I've been hovering above the 260 mark for ages now and nothing seems to be shifting it... I'll get close and then swing back up to 264.... It does get a little to the point of "sod it - I'm just going to eat" but at least I still had the gym to go to...

    On a sadder note... I didn't win the roller skates I wanted on eBay... This makes me sad.... But they clearly weren't the ones for me and so maybe I should just buy myself some new ones without any bells and whistles... Will do that after holiday methinks... Shaun's just told me he has £50 in amazon vouchers so I might be able to talk him into giving them to me and buying some on there!

    Need to get me some vibram fivefingers shoes for working out... I have terrible trouble in kettlehell where my foot starts to hurt and I have to take my trainers off... Nikki our trainer doesn't mind me doing it in my socks but I wouldn't want to slip and do myself some damage! People swear by the vibrams and I LOVE being barefoot so hopefully they'll solve the problem!

    Anyhoo - I've whittered enough... Have to pack for our holiday today - it's raining cats and dogs which is a good start!

    Have a good weekend peeps!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Ooooh, Claire, have a fabulous holiday! Which butlins are you off to? Hope the weather is fabulous for you. My husband is all for the five finger shoes, he could preach a sermon on how much better they are for your feet/ running style etc. Sorry about the skates ... I might get me some too, it's my birthday soon! Oh, and good luck with your pill!!!

    Tami - whoop whoop on the NSV. It's lovely when little things like that make you smile inside eh? I had one the other day when I squatted down to pick something up, in the past bending my legs would cause my flabby under thigh to bulge around my knee, but I looked down at what looked like someone else's knee, as there was no bulge! I squatted there for a while checking it out!!!

    Hanna - Midsummer's eve sounds wonderful. Hope it was enjoyed. It was mid winter here, the shortest day, so that's all good as that means the days are getting longer and warmer from here on in!!

    Courtney - Happy holiday too x

    Sorry that some of you ladies are feeling down. We can all do this, it's just about keeping on aiming to do the right things, and aiming to minimise (and accept) the times where we do the wrong things. We will all stray from the path from time to time, but as long as we get back up, dust ourselves off and get back on the path, as long as mostly we're doing the right things we will slowly but surely get where we're going! And to me, just by being here, we're doing the right thing!!

    I had another bad eating day on Thursday, very tired when cooking dinner again and I ate a few biscuits, there was a time when I'd have scoffed a whole packet, so I am improving, but I know now that I need to try to ensure that I don't get that tired, as I just crave sweet stuff (to keep me awake maybe?) when I'm tired.

    I've not done too great on my 1, 2, 3, 4

    1 hour of skipping - need to do 10 more mins tomorrow, which will be fine.
    2 new meals trialled - will attempt to do two tomorrow!!!! LOL!
    3 bootcamps - done! Yay!
    4 early nights (in bed by 10pm) - not managed that even once!

    Maybe in bed by 10pm was just too hard, so I'm going to keep that goal for next week, and make it in bed by 10.30pm 4 out of 7 nights. I'm also going to carry on doing my hour of skipping. I've quite enjoyed that one.

    What's our plan for next weeks challenge? I quite liked the sound of Jen's 10 of 10 challenge, which was to during the course of the week do ...
    10 push ups
    10 sit ups
    10 bicep dips
    10 jumping jacks
    10 mins of skipping
    10 lunges (on each leg)
    hold plank position for as long as you can 10 times
    10 scissor kicks ab exercise that I find very tough!
    10 squats
    10 bicep curls with weights

    What do we think?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm back and trying to catch up on what has been happening around Loserville. Lovely time in the city, walked and walked. Almost stayed in under my calories until today. Long stressful day at work and by 2pm we ordered the hot chips and ended the day at the chocolate cafe as planned and even though I planned to have just a cup of tea. I went for the hot milk chocolate and shared a waffle with my daughter. I love where I work, its mostly great and happy and positive everyone coming for dance classes, teachers and their egos are amusing. But as much as it can be easy and fun it can also be crazy and hard. Had to ask a lady (looney) to leave the premises has been stalking one of the teachers. I got the big cleaner to come and stand behind me as I asked her to leave. She left calmly, thank goodness but it didn't stop me from, buckling at the knees, shaking hands, red face, heart pounding. never know how they are going to react. Always drama at the studios. Have a weeks work coming up looking after the 8 - 10 yr olds. Its only under 16 during school holidays in workshops. Hope its uneventful. I went to ballet last night its been a while since I have been to class. Felt so good and I think I'm even improving.

    Hanna, so glad you are starting to feel better in spirit. You will be running like the wind again, real soon.
    Becci, what can I do? Your weight loss is great. Use it as inspiration.
    Tami, I know what you mean. I have a small car and I fit in it a lot more comfortably now. Such a good feeling.
    Claire, take that special pill. May it work quickly and give you the clearing you need. Relax on your holiday.
    Courtney, Enjoy your vacation.
    Rach, bootcamp queen, no sugar no bread, thats tough.
    Whizzy, what are you up too?

    Remember Orangejellybean, well she is moving into my area this weekend. She has been living about 5 hours away and her work has moved her to here now. We will finally get to meet. I am hoping to get her back in to Loserville. She has stayed with logging on MFP, but now its time to step it up.

    1. 100 sit ups 80 so far
    2. Zumba 1 and 2 DONE :smile:
    3. Walk Min 30 min walk – DONE :smile:
    4. Jillian Michaels 1 2 3 4 DONE:smile:

    Have 20 sit ups left to do. :tongue: Tomorrow, maybe some tonight. At the moment just want to sit. but not confident of any weight loss this week. Will try and make Sunday a good day, last chance before weigh in.

    Rach and I wrote at the same time. I'm happy to go with the 10 x 10. Will have to print it out and then cross off as I do things. Haven't skipped in years so this could be interesting
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Rach - We're off to Butlins Minehead... Have never been to Butlins before so really looking forward to it! Taking my parents too so hopefully me and Shaun can have some couple time while they babysit the kids...

    I'm up for the 10 x 10.... I think they're mostly things I can do while I'm away... Skipping may be an issue so might change that to swimming 10 laps of the pool? Will have to see what the pool is like first! Will let you know what I achieve when I'm back!

    Am going to try and get a couple of little kettlehell workouts in and maybe a couple of 30ds but I'm not going to worry about it too much - it's going to be exhausting enough keeping up with the kids and what they want to do!!!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Hey all

    Just thought I'd check in as haven't been about properly online for a couple of days. So far this week is going okay. I've managed to keep up with my goals so far, although I'm shattered today. Been having a huge clear out and general spring clean of my flat. I've been up and down ladders all day!

    Off for a bath now. Think I need one lol.

  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member

    Took my special pill last night - and STILL nothing! WTF!! Even had a hot curry for dinner last night! Grrrrr!

    Feel so bloated and uncomfortable...

    All I have to say is - Woo hoo!!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Me again! Our holiday starts today! Shaun's auntie and Uncle live on the way to Minehead so to break up the 4 hour journey in half we're off to stay with them tonight....

    They always have fabulous food and wine so will be having a good time tonight!!!

    Probably won't be able to get onto the community pages unless I find good wifi so will see you all soooooon!

    Did a weigh in after my unblocking and I'm on 261.8lbs so will take that as my WI for the week...

  • Hannastyrbjorn
    Dammit Claire I have to use urbandictionary.com to understand your posts lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So here I am again, after a weekend full of beers, rose wine and organic Gin and tonics. The organic gin is far better and tastier than others. I am up for the 10x10 challenge, but will not comment on how the 1234 went... Been a bad girl for a time now so I have to up my game...

    Take care everyone!
    Loads of Swedish summer love!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    1. 100 sit ups DONE:smile:
    2. Zumba 1 and 2 DONE:smile:
    3. Walk Min 30 min DONE:smile:
    4. Jillian Michaels 1 2 3 4 DONE:smile:

    After a really low day and another of bad eating, I may have accomplished the 1234 with only minutes to go before midnight. I leapt out of bed realising that I had to still do 20 situps. I know I will have a massive weight gain in the morning. It really does matter what we put in our mouth as well. After logging my diary tonight I remembered I also had a beer and a vodka. And now I have eaten a bowl of cereal. Piffle :grumble: But at least it was Low GI with lots of fibre. So guess there's a positive to it.

    I will not only do my 10 x 10 this week. I will add another 10 to it and that is to be in bed by 10pm and stay there till at least 6am. I think half my problem today was tiredness. I will also try my darnest to eat healthy. Oh except for Thursday night I don't finish work till 10pm.

    Thanks cyber daughters for your words of love today, it's just the medicine I needed.

    Claire, enjoy your holiday. I googled Butlins, sure sounds good.
    Hanna, rose wine and organic gin. I want to party with you. Sounds wonderful.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    mmmm ... organic gin, gin and tonic is definitely my summer tipple!

    Jenn - well done on the 1234, good on you for spotting the problems and trying to fix them. Isn't that what this is all about? I've noticed the tiredness thing too .. I have that on my 'to fix' list too.

    Claire - My husband's family originally comes from the MInehead area, lovely round there ... North Hill ... the country side behind the town ... there's a steam train ... worth a drive down the coast ... we went a couple of years ago, the kids LOVED it!

    Hanna - I want to see some more of those C25K updates!!

    Well, I'm a very happy bunny, all my 'too small' clothes can now be fastened, and most can now actually be worn! Wooohooo! Weighed in this morning and I have a 400g loss am now 75.7kg or 166.9lb. Which puts me under 12 stone. I'm very happy with that!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Weight Gain of 1.1kg. Now 96.6kg. Oh well. I feel like crap today, sore throat, headache etc. Will work on getting well.

    Well done Rach. You are a great leader to follow. You have shown us that it happens through being constant with your exercise and healthy eating.
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    I am ready to join you on the gain train Jenni! It is now Monday and I am just waiting for Tom to knock on the door at any minute now. My weight this lovely Monday makes me wanna push further. 94.8 is not OK... that's a gain of 1.2 kilo... Sucks, but I only have myself to blame. And Tom lol....

    Now I'm off to the hairdresser!

    Oh and Rach, I know I haven't been running as much as I'd like. Will change that starting tonight.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Morning all! I am hoping for a better week this week, need to be more motivated in terms of exercise!

    The 10x10 challenge looks like fun though!

    It is so hot here, I am sad to be inside in an office, but at least the AC is on full whack! I had a BBQ at my mum's yesterday so I could lay out in their garden, it was lovely, working on my tan before California, I go in just under three weeks!

    Happy Monday losers!
  • FizzingWhizbee
    FizzingWhizbee Posts: 192 Member
    Afternoon everyone

    Like the sound of 10x10 challenge. Haven't done any skipping in years though so it could be fun lol.

    I've done my Monday weigh in and I have to say I was dreading it. I really thought I'd put on this week, so was thrilled to see I'd lost 3lbs. :)

    Keep at it my loser friends.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Well done Whizzy on your weight loss.

    Becci, California so soon, woohoo.

    10 x 10 haven't started on it yet. Not real well, Ate raw garlic yesteray and went to zumba class, which I enjoyed but am not too good this morning. Was hoping to sweat the lurgie out of me. Oh well, maybe a day in bed today for me. Except for when I have to get my own cuppa etc, moan, how come when others are sick I run around after them but when I'm unwell have to take care of myself. Mind you the positive with no one home is, no noise and I can please myself what I do and have.

    Enjoy your day.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA My computer crashed. I am at daddy's house right now checking in real quick. I completed mt 1, 2, 3, 4, I am super proud. I have to go back and figure out what the 10X10 challenge entails. i will be on vacation all week but I'll try my best. I hope you are all doing well. i will check in again as soon as I can :)